100 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of customer motives in the shareconomy: A cross-sectoral comparison

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    We present the results of an empirical study on German customers\u27 motives to participate in the shareconomy. We focus on four different industries with two companies each: accommodation renting (Airbnb vs. Couchsurfing), car sharing (DriveNow vs. tamyca), commodities (Leihdirwas vs. WHY own it) and clothing (PrĂȘt-Ă -Louer vs. Kleiderkreisel). We can conclude that the lower prices compared to classical consumption offers provide the main motive for customers using sharing offers. Across industries, we find tremendous differences as regards the importance of further motives like environmental awareness or availability of offers. Based on the results of the study, we elaborate recommendations for the different sectors

    Case: Goods or Services? Consumers that Prefer Access Over Ownership

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    Waste prevention and education in five european countries

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    Artigo desenvolvido no ùmbito de uma Unidade Curricular que funcionou em rede entre vårias Universidades Europeias. Este artigo foi desenvolvido num trabalho em rede desenvolvido entre estudantes de diversas universidade e que avaliaram a implementação da diretiva quadro de resíduos em diversos países da União Europeia e apresentarem um conjunto de recomendaçÔes para se uniformizar e melhorar a gestão de resíduos na Europa com a aplicação da hierarquia dos resíduos.This research assessed the different goals of the EU Waste Framework Directive (2008) concerning waste prevention in five countries of the EU. The countries under research are the home countries of the EVS group members: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Portugal. The research about the status quo of waste prevention revealed that waste preven-tion has not reached yet. All the countries have high recycling rates and low dumping rate, ex-cept Portugal. Although decoupling trends start to appear and the countries are climbing up the waste hierarchy, waste prevention is still a mountain too far. The EVS group also checked if education was included in the waste prevention programmes and education plays a very im-portant role. The group looked for good examples of waste prevention and analyzed them with SWOT. The examples are a success in the home countries and can be implemented in other EU or even worldwide countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distributed Manufacturing: A High-Level Node-Based Concept for Open Source Hardware Production

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    Distributed manufacturing is presented as a means to enable sustainable production and collaboration. Rather than rely on centralised production, distributed manufacturing promises to improve the flexibility and resilience to meet urgent production demands. New frameworks of production, based on manufacturing models with distributed networks, may provide functional examples to industrial practice. This paper discusses efforts in distributed production in the context of Free/Open source hardware and devises a conceptual framework for future pilots at which open source machines, such as a desktop 3D printer, may be manufactured in a network of open/fab lab nodes

    Mehrfach:Nutzen - Mehrfachnutzung und Space Sharing als Strategie zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung

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    Mehrfachnutzung bzw. Space Sharing bezeichnet die Inanspruchnahme eines Raumes durch verschiedene Nutzungen oder verschiedene Nutzer; eine besondere Rolle spielen dabei zeitliche Muster. In der modernen europÀischen Stadt hat sich unter dem Einfluss von gestiegener MobilitÀt, Wohlstand und dem langlebigen Leitbild der Funktionstrennung eine stark exklusiv und monofunktional genutzte Raumstruktur entwickelt. Neben unbestreitbaren Vorteilen wie der Konfliktminderung werden aber unter den Aspekten der Ressourcenschonung, der Teilhabe oder eben der Zeitgerechtigkeit auch ihre Nachteile immer deutlicher erkennbar. Der Beitrag beleuchtet etablierte und neue Beispiele von Mehrfachnutzungen, schlÀgt eine Systematisierung vor und lotet ihre Potenziale, Hemmnisse, Chancen und Risiken aus. Ihre weitere Anwendung kann BeitrÀge zu einer nachhaltigen und zeitgerechten Stadtentwicklung liefern.Influenced by increases in mobility, wealth and the long-lived guiding principle of functional segregation, developments in the modern European city have led to the strongly exclusive and mono-functional utilisation of spatial structures. Despite undisputed advantages, like the minimising of conflict, the disadvantages of this are becoming increasingly obvious, for instance regarding to resource conservation, participation and, indeed, time justice. Against the background of current social, economic and technical change, there is at the same time a clear trend towards a quantitative and qualitative expansion of multiple use. Multiple use or space sharing refers here to the employment of a space by different uses or users. The systemisation of the concept, which has been subject to little research to date, demonstrates different patterns of multiple use; temporal patterns play a particular role here. Urban development policy and spatial sciences should engage more strongly with the phenomenon because, on the one hand, multiple use can potentially support sustainable urban development and, on the other hand, closer examination reveals dangers and risks. It is presumed that positive effects are found especially in the social sphere, while economic effects seem ambivalent, and hopes associated with the ecological sphere may not all be fulfilled due to rebound effects. Important in this context are the concrete conditions of multiple use and the negotiation mechanisms, which could be further investigated from an institutional-economic perspective. The public management of multiple use through supply, regulation or institutional support seems reasonable. This may regard very different spaces and functions but should consider and evaluate all effects. The article sheds light on established and new examples of multiple use, proposes a systemisation, and explores the associated potentials, obstacles, opportunities and risks. As a spatial-temporal strategy, the considered promotion of multiple use can contribute towards sustainability and temporal justice in the city

