395,939 research outputs found

    Trade Liberalism-Capital Inflow: An Inclusive Framework for Zimbabwe

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    This study sought to determine a framework of upholding trade liberalism for increased capital inflows in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for Zimbabwe.  The study used the ARDL-ECM in the determination of the nexus between the two variables, for the data covering 1980 to 2021. Eviews Version 9.0 Statistical Package was used to run the regressions. Data were obtained from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The study found that in the short-run, trade openness has a significant inverse relationship with capital flows (FDI), whilst in the long-run there is a significant positive relationship between them for Zimbabwe. The study recommend that there be duty free on capital goods, that the government give incentives on exporters, that all goods exported go through the process of value addition, that the government provide subsidies on exporters and, that the government ensure efficiency at ports through infrastructure development

    Choice of Theme-rheme in Political News Reports in the Malawian English-Language Printed Media

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    Researchers on Theme-rheme agree that choices on Theme-rheme are functional and not arbitrary. There is lack of agreement, however, on what  motivates the choice. Studies in political discourse claim that the motivation for Theme is ideological while studies in text grammar claim that the motivation for Theme is textbased organisation. What is more, it has been observed that different varieties of English exhibit different patterns of thematic choices. This article uses Systemic Functional Grammar to assess the motivation for choosing Theme and Rheme in political news  published in the Malawian English-Language printed media. Data from four newspapers published during the rise to power of Malawi’s second state President, Bakili Muluzi, was used to assess the choice of Theme and Rheme. The article argues that Theme-Rheme choices, consciously made or not, are context-dependent and motivated by a number of complex factors. Keywords: Theme, Rheme, Ideology, Thematic Progression, Semantic Role

    On Technological Progress: Analysing Ricardo’s Theory on Unemployment

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    Gender perceptual differences and their effects on the implementation of policy in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Makoni District, Zimbabwe

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    This study sought to establish gender perceptual differences and their effects on the implementation of Policy in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Makoni District, Zimbabwe. The role of women as caregivers to HIV/AIDS sufferers is also highlighted and how this has deprived them towards social, political and economic development. The source of the data used was the World Health Organisation (WHO) project on Family Planning and AIDS. The sample of the study comprised of 100 men and women from Makoni District, Zimbabwe. In addition to the survey question, focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted. The FGD data complimented the survey results with qualitative information. The objectives of the study looked at people’s attitudes, cultural practices and sexual practices. These were analysed to determine how the gender issues within them affected the HIV/AIDS prevention strategies. The five major prevention strategies focused on in this study are: · promotion of condom use; · reduction of the number of sexual partners; · sticking to one sexual partner; · control and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs); and · Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) for HIV to prevent vertical transmission of the disease. Although, the majority of the women indicated that it was acceptable for a married woman to ask her husband to use condoms, this was disputed by the findings from the FGDs. Issues of trust and fidelity were raised,but many men and women reported that they were not prepared to confront one another. The FGD results revealed that the men assert that it is normal for every man to have extra marital relationships, therefore they do not see anything wrong with it. It also came out that there are women who both have no income or partner to support them financially and are living in absolute poverty. These women, if anything, are more likely to increase the number of their sexual partners than reduce them so that they increase their economic base inorder to support their families. It has been established that for effective treatment and control of STDs, there is need for both partners to cooperate and seek treatment at the same time. However, the findings from this study revealed that lack of communication between sexual partners hampered the treatment of these diseases. On the other hand, the men indicated that talking to their wives about STDs would compel them to say where they got it. On the other hand the women reported that their men would accuse them of infidelity if they told them of an STD. FGD results however revealed that men and women were prepared to have HIV testing so that they would know of their status before planning a family. The gender perceptual differences on HIV/AIDS prevention have been identified as follows: · the need for male compliance to use condoms effectively; · the fear of losing trust by suggesting condom use; and · acceptance of male promiscuity by society that perpetuates that risky behaviour and exposure to HIV/AIDS infection and lack of communication between sexual partners, are a hindrance for effective control and treatment of STDs

