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    Anàlisi del funcionament dels espais familiars

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    Sol·licitant de l'informe: Institut Municipal d'Educació (Barcelona

    Knowledge Sharing in Emerging Economies

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    One of the new factors in Eastern European countries (and there is an acknowledgement that this aspect is inherent in other countries too) is this concept of freely sharing information i.e. the concept of what is known in KM literature of “Knowledge Sharing”. Sharing only takes place where there is trust and where there is a shared feeling of ownership of goals. The reasons behind the tendency to share are based on the kind of interpersonal relations between co- workers inherent within the organization and the effects of social relationships within organizational teams. Strengthening the social relationships between individuals in the team is crucial in motivating team members to share knowledge. New research is currently investigating the concept of “sharing social relationships” and one of the aims of the project is to investigate the barriers to sharing information in a particular type of business - that of the small to medium sized enterprises (the SME) in order to form a comparative study. The results of the study will be used to from a model of “information sharing best practice” for SME who are setting up or using KM systems. The work will examine the barriers to sharing in two newly emerging economies (Poland and Hungary) and one relatively established economy (the UK). At the time of writing the work with Poland and Hungary has been completed and this paper gives the initial results from the Hungarian study

    Implementasi Knowledge Sharing Terhadap Kinerja Pustakawan Di Perpustakaan, Arsip Dan Dokumentasi Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Skripsi ini berjudul Implementasi Knowledge Sharing Terhadap Kinerja Pustakawan Di Kantor Perpustakaan, Arsip Dan Dokumentasi (KPAD) Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja pustakawan selama adanya penerapan Knowledge Sharing (KS) di KPAD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis Studi Kasus dengan menentukan informan penelitian yaitu 1 Kasi Perpustakaan, 6 Pustawakan dan 3 Pemustaka.. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Telah terjadi dan terlaksana kegiatan Knowledge Sharing di Kantor Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Kabupaten Sukoharjo sejak lama, dapat dikatakan semenjak perpustakaan ini beroperasi. 2) Kegiatan Knowledge Sharing telah memberikan banyak manfaat terhadap perpustakaan dan pegawai, dalam hal peningkatan kinerja para pustakawan dan tenaga teknis perpustakaan. Hal ini antara lain dapat dilihat dari jumlah pengunjung dan pengguna yang memanfaatkan perpustakaan. Para pustakawan lebih termotivasi dan bersemangat untuk selalu memberikan program dan layanan yang memuaska

    On-the job knowledge sharing: how to train employees to share job knowledge

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    One of the challenging issues many organizations are facing is to find the best ways to encourage employees share what they have learned on their jobs. Rewarding employees may be one of the techniques used to promote knowledge sharing but there are still psychological barriers preventing employees from sharing knowledge. In many cases, rewarding employees for sharing knowledge ends up in developing the behaviour of hoarding knowledge among employees. Based on a review of existing literature, this article explains how employers can make employees practice knowledge sharing in their daily work activities. The article introduces 12 approaches on how knowledge sharing can be cultivated in the job and train employees to accept that it is their job to share knowledge. Some of the methods discussed include; peer assist, training and mentoring, challenging projects, job description, job rotation, cross training, and sharing sessions. The article also discusses how on-the-job knowledge sharing can promote individual performance among employees. The intention of this article is to provide a framework that helps organizations to choose various methods of knowledge sharing that suit the organization’s needs in order to cultivate sharing of job knowledge and to save the knowledge as an asset

    Knowledge-centered culture and knowledge sharing: the moderator role of trust propensity

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    Purpose: This research aims to evaluate if knowledge-centered culture (KCC) fosters knowledge sharing equally across employees with different levels of trust propensity, an enduring individual characteristic. Design/methodology/approach: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted with 128 US-based employees. Findings: The authors found that KCC only promoted knowledge sharing in individuals with high levels of trust propensity. For individuals with low levels of trust propensity, KCC had no effect on knowledge sharing. Research limitations/implications: The authors focused exclusively on trust propensity as a moderator. Future research could analyze the role of other enduring individual differences in the relationship between KCC and knowledge sharing. Practical implications: A KCC may be inefficient in promoting knowledge sharing in employees with low propensity to trust. Recruitment and selection of individuals with a high propensity to trust is a possible solution to enhance the association between KCC and knowledge sharing in organizations. Originality/value: By identifying an enduring individual characteristic that shapes the relationship between KCC and knowledge sharing, the authors move toward the development of a contingent view of KCC and show that KCC fosters knowledge sharing differently across employees