824,892 research outputs found

    Sexuality-Spinal Cord Injury Manual

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    Introduction In this section, you will learn how spinal cord impairments can affect the way that you feel about yourself as a man or woman as well as how spinal cord impairments can affect the way that you function sexually. Information on sexuality, sexual functioning, birth control, erectile dysfunction and having a baby may be important to you today, or these issues may be something that you choose to put away and think about at another time. In either case, this information is just a starting point. Feel free to ask questions and share your concerns and thoughts with the staff. If the staff doesn’t know the answers to your questions, they will find someone who does. Sexuality When you hear the word sexuality what do you think of? For some people, it means “having sex.” For others, it includes thoughts and feelings about body image, self-esteem, appearance, communication skills, beliefs and values, relationships, and sexual function. The definitions of sexuality are different from person to person, and there is no right or wrong one. Webster’s dictionary defines sexuality as “the quality of being sexual.” But what does that mean? Whatever makes you feel like a sexual person is a part of that word’s definition. Let’s take a look at what some of these other concepts mean. (47 pages, 1.95Mb

    Minerva Painting

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    Before there was the reservoir there was just the snake river and there were homesteads and farms. [Me: And, where are we?] We are in Aberdeen, Idaho. And so, um Liberty Independence and Sarah Janette Weaver [my ancestors] had the farm land that was right nest to the Teichert’s. [pause] And you know, they were neighbors for I don’t know how many years, and then Minerva was you know doing, she would do her paintings for payment, you know to pay for a dentist or to pay a medical bill or whatever, she would barter with her paintings [Me: Did she have notoriety at that point?]. Um, everyone knew that she had studied in France, so she was you know, she was known as a painter, but she wasn’t, her reputation was just local, and there were no local art critics, so everyone just trusted her is the way I take it. But anyway, when the civil conservation core, no it was probably before then, when they came in and built the dam to make the American Falls reservoir, um there farmland was flooded so the Teichert’s had to you know, they were compensated for their land, Liberty Independence moved further down the river to Lake Channel, and Minerva Teichert went to Cokeville, or Coalville, Coalville I guess [actually Cokeville] um up in Wyoming um but so when they were making their preparation to move and you know they had to settle all their stuff and they were sitting around, let’s see, Liberty was sitting at the dining table of the Teichert family and they were talking and he said something like, “well you know, everyone thinks you’re such a hot artist but you have never drawn me” and she says, “well I’ll solve that” and so she cleared away the plated and got out her paints or whatever she was using and just did the self portrait right there [Me: On the tablecloth.] On the tablecloth and said, “Here, take this” because it was just a cotton tablecloth. Then of course they framed it and whatever. Well it hung for, it was given then to my grandma, which is Connie, she got it and it hung in her house for a long time, like all the time I was growing up and then when they um when grandma died you know all of the artwork, all of grandpa’s carvings, all of that stuff was sorted out or whatever and the painting went missing [pause] and it showed up in, one of the other cousins came and absconded with it so that would have been one of the nieces and um then it just disappeared, but then it showed up on family search, a picture of it, so it is still around but nobody knows exactly where it was. [pause] It wasn’t a big deal, but in the time that- in the 30 years, the 40 years that grandma has, since her death, Minerva Teichert has become so famous I mean the portrait is worth quite a bit now. Everyone wants a share in it now that it’s famous

    Social Data Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

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    Social data analysis enables you, as a researcher, to organize the facts you collect during your research. Your data may have come from a questionnaire survey, a set of interviews, or observations. They may be data that have been made available to you from some organization, national or international agency or other researchers. Whatever their source, social data can be daunting to put together in a way that makes sense to you and others. This book is meant to help you in your initial attempts to analyze data. In doing so it will introduce you to ways that others have found useful in their attempts to organize data. You might think of it as like a recipe book, a resource that you can refer to as you prepare data for your own consumption and that of others. And, like a recipe book that teaches you to prepare simple dishes, you may find this one pretty exciting. Analyzing data in a revealing way is at least as rewarding, we’ve found, as it is to cook up a yummy cashew carrot pate or a steaming corn chowder. We’d like to share our pleasure with you

    Facts, Values, Justification, Democracy

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    Equality, you might think, is the more or less universally shared value of the modern world, or the West, or anyway these United States. “We strive to ensure that the values upon which our country was built, including our belief that all people are created equal, are reflected in everything our nation does.” That’s from the 2016 Democratic Party platform. And look! “We continue to encourage equality for all citizens and access to the American Dream.” That’s from the 2016 GOP Platform. Of course, the parties disagree deeply on the demands of equality. If they share an abstract concept, as Ronald Dworkin might put it, they have sharply divergent conceptions. Or, as someone more skeptical might put it, “equality” is just the name of an empty vessel into which partisans pour whatever contents they like. Or, more skeptically yet, maybe one of the parties is lying

    an App with AI Sorting Technology Designed for Lego Players to Improve Their Playing Experience of MOC

