127 research outputs found

    Unfolding the hippocampus: An intrinsic coordinate system for subfield segmentations and quantitative mapping

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    The hippocampus, like the neocortex, has a morphological structure that is complex and variable in its folding pattern, especially in the hippocampal head. The current study presents a computational method to unfold hippocampal grey matter, with a particular focus on the hippocampal head where complexity is highest due to medial curving of the structure and the variable presence of digitations. This unfolding was performed on segmentations from high-resolution, T2-weighted 7T MRI data from 12 healthy participants and one surgical patient with epilepsy whose resected hippocampal tissue was used for histological validation. We traced a critical image feature composed of the hippocampal sulcus and stratum radiatum lacunosum-moleculare, (SRLM) in these images, then employed user-guided semi-automated techniques to detect and subsequently unfold the surrounding hippocampal grey matter. This unfolding was performed by solving Laplace\u27s equation in three dimensions of interest (long-axis, proximal-distal, and laminar). The resulting ‘unfolded coordinate space’ provides an intuitive way of mapping the hippocampal subfields in 2D space (long-axis and proximal-distal), such that similar borders can be applied in the head, body, and tail of the hippocampus independently of variability in folding. This unfolded coordinate space was employed to map intracortical myelin and thickness in relation to subfield borders, which revealed intracortical myelin differences that closely follow the subfield borders used here. Examination of a histological resected tissue sample from a patient with epilepsy reveals that our unfolded coordinate system has biological validity, and that subfield segmentations applied in this space are able to capture features not seen in manual tracing protocols

    The investigation of hippocampal and hippocampal subfield volumetry, morphology and metabolites using 3T MRI

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    A detailed account of the hippocampal anatomy has been provided. This thesis will explore and exploit the use of 3T MRI and the latest developments in image processing techniques to measure hippocampal and hippocampal subfield volumes, hippocampal metabolites and morphology. In chapter two a protocol for segmenting the hippocampus was created. The protocol was assessed in two groups of subjects with differing socioeconomic status (SES). This was a novel, community based sample in which hippocampal volumes have yet to be assessed in the literature. Manual and automated hippocampal segmentation measurements were compared on the two distinct SES groups. The mean volumes and also the variance in these measurements were comparable between two methods. The Dice overlapping metric comparing the two methods was 0.81. In chapter three voxel based morphometry (VBM) was used to compare local volume differences in grey matter volume between the two SES groups. Two approaches to VBM were compared. DARTEL-VBM results were found to be superior to the earlier ’optimised’ VBM method. Following a small volume correction, DARTEL-VBM results were suggesitive of focal GM volumes reductions in both the right and left hippocampi of the lower SES group. In chapter four an MR spectroscopy protocol was implemented to assess hippocampal metabolites in the two differing SES groups. Interpretable spectra were obtained in 73% of the 42 subjects. The poorer socioeconomic group were considered to have been exposed to chronic stress and therefore via inflammatory processes it was anticipated that the NAA/Cr metabolite ratio would be reduced in this group when compared to the more affluent group. Both NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr hippocampal metabolite ratios were not significantly different between the two groups. The aim of chapter 5 was to implement the protocol and methodology developed in chapter 2 to determine a normal range for hippocampal volumes at 3T MRI. 3D T1-weighted IR-FSPGR images were acquired in 39 healthy, normal volunteers in the age range from 19 to 64. Following the automated procedure hippocampal volumes were manually inspected and edited. The mean and standard deviation of the left and right hippocampal volumes were determined to be: 3421mm3 ± 399mm3 and 3487mm3 ± 431mm3 respectively. After correcting for total ICV the volumes were: 0.22% ± 0.03% and 0.23% ± 0.03% for the left and right hippocampi respectively. Thus, a normative database of hippocampal volumes was established. The normative data here will in future act as a baseline on which other methods of determining hippocampal volumes may be compared. The utility of using the normative dataset to compare other groups of subjects will be limited as a result of the lack of a comprehensive assessment of IQ or education level of the normal volunteers which may affect the volume of the hippocampus. In chapter six Incomplete hippocampal inversion (IHI) was assessed. Few studies have assessed the normal incidence of IHI and of those studies the analysis of IHI extended only to a radiological assessment. Here we present a comprehensive and quantitative assessment of IHI. IHI was found on 31 of the 84 normal subjects assessed (37%). ICV corrected IHI left-sided hippocampal volumes were compared against ICV corrected normal left-sided hippocampal volumes (25 vs. 52 hippocampi). The IHI hippocampal volumes were determined to be smaller than the normal hippocampal volumes (p<< 0.05). However, on further inspection it was observed that the ICV of the IHI was significantly smaller than the ICV of the normal group, confounding the previous result. In chapter seven a pilot study was performed on patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The aim was to exploit the improved image quality offered by the 3T MRI to create a protocol for assessing the CA4/ dentate volume and to compare the volume of this subfield of the hippocampus before and after treatment. Two methodologies were implemented. In the first method a protocol was produced to manually segment the CA4/dentate region of the hippocampus from coronal T2-weighted FSE images. Given that few studies have assessed hippocampal subfields, an assessment of study power and sample size was conducted to inform future work. In the second method, the data the DARTEL-VBM image processing pipeline was applied. Statistical nonparametric mapping was applied in the final statistical interpretation of the VBM data. Following an FDR correction, a single GM voxel in the hippocampus was deemed to be statistically significant, this was suggestive of small GM volume increase following antiinflammatory treatment. Finally, in chapter eight, the manual segmentation protocol for the CA4/dentate hippocampal subfield developed in chapter seven was extended to include a complete set of hippocampal subfields. This is one of the first attempts to segment the entire hippocampus into its subfields using 3T MRI and as such, it was important to assess the quality of the measurement procedure. Furthermore, given the subfield volumes and the variability in these measurements, power and sample size calculations were also estimated to inform further work. Seventeen healthy volunteers were scanned using 3T MRI. A detailed manual segmentation protocol was created to guide two independent operators to measure the hippocampal subfield volumes. Repeat measures were made by a single operator for intra-operator variability and inter-operator variability was also assessed. The results of the intra-operator comparison proved reasonably successful where values compared well but were typically slightly poorer than similar attempts in the literature. This was likely to be the result of the additional complication of trying to segment subfields in the head and tail of the hippocampus where previous studies have focused only on the body of the hippocampus. Inter-rater agreement measures for subfield volumes were generally poorer than would be acceptable if full exchangeability of the data between the raters was necessary. This would indicate that further refinements to the manual segmentation protocol are necessary. Future work should seek to improve the methodology to reduce the variability and improve the reproducibility in these measures