    The responsible, sharing consumer: a closer look at the motivation of potential private durable goods’ suppliers in the sharing economy

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    In the twenty-first century, consumers have various options in terms of acting more responsibly towards their environment. One of these options is a more conscious utilisation of private durables by renting them to other consumers at times when they are not being utilised. This kind of sharing has always taken place within living memory between friends and family. However, with the emergence of the Internet, consumers can now also initiate such exchanges with likeminded strangers from far away. They can meet virtually at C2C 1 online renting platforms, which allow them to exchange the rarely utilised durables with minimum transaction costs

    How mobile technologies support business models: Case study-based empirical analysis

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    [Otros] Les technologies mobiles ont poussĂ© la connectivitĂ© des systĂšmes informatiques Ă  la limite, permettant aux personnes et aux objets de se connecter les uns aux autres Ă  tout moment. La quantitĂ© d'informations dont disposent les entreprises a augmentĂ© de façon exponentielle, en grande partie grĂące Ă  la gĂ©olocalisation et Ă  la vaste gamme de capteurs intĂ©grĂ©s dans les appareils mobiles. Ces informations peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer les activitĂ©s et les processus mĂ©tier, mais Ă©galement pour crĂ©er de nouveaux modĂšles d'affaires. En nous concentrant sur les modĂšles d'affaires, nous analysons les technologies mobiles comme catalyseurs des changements d'activitĂ©. Nous examinons les caractĂ©ristiques distinctives des technologies mobiles et examinons comment cellesÂżci peuvent supporter diffĂ©rentes fonctions de l'entreprise. Une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur une analyse qualitative comparĂ©e d'ensemble floue (fsQCA) de 30 cas, de diffĂ©rents secteurs, a permis d'identifier les facteurs de succĂšs de la technologie mobile pour diffĂ©rentes activitĂ©s du cƓur de mĂ©tier des firmes. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que plusieurs combinaisons de technologie mobile procurent un avantage concurrentiel lorsqu'elles correspondent au modĂšle d'affaire.[EN] Mobile technologies have pushed the connectivity of IT systems to the limit, enabling people and things to connect to one another at all times. The amount of information companies have at their disposal has increased exponentially, thanks largely to geolocation and to the vast array of sensors that have been integrated into mobile devices. This information can be used to enhance business activities and processes, but it can also be used to create new business models. Focusing on business models, we analyze mobile technologies as enablers of activity changes. We consider the differentiating characteristics of mobile technologies and examine how these can support different business functions. A study based on fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of 30 cases across different industries allows us to identify mobile technology success factors for different core activities. The results show that several combinations of mobile technology initiatives provide a competitive advantage when these initiatives match the business model.Peris-Ortiz, M.; Devece Carañana, CA.; Hikkerova, L. (2020). How mobile technologies support business models: Case study-based empirical analysis. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Administration. 37(1):95-105. https://doi.org/10.1002/cjas.1550S95105371Al-Debei, M. M., & Avison, D. (2010). Developing a unified framework of the business model concept. European Journal of Information Systems, 19(3), 359-376. doi:10.1057/ejis.2010.21Arlotto, J., Sahut, J.-M., & Teulon, F. (2011). Le concept de Business Model au travers de la littĂ©rature. Gestion 2000, 28(4), 33. doi:10.3917/g2000.284.0033Clemons, E. K. (2009). Business Models for Monetizing Internet Applications and Web Sites: Experience, Theory, and Predictions. Journal of Management Information Systems, 26(2), 15-41. doi:10.2753/mis0742-1222260202Comberg, C., & Velamuri, V. K. (2017). The introduction of a competing business model: the case of eBay. International Journal of Technology Management, 73(1/2/3), 39. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2017.082356Coursaris C. Hassanein H. &Head M. (2006).Mobile technologies and the value chain: Participants activities and value creation(p. 8) sInternational Conference on Mobile Business Copenhagen Denmark.Ehrenhard, M., Wijnhoven, F., van den Broek, T., & Zinck Stagno, M. (2017). Unlocking how start-ups create business value with mobile applications: Development of an App-enabled Business Innovation Cycle. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 115, 26-36. