11,611 research outputs found

    A RBF partition of unity collocation method based on finite difference for initial-boundary value problems

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    Meshfree radial basis function (RBF) methods are popular tools used to numerically solve partial differential equations (PDEs). They take advantage of being flexible with respect to geometry, easy to implement in higher dimensions, and can also provide high order convergence. Since one of the main disadvantages of global RBF-based methods is generally the computational cost associated with the solution of large linear systems, in this paper we focus on a localizing RBF partition of unity method (RBF-PUM) based on a finite difference (FD) scheme. Specifically, we propose a new RBF-PUM-FD collocation method, which can successfully be applied to solve time-dependent PDEs. This approach allows to significantly decrease ill-conditioning of traditional RBF-based methods. Moreover, the RBF-PUM-FD scheme results in a sparse matrix system, reducing the computational effort but maintaining at the same time a high level of accuracy. Numerical experiments show performances of our collocation scheme on two benchmark problems, involving unsteady convection-diffusion and pseudo-parabolic equations

    A Finite Element Computation of the Gravitational Radiation emitted by a Point-like object orbiting a Non-rotating Black Hole

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    The description of extreme-mass-ratio binary systems in the inspiral phase is a challenging problem in gravitational wave physics with significant relevance for the space interferometer LISA. The main difficulty lies in the evaluation of the effects of the small body's gravitational field on itself. To that end, an accurate computation of the perturbations produced by the small body with respect the background geometry of the large object, a massive black hole, is required. In this paper we present a new computational approach based on Finite Element Methods to solve the master equations describing perturbations of non-rotating black holes due to an orbiting point-like object. The numerical computations are carried out in the time domain by using evolution algorithms for wave-type equations. We show the accuracy of the method by comparing our calculations with previous results in the literature. Finally, we discuss the relevance of this method for achieving accurate descriptions of extreme-mass-ratio binaries.Comment: RevTeX 4. 18 pages, 8 figure

    A High-Order Radial Basis Function (RBF) Leray Projection Method for the Solution of the Incompressible Unsteady Stokes Equations

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    A new projection method based on radial basis functions (RBFs) is presented for discretizing the incompressible unsteady Stokes equations in irregular geometries. The novelty of the method comes from the application of a new technique for computing the Leray-Helmholtz projection of a vector field using generalized interpolation with divergence-free and curl-free RBFs. Unlike traditional projection methods, this new method enables matching both tangential and normal components of divergence-free vector fields on the domain boundary. This allows incompressibility of the velocity field to be enforced without any time-splitting or pressure boundary conditions. Spatial derivatives are approximated using collocation with global RBFs so that the method only requires samples of the field at (possibly scattered) nodes over the domain. Numerical results are presented demonstrating high-order convergence in both space (between 5th and 6th order) and time (up to 4th order) for some model problems in two dimensional irregular geometries.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    A New Spherical Harmonics Scheme for Multi-Dimensional Radiation Transport I: Static Matter Configurations

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    Recent work by McClarren & Hauck [29] suggests that the filtered spherical harmonics method represents an efficient, robust, and accurate method for radiation transport, at least in the two-dimensional (2D) case. We extend their work to the three-dimensional (3D) case and find that all of the advantages of the filtering approach identified in 2D are present also in the 3D case. We reformulate the filter operation in a way that is independent of the timestep and of the spatial discretization. We also explore different second- and fourth-order filters and find that the second-order ones yield significantly better results. Overall, our findings suggest that the filtered spherical harmonics approach represents a very promising method for 3D radiation transport calculations.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures. Version matching the one in Journal of Computational Physic
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