6 research outputs found

    Parallel software tools at Langley Research Center

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    This document gives a brief overview of parallel software tools available on the Intel iPSC/860 parallel computer at Langley Research Center. It is intended to provide a source of information that is somewhat more concise than vendor-supplied material on the purpose and use of various tools. Each of the chapters on tools is organized in a similar manner covering an overview of the functionality, access information, how to effectively use the tool, observations about the tool and how it compares to similar software, known problems or shortfalls with the software, and reference documentation. It is primarily intended for users of the iPSC/860 at Langley Research Center and is appropriate for both the experienced and novice user

    Checkpointing of parallel applications in a Grid environment

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    The Grid environment is generic, heterogeneous, and dynamic with lots of unreliable resources making it very exposed to failures. The environment is unreliable because it is geographically dispersed involving multiple autonomous administrative domains and it is composed of a large number of components. Examples of failures in the Grid environment can be: application crash, Grid node crash, network failures, and Grid system component failures. These types of failures can affect the execution of parallel/distributed application in the Grid environment and so, protections against these faults are crucial. Therefore, it is essential to develop efficient fault tolerant mechanisms to allow users to successfully execute Grid applications. One of the research challenges in Grid computing is to be able to develop a fault tolerant solution that will ensure Grid applications are executed reliably with minimum overhead incurred. While checkpointing is the most common method to achieve fault tolerance, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the efficiency of the mechanism. This thesis provides an in-depth description of a novel solution for checkpointing parallel applications executed on a Grid. The checkpointing mechanism implemented allows to checkpoint an application at regions where there is no interprocess communication involved and therefore reducing the checkpointing overhead and checkpoint size

    A Preemption-Based Meta-Scheduling System for Distributed Computing

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    This research aims at designing and building a scheduling framework for distributed computing systems with the primary objectives of providing fast response times to the users, delivering high system throughput and accommodating maximum number of applications into the systems. The author claims that the above mentioned objectives are the most important objectives for scheduling in recent distributed computing systems, especially Grid computing environments. In order to achieve the objectives of the scheduling framework, the scheduler employs arbitration of application-level schedules and preemption of executing jobs under certain conditions. In application-level scheduling, the user develops a schedule for his application using an execution model that simulates the execution behavior of the application. Since application-level scheduling can seriously impede the performance of the system, the scheduling framework developed in this research arbitrates between different application-level schedules corresponding to different applications to provide fair system usage for all applications and balance the interests of different applications. In this sense, the scheduling framework is not a classical scheduling system, but a meta-scheduling system that interacts with the application-level schedulers. Due to the large system dynamics involved in Grid computing systems, the ability to preempt executing jobs becomes a necessity. The meta-scheduler described in this dissertation employs well defined scheduling policies to preempt and migrate executing applications. In order to provide the users with the capability to make their applications preemptible, a user-level check-pointing library called SRS (Stop-Restart Software) was also developed by this research. The SRS library is different from many user-level check-pointing libraries since it allows reconfiguration of applications between migrations. This reconfiguration can be achieved by changing the processor configuration and/or data distribution. The experimental results provided in this dissertation demonstrates the utility of the metascheduling framework for distributed computing systems. And lastly, the metascheduling framework was put to practical use by building a Grid computing system called GradSolve. GradSolve is a flexible system and it allows the application library writers to upload applications with different capabilities into the system. GradSolve is also unique with respect to maintaining traces of the execution of the applications and using the traces for subsequent executions of the application

    The Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, part 1

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    The Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was held on 4-9 Apr. 1993, at Copper Mountain, CO. This book is a collection of many of the papers presented at the conference and as such represents the conference proceedings. NASA LaRC graciously provided printing of this document so that all of the papers could be presented in a single forum. Each paper was reviewed by a member of the conference organizing committee under the coordination of the editors. The multigrid discipline continues to expand and mature, as is evident from these proceedings. The vibrancy in this field is amply expressed in these important papers, and the collection clearly shows its rapid trend to further diversity and depth

    Research and technology highlights, 1993

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    This report contains highlights of the major accomplishments and applications that have been made by Langley researchers and by our university and industry colleagues during the past year. The highlights illustrate both the broad range of the research and technology activities supported by NASA Langley Research Center and the contributions of this work toward maintaining United States leadership in aeronautics and space research. This report also describes some of the Center's most important research and testing facilities