    Computational Unfolding of the Human Hippocampus

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    The hippocampal subfields are defined by their unique cytoarchitectures, which many recent studies have tried to map to human in-vivo MRI because of their promise to further our understanding of hippocampal function, or its dysfunction in disease. However, recent anatomical literature has highlighted broad inter-individual variability in hippocampal morphology and subfield locations, much of which can be attributed to different folding configurations within hippocampal (or archicortical) tissue. Inspired in part by analogous surface-based neocortical analysis methods, the current thesis aimed to develop a standardized coordinate framework, or surface-based method, that respects the topology of all hippocampal folding configurations. I developed such a coordinate framework in Chapter 2, which was initialized by detailed manual segmentations of hippocampal grey matter and high myelin laminae which are visible in 7-Tesla MRI and which separate different hippocampal folds. This framework was leveraged to i) computationally unfold the hippocampus which provided implicit topological inter-individual alignment, ii) delineate subfields with high reliability and validity, and iii) extract novel structural features of hippocampal grey matter. In Chapter 3, I applied this coordinate framework to the open source BigBrain 3D histology dataset. With this framework, I computationally extracted morphological and laminar features and showed that they are sufficient to derive hippocampal subfields in a data-driven manner. This underscores the sensitivity of these computational measures and the validity of the applied subfield definitions. Finally, the unfolding coordinate framework developed in Chapter 2 and extended in Chapter 3 requires manual detection of different tissue classes that separate folds in hippocampal grey matter. This is costly in the time and the expertise required. Thus, in Chapter 4, I applied state-of-the-art deep learning methods in the open source Human Connectome Project MRI dataset to automate this process. This allowed for scalable application of the methods described in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 to similar new datasets, with support for extensions to suit data of different modalities or resolutions. Overall, the projects presented here provide multifaceted evidence for the strengths of a surface-based approach to hippocampal analysis as developed in this thesis, and these methods are readily deployable in new neuroimaging work

    Systematic comparison of different techniques to measure hippocampal subfield volumes in ADNI2