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.09.011European Parliament(2015).The Internet of things: Opportunities and challenges. Retrieved fromwww.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2015/557012/EPRS_BRI(2015)557012_EN.pdfGurrin, C., Smeaton, A. F., & Doherty, A. R. (2014). LifeLogging: Personal Big Data. Foundations and TrendsÂź in Information Retrieval, 8(1), 1-125. doi:10.1561/1500000033HĂŒbner, A. H., Kuhn, H., & Wollenburg, J. (2016). Last mile fulfilment and distribution in omni-channel grocery retailing: a strategic planning framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44(3). doi:10.1108/ijrdm-11-2014-0154Kauffman, R. J., & Wang, B. (2008). Tuning into the digital channel: evaluating business model characteristics for Internet firm survival. Information Technology and Management, 9(3), 215-232. doi:10.1007/s10799-008-0040-3Liang, T., Huang, C., Yeh, Y., & Lin, B. (2007). Adoption of mobile technology in business: a fit‐viability model. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(8), 1154-1169. doi:10.1108/02635570710822796Martinez-Simarro, D., Devece, C., & Llopis-Albert, C. (2015). How information systems strategy moderates the relationship between business strategy and performance. Journal of Business Research, 68(7), 1592-1594. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.01.057Mello P.A.(2012).A critical review of applications in QCA and fuzzy‐set analysis and a ‘toolbox' of proven solutions to frequently encountered problems APSA Annual Meeting Paper. Retrieved fromhttps://ssrn.com/abstract=2105539Melville, Kraemer, & Gurbaxani. (2004). Review: Information Technology and Organizational Performance: An Integrative Model of IT Business Value. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 283. doi:10.2307/25148636Ngai, E. W. T., & Gunasekaran, A. (2007). Mobile commerce: Strategies, technologies, and applications. Decision Support Systems, 43(1), 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2005.05.002Palattella, M. R., Dohler, M., Grieco, A., Rizzo, G., Torsner, J., Engel, T., & Ladid, L. (2016). Internet of Things in the 5G Era: Enablers, Architecture, and Business Models. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(3), 510-527. doi:10.1109/jsac.2016.2525418Pateli, A. G., & Giaglis, G. M. (2005). Technology innovation‐induced business model change: a contingency approach. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18(2), 167-183. doi:10.1108/09534810510589589Piccoli, & Ives. (2005). Review: IT-Dependent Strategic Initiatives and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature. MIS Quarterly, 29(4), 747. doi:10.2307/25148708Porter M. E.(2001).Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review March 63–78.Ragin C. C.(2008).User's Guide to Fuzzy‐Set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Working Paper University of Arizona Arizona.Ray, G., Barney, J. B., & Muhanna, W. A. (2003). Capabilities, business processes, and competitive advantage: choosing the dependent variable in empirical tests of the resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 25(1), 23-37. doi:10.1002/smj.366Richter, C., Kraus, S., & SyrjĂ€, P. (2015). The shareconomy as a precursor for digital entrepreneurship business models. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25(1), 18. doi:10.1504/ijesb.2015.068773Schneider, M. R., Schulze-Bentrop, C., & Paunescu, M. (2009). Mapping the institutional capital of high-tech firms: A fuzzy-set analysis of capitalist variety and export performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(2), 246-266. doi:10.1057/jibs.2009.36Sheng, H., Nah, F. F.-H., & Siau, K. (2005). Strategic implications of mobile technology: A case study using Value-Focused Thinking. 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    Knowledge- and innovation-based business models for future growth : digitalized business models and portfolio considerations.

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    Today’s key challenge for firm growth relies in the integration of digital technologies and their use in new business models. Thus, firms increasingly engage in a digital transformation and in digitalizing their business model. Firms can apply digital technologies for improved or novel internal and external processes and integrate them in new business models. The digital transformation itself demands diverse knowledge from diverse origins in the firm. We examine the key concepts related to business model digitalization. We develop a conceptual matrix for portfolio considerations of firm business model digitalization. We introduce the seven contributions in this special issue on knowledge and innovation related to business and offer some recommendations for future research on the new working conditions and digital identities of firms
