4 research outputs found


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    Shape analysis is a promising technique to prove program properties about recursive data structures. The challenge is to automatically determine the data-structure type, and to supply the shape analysis with the necessary information about the data structure. We present a stepwise approach to the selection of instrumentation predicates for a TVLA-based shape analysis, which takes us a step closer towards the fully automatic verification of data structures. The approach uses two techniques to guide the refinement of shape abstractions: (1) during program exploration, an explicit heap analysis collects sample instances of the heap structures, which are used to identify the data structures that are manipulated by the program; and (2) during abstraction refinement along an infeasible error path, we consider different possible heap abstractions and choose the coarsest one that eliminates the infeasible path. We have implemented this combined approach for automatic shape refinement as an extension of the software model checker BLAST. Example programs from a data-structure library that manipulate doubly-linked lists and trees were successfully verified by our tool

    Formal verification of automotive embedded UML designs

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    Software applications are increasingly dominating safety critical domains. Safety critical domains are domains where the failure of any application could impact human lives. Software application safety has been overlooked for quite some time but more focus and attention is currently directed to this area due to the exponential growth of software embedded applications. Software systems have continuously faced challenges in managing complexity associated with functional growth, flexibility of systems so that they can be easily modified, scalability of solutions across several product lines, quality and reliability of systems, and finally the ability to detect defects early in design phases. AUTOSAR was established to develop open standards to address these challenges. ISO-26262, automotive functional safety standard, aims to ensure functional safety of automotive systems by providing requirements and processes to govern software lifecycle to ensure safety. Each functional system needs to be classified in terms of safety goals, risks and Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL: A, B, C and D) with ASIL D denoting the most stringent safety level. As risk of the system increases, ASIL level increases and the standard mandates more stringent methods to ensure safety. ISO-26262 mandates that ASILs C and D classified systems utilize walkthrough, semi-formal verification, inspection, control flow analysis, data flow analysis, static code analysis and semantic code analysis techniques to verify software unit design and implementation. Ensuring software specification compliance via formal methods has remained an academic endeavor for quite some time. Several factors discourage formal methods adoption in the industry. One major factor is the complexity of using formal methods. Software specification compliance in automotive remains in the bulk heavily dependent on traceability matrix, human based reviews, and testing activities conducted on either actual production software level or simulation level. ISO26262 automotive safety standard recommends, although not strongly, using formal notations in automotive systems that exhibit high risk in case of failure yet the industry still heavily relies on semi-formal notations such as UML. The use of semi-formal notations makes specification compliance still heavily dependent on manual processes and testing efforts. In this research, we propose a framework where UML finite state machines are compiled into formal notations, specification requirements are mapped into formal model theorems and SAT/SMT solvers are utilized to validate implementation compliance to specification. The framework will allow semi-formal verification of AUTOSAR UML designs via an automated formal framework backbone. This semi-formal verification framework will allow automotive software to comply with ISO-26262 ASIL C and D unit design and implementation formal verification guideline. Semi-formal UML finite state machines are automatically compiled into formal notations based on Symbolic Analysis Laboratory formal notation. Requirements are captured in the UML design and compiled automatically into theorems. Model Checkers are run against the compiled formal model and theorems to detect counterexamples that violate the requirements in the UML model. Semi-formal verification of the design allows us to uncover issues that were previously detected in testing and production stages. The methodology is applied on several automotive systems to show how the framework automates the verification of UML based designs, the de-facto standard for automotive systems design, based on an implicit formal methodology while hiding the cons that discouraged the industry from using it. Additionally, the framework automates ISO-26262 system design verification guideline which would otherwise be verified via human error prone approaches

    Software Verification by Combining Program Analyses of Adjustable Precision

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    In automatic software verification, we have observed a theoretical convergence of model checking and program analysis. In practice, however, model checkers, on one hand, are still mostly concerned with precision, e.g., the removal of spurious counterexamples. Lattice-based program analyzers, on the other hand, are primarily concerned with efficiency. To achieve their respective goal, the former builds and refine reachability tress while the latter annotates location with abstract states and rely on overapproximation to accelerate convergence. In this thesis we focus on capturing within a framework existing approaches as well as new solutions with the objective of enabling a better understanding of the fundamental similarities and differences between approaches and with a strong accent on implementability. In a first step, we designed and implemented a framework and a corresponding algorithm for software verification called configurable program analysis. The algorithm can be configured to perform not only a purely tree-based or a purely lattice-based analysis, but offers many intermediate settings that have not been evaluated before. An instance of an analysis in the framework consists of one or more program analyses, such as a predicate abstraction or a shape analysis, and their execution and interaction is controlled using several parameters of our generic verification algorithm. Our experiments consider different configurations of combinations of symbolic analyses. By varying the value of parameters we were able to explore a continuous precision-efficiency spectrum and we showed that it can lead to dramatic improvements in efficiency. In a second step, we improved our framework and algorithm to enable the program analysis to dynamically (on-line) adjust its precision depending on the accumulated results. The framework of configurable program analysis offers flexible, but static, composition of program analyses. Our extension enables composite analyses to adjust the precision of each of their component analyses independently and dynamically. To illustrate, we can allow the explicit tracking of the values of a variable to be switched off in favor of a predicate abstraction when and where the number of different variable values that have been encountered has exceeded a specified threshold. We evaluated the dynamic precision adjustment mechanism by considering combinations of symbolic and explicit analyses. We analyzed code taken from an SSH client/server software as well as hand-crafted examples. We showed that the new approach offers significant gains compared with a purely symbolic, predicate-abstraction-based approach. In a third step, we consider the problem of refinement in addition to the dynamic adjustment of the precision. In contrast to precision adjustment, refinement only increases the precision of the analysis. Moreover, when a refinement occurs, states with a lower precision are discarded and replaced by states with a higher precision. Based on our framework, we present a novel refinement approach for shape analysis, a promising technique to prove program properties about recursive data structures. The challenge is to automatically determine the data-structure type, and to supply the shape analysis with the necessary information about the data structure. We present a stepwise approach to the selection of instrumentation predicates for a TVLA-based shape analysis, which takes us a step closer towards the fully automatic verification of data structure implementations. The approach uses two techniques to guide the refinement of shape abstractions. First, during program exploration, an explicit heap analysis collects sample instances of the heap structures. The samples are used to identify the data structures that are manipulated by the program. Second, during abstraction refinement along an infeasible error path, we consider different possible heap abstractions and choose the coarsest one that eliminates the infeasible path. We were able to successfully verify example programs from a data-structure library that manipulate doubly-linked lists and trees. The techniques presented in this thesis have been implemented as an extension to the BLAST model checker

    Shape Refinement through Explicit Heap Analysis

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    Shape analysis is a promising technique to prove program properties about recursive data structures. The challenge is to automatically determine the data-structure type, and to supply the shape analysis with the necessary information about the data structure. We present a stepwise approach to the selection of instrumentation predicates for a TVLA-based shape analysis, which takes us a step closer towards the fully automatic verification of data structures. The approach uses two techniques to guide the refinement of shape abstractions: (1) during program exploration, an explicit heap analysis collects sample instances of the heap structures, which are used to identify the data structures that are manipulated by the program; and (2) during abstraction refinement along an infeasible error path, we consider different possible heap abstractions and choose the coarsest one that eliminates the infeasible path. We have implemented this combined approach for automatic shape refinement as an extension of the software model checker BLAST. Example programs from a data-structure library that manipulate doubly-linked lists and trees were successfully verified by our tool