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    OBJECTIVE: Subfield-specific measurements provide superior information in the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases compared to global hippocampal measurements. The overall goal was to systematically compare the performance of five representative manual and automated T1 and T2 based subfield labeling techniques in a sub-set of the ADNI2 population. METHODS: The high resolution T2 weighted hippocampal images (T2-HighRes) and the corresponding T1 images from 106 ADNI2 subjects (41 controls, 57 MCI, 8 AD) were processed as follows. A. T1-based: 1. Freesurfer + Large-Diffeomorphic-Metric-Mapping in combination with shape analysis. 2. FreeSurfer 5.1 subfields using in-vivo atlas. B. T2-HighRes: 1. Model-based subfield segmentation using ex-vivo atlas (FreeSurfer 6.0). 2. T2-based automated multi-atlas segmentation combined with similarity-weighted voting (ASHS). 3. Manual subfield parcellation. Multiple regression analyses were used to calculate effect sizes (ES) for group, amyloid positivity in controls, and associations with cognitive/memory performance for each approach. RESULTS: Subfield volumetry was better than whole hippocampal volumetry for the detection of the mild atrophy differences between controls and MCI (ES: 0.27 vs 0.11). T2-HighRes approaches outperformed T1 approaches for the detection of early stage atrophy (ES: 0.27 vs.0.10), amyloid positivity (ES: 0.11 vs 0.04), and cognitive associations (ES: 0.22 vs 0.19). CONCLUSIONS: T2-HighRes subfield approaches outperformed whole hippocampus and T1 subfield approaches. None of the different T2-HghRes methods tested had a clear advantage over the other methods. Each has strengths and weaknesses that need to be taken into account when deciding which one to use to get the best results from subfield volumetry

    Quantitative MRI correlates of hippocampal and neocortical pathology in intractable temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Intractable or drug-resistant epilepsy occurs in over 30% of epilepsy patients, with many of these patients undergoing surgical excision of the affected brain region to achieve seizure control. Advances in MRI have the potential to improve surgical treatment of epilepsy through improved identification and delineation of lesions. However, validation is currently needed to investigate histopathological correlates of these new imaging techniques. The purpose of this work is to investigate histopathological correlates of quantitative relaxometry and DTI from hippocampal and neocortical specimens of intractable TLE patients. To achieve this goal I developed and evaluated a pipeline for histology to in-vivo MRI image registration, which finds dense spatial correspondence between both modalities. This protocol was divided in two steps whereby sparsely sectioned histology from temporal lobe specimens was first registered to the intermediate ex-vivo MRI which is then registered to the in-vivo MRI, completing a pipeline for histology to in-vivo MRI registration. When correlating relaxometry and DTI with neuronal density and morphology in the temporal lobe neocortex, I found T1 to be a predictor of neuronal density in the neocortical GM and demonstrated that employing multi-parametric MRI (combining T1 and FA together) provided a significantly better fit than each parameter alone in predicting density of neurons. This work was the first to relate in-vivo T1 and FA values to the proportion of neurons in GM. When investigating these quantitative multimodal parameters with histological features within the hippocampal subfields, I demonstrated that MD correlates with neuronal density and size, and can act as a marker for neuron integrity within the hippocampus. More importantly, this work was the first to highlight the potential of subfield relaxometry and diffusion parameters (mainly T2 and MD) as well as volumetry in predicting the extent of cell loss per subfield pre-operatively, with a precision so far unachievable. These results suggest that high-resolution quantitative MRI sequences could impact clinical practice for pre-operative evaluation and prediction of surgical outcomes of intractable epilepsy

    Quantitative Multimodal Mapping Of Seizure Networks In Drug-Resistant Epilepsy

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    Over 15 million people worldwide suffer from localization-related drug-resistant epilepsy. These patients are candidates for targeted surgical therapies such as surgical resection, laser thermal ablation, and neurostimulation. While seizure localization is needed prior to surgical intervention, this process is challenging, invasive, and often inconclusive. In this work, I aim to exploit the power of multimodal high-resolution imaging and intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) data to map seizure networks in drug-resistant epilepsy patients, with a focus on minimizing invasiveness. Given compelling evidence that epilepsy is a disease of distorted brain networks as opposed to well-defined focal lesions, I employ a graph-theoretical approach to map structural and functional brain networks and identify putative targets for removal. The first section focuses on mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most common type of localization-related epilepsy. Using high-resolution structural and functional 7T MRI, I demonstrate that noninvasive neuroimaging-based network properties within the medial temporal lobe can serve as useful biomarkers for TLE cases in which conventional imaging and volumetric analysis are insufficient. The second section expands to all forms of localization-related epilepsy. Using iEEG recordings, I provide a framework for the utility of interictal network synchrony in identifying candidate resection zones, with the goal of reducing the need for prolonged invasive implants. In the third section, I generate a pipeline for integrated analysis of iEEG and MRI networks, paving the way for future large-scale studies that can effectively harness synergy between different modalities. This multimodal approach has the potential to provide fundamental insights into the pathology of an epileptic brain, robustly identify areas of seizure onset and spread, and ultimately inform clinical decision making
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