23,616 research outputs found

    Pivotal poems : turning back to Lawrence's Bay

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    Приглашение к танцу: интермедиальные аллюзии в ранней поэзии Т. С. Элиота

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    В статье рассматриваются связи между танцем, изобразительным искусством и модернистской поэзией, послужившие основой поэтического эксперимен­та

    Pinning it Down: Drawing as Capture

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    Mythopoetry, the imagistic voice of the muses which manifests in myth and natural poetry, has been invoked as an impression of ideal curriculum with which to cherish intimate, vital experience (and to oppose its exile from educational life). In this statement, I intend to see through the pleasant surface of the label, mythopoetry, to see what image may lie just out of sight, beyond the "inspired writing" that mythopoetry implies. Beyond words themselves, meaning is found in sound and in expressive representation. “Music, when soft voices die, / Vibrates in the memory” (Shelley

    Duality; Or, Metamorphosis: An Essay on Stagnation and Yearning; Defining

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    To what extent, in the novel ‘The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ by R. L. Stevenson, the good and evil sides of a man is brought to light by the external (social) and internal (psychological) factors and what are the results of this metamorphosis over the psychology of Dr. Jekyll?

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    Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh in 1850. Stevenson, besides his authorship, was also a well-known poet and a travel-writer. Today, Stevenson is among the authors whose novels are most translated to other languages in the world . ‘Stevenson's characters often prefer unknown hazards to everyday life of the Victorian society.’1 ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ by Robert Louis Stevenson, which is accepted as the best novel of the R. L. Stevenson, first published in 1886 and in a real short time sold nearly 40,000 copies in Britain. The mystery of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is revealed by the testimonies of Dr. Lanyon, Mr. Utterson, Mr. Enfield, and Poole(Jekyll's butler). One day, with the help of Dr. Jekyll’s will, Mr. Utterson (Jekyll's lawyer), finds out that a stranger, named as Mr. Hyde, is the heir of the Dr. Jekyll's heritage. Mr. Utterson first couldn’t realize the fact behind this weird situation despite his wide research about this stranger and conversations with his friend Dr. Jekyll. However a few witnesses who witnessed this man only mention the irritating evil energy that transpires through his being. First Dr. Jekyll states that Mr. Hyde is simply a close friend of his. Then, when Mr. Hyde is suspected of murder

    Metamorphosis of the ideals and the actuals : blasphemy laws in Pakistan and the transplantation of justice in British India

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    While a genealogical exploration of the dichotomy between the real (legal) and the Ideal (justice) may provide us with an understanding of the historical and ideological relationship(s) between the two, a focus on this binary alone acts to conceal the multiplicities inherent in each of these terms. Just as there exist multiple manifestations of legalities/realities, these manifestations correspond to diverse notions of the ideal and justice. And these realities and ideals overlap and conflict, and affect each other’s creation, transformation or transplantation. A historical glance at Pakistan’s current Blasphemy Laws provides us with an insight on how the real/legal emerging from a particular notion of the ideal/justice was mediated and transplanted through Colonialism and became the real/legal manifestation of a different kind in a different locality