    A Conditional Defense of Shame and Shame Punishment

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    This paper makes two essential claims about the nature of shame and shame punishment. I argue that, if we properly understand the nature of shame, that it is sometimes justifiable to shame others in the context of a pluralistic multicultural society. I begin by assessing the accounts of shame provided by Cheshire Calhoun (2004) and Julien Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno, & Fabrice Teroni (2012). I argue that both views have problems. I defend a theory of shame and embarrassment that connects both emotions to “whole-self” properties. Shame and embarrassment, I claim, are products of the same underlying emotion. I distinguish between moralized and nonmoralized shame in order to show when, and how, moral and non-moral shame may be justly deployed. Shame is appropriate, I argue, if and only if it targets malleable moral or non-moral normative imperfections of a person’s ‘whole-self.’ Shame is unjustifiable when it targets durable aspects of a person’s “whole-self.” I conclude by distinguishing shame punishments from guilt punishments and show that my account can explain why it is wrong to shame individuals on account of their race, sex, gender, or body while permitting us to sometimes levy shame and shame punishment against others, even those otherwise immune to moral reasons

    Diaspora Remittances-Stock Market Development: An Inclusive Framework for Zimbabwe

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    This study sought to determine an inclusive framework for diaspora remittances growth and stock market development. Stock market plays an important role in economic development and growth by creating liquidity and allocation of resources to deficit sectors of the economy. The study used the ARDL-ECM in the determination of the relationship between the two variables, using data for the period 1990 to 2020. Eviews Version 9.0 Statistical Package was used to run the regressions. This study found that Diaspora Remittances have an insignificant negative relationship with Stock Market Development for Zimbabwe. This may have been due to Diaspora Remittances flowing through informal channels and, therefore, may have not be tapped on for Stock Market Development. The study recommend an inclusive framework that allows the government to take measures to boost investor confidence, to encourage the diaspora population to invest more in Zimbabwe through elimination of corruption, having stable political environment, formulation of policies that ensures stability in the macroeconomic environment, and having the right governance systems. Encouraging campaigns which must be run by the government and nongovernmental organizations educating Zimbabweans in the diaspora of the benefits of investing home. Allowing the government to set up formal diaspora remitting channels which have minimal charges to encourage more remittances to flow through the channels. Government must also offer favourable interest rates on bond holders so as to lure those in the diaspora to invest in the stock market

    Shame as a social phenomenon: A critical analysis of the concept of dispositional shame

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    An increased clinical interest in shame has been reflected in the growing number of research studies in this area. However, clinically-orientated empirical investigation has mostly been restricted to the investigation of individual differences in dispositional shame. This paper reviews recent work on dispositional shame but then argues that the primacy of this construct has been problematic in a number of ways. Most importantly, the notion of shame as a context-free intrapsychic variable has distracted clinical researchers from investigating the management and repair of experiences of shame and shameful identities, and has made the social constitution of shame less visible. Several suggestions are made for alternative ways in which susceptibility to shame could be conceptualised, which consider how shame might arise in certain contexts and as a product of particular social encounters. For example, persistent difficulties with shame may relate to the salience of stigmatising discourses within a particular social context, the roles or subject positions available to an individual, the establishment of a repertoire of context-relevant shame avoidance strategies and the personal meaning of shamefulness

    Positive and Negative Perfectionism and the Shame and Guilt Dichotomy: Their Relationship and Their Relationship to Adaptive and Maladaptive Characteristics

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    Past studies have suggested that perfectionism is a maladaptive behavior. Also, studies have linked shame to several maladaptive traits and to perfectionism as it has been recently measured, which supports current theories of shame but not the current theories that suggest guilt is an adaptive emotion. Using Terry-Short’s PNP scale designed to measure negative and positive perfectionism, this research demonstrated that perfectionism could be adaptive as well as maladaptive. Negative perfectionism was positively correlated to state shame and guilt, shame-proneness, with guilt-proneness demonstrating a less significant relationship but with a similar trend. Anxiety and hostility were positively correlated to negative perfectionism, state shame and guilt, and shame-proneness. Positive perfectionism demonstrated a positive correlation with pride and negative correlations to state shame and guilt

    When Perfect Fear Casts Out All Love : Christian Perspectives on the Assessment and Treatment of Shame

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    Shame reactions are often uncomfortable, even excruciating, for clients to work through in therapy. When not adequately treated, shame reactions can seriously disrupt the therapy process. This article seeks to equip Christian mental health professionals with practical strategies for effectively assessing and treating shame reactions. Theoretical perspectives on shame within a Christian context are also briefly discussed