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    As time goes, some Lego players are no longer satisfied with playing the Lego official set. I saw a comment on the internet about why Lego is so popular all over the world, it said, “I personally think that Lego, building in accordance with the instructions in the first basic gameplay, and ultimately it is necessary to reconstruct and design your own model with these basic parts. This is the ultimate charm of Lego toys.” If you played Lego long enough, you would want to jump out the instruction and challenge something different than you built before. Most Lego players have this feeling, so, they prefer to use Lego to create whatever they want. These shapes may be some objects in reality, or they may look like fantasy. I have to admit that the MOC (My Own Creation) play gives many people the opportunity to realize their dreams, and also, it attracts others to build them. There are lots of Lego players who love to play MOC, but they all have a common problem which is the preparatory work before build a MOC is important and time-consuming work. Few players know how to speed up this process. In this paper, a supportive app is designed for Lego players to improve their playing experience of MOC. The app could help players to reduce the time spent on preparatory work by using AI sorting technology, so they can quickly get into the building process which they enjoy the most. And the app is a platform to share and discover ideas about how objects in reality, or in fantasy can be built in Lego

    The New Audience Theory

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    According to The New Audience Theory, audience members take information from the media and use their own identity and experiences to make sense of that information. Interpretations will always be slightly different from person to person; everyone has different experiences and cannot think in the same way as another. I know that truly understanding another person by seeing the world as they do is completely impossible. But, I want to try. I have spoken to Annie for hours. The words you hear in this installation are such a small percentage of the conversations that I have had with her over the past year, but I hope they can in some way represent her internal voice. You are invited to interact (or not) with this piece however you wish. You are invited to interact with this performance by changing your demeanor (or not) when you catch Annie watching and writing about you. You are invited to explore, discover, and observe (or not), in whatever manner you would like to portray yourself. I want my audience to listen to Annie\u27s story, to think of her as a person whose life has value and perhaps connection to theirs. I want them to read Annie\u27s observations of the world around her and think about how they form opinions about others. I want them to share a part of themselves with the work, with Annie, with me, and come to peace with that act of sharing. I want them to become aware of their actions and bodies, aware that every move they make is a performance for the outside world, a presentation that shows those around them who they are and what they value. I want them to embrace and celebrate that performance, and even surprise me in their contribution to this work. I want them to understand that every person they come into contact with interprets those contributions differently. And I want them to read Annie\u27s descriptions, laugh, and move on, recognizing that while we all have value and we are all connected to one another, we shouldn\u27t necessarily take our performances too seriously. We are all watching one another, and at the same time watching no one but ourselves

    Whatever! You Think I Care?

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    I was thinking this afternoon of the misunderstood language from developing children and adolescents that we often receive as educators. This is the type of language that catches us off guard as we posture for the perfect discipline-minded one-up response. Sometimes it feels frustrating -- and actually downright awful -- when we hear our reactions unintentionally mirroring those anxious or angry emotions, personalizing these conversations when, in actuality, it has nothing to do with us

    Relations as Plural-Predications in Plato

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    <p>Plato was the first philosopher to discover the metaphysical phenomenon of plural-subjects and plural-predication; e.g. you and I are two, but neither you, nor I are two. I argue that Plato devised an ontology for plural-predication through his Theory of Forms, namely, plural-partaking in a Form. Furthermore, I argue that Plato used plural-partaking to offer an ontology of related individuals without reifying relations. My contention is that Plato’s theory of plural-relatives has evaded detection in the exegetical literature because his account of plural-subjects through the Theory of Forms had not been recognised for what it is. I further submit that Plato’s handling of related individuals through plural-predication is not only a ‘first’ in philosophy, but also an ‘only’, having remained a unique account in the metaphysics of relations. I hope that Plato’s account will introduce a fresh approach to contemporary debates on</p> <p>the subject.</p

    From Font to Meal to Service and Unity

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    Is Eucharistic sharing, then, properly seen as the culmination or the inception of Christian initiation? This is a big question getting right to the heart of “how Baptism forms us.” I want to get at this in two distinct but related ways; (1) the rank and dignity of baptism in Lutheran Liturgy; and (2) the relationship of Eucharist to Church
