114,814 research outputs found


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    In wireless networks, devices (nodes) are connected by wireless links. An important issue is to set up high quality (high bandwidth) and efficient routing paths when one node wants to send packets to other nodes. Resource allocation is the foundation to guarantee high quality connections. In addition, it is critical to handle void areas in order to set up detour-free paths. Moreover, fast message broadcasting is essential in mobile wireless networks. Thus, my research includes dynamic channel allocation in wireless mesh networks, geographic routing in Ad Hoc networks, and message broadcasting in vehicular networks. The quality of connections in a wireless mesh network can be improved by equip- ping mesh nodes with multi-radios capable of tuning to non-overlapping channels. The essential problem is how to allocate channels to these multi-radio nodes. We develop a new bipartite-graph based channel allocation algorithm, which can improve bandwidth utilization and lower the possibility of starvation. Geographic routing in Ad Hoc networks is scalable and normally loop-free. However, traditional routing protocols often result in long detour paths when holes exist. We propose a routing protocol-Intermediate Target based Geographic Routing (ITGR) to solve this problem. The novelty is that a single forwarding path can be used to reduce the lengths of many future routing paths. We also develop a protocol called Hole Detection and Adaptive Geographic Routing, which identifies the holes efficiently by comparing the length of a routing path with the Euclidean distance between a pair of nodes. We then set up the shortest path based on it. Vehicles play an important role in our daily life. During inter-vehicle communication, it is essential that emergency information can be broadcast to surrounding vehicles quickly. We devise an approach that can find the best re-broadcasting node and propagate the message as fast as possible

    The Time Complexity of Consensus Under Oblivious Message Adversaries

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    We study the problem of solving consensus in synchronous directed dynamic networks, in which communication is controlled by an oblivious message adversary that picks the communication graph to be used in a round from a fixed set of graphs ? arbitrarily. In this fundamental model, determining consensus solvability and designing efficient consensus algorithms is surprisingly difficult. Enabled by a decision procedure that is derived from a well-established previous consensus solvability characterization for a given set ?, we study, for the first time, the time complexity of solving consensus in this model: We provide both upper and lower bounds for this time complexity, and also relate it to the number of iterations required by the decision procedure. Among other results, we find that reaching consensus under an oblivious message adversary can take exponentially longer than both deciding consensus solvability and broadcasting the input value of some unknown process to all other processes

    A Unified Specification Framework for Spatiotemporal Communication

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    Traditionally, network communication entailed the delivery of messages to specific network addresses. As computers acquired multimedia capabilities, new applications such as video broadcasting dictated the need for real-time quality of service guarantees and delivery to multiple recipients. In light of this, a subtle transition took place as a subset of IP addresses evolved into a group-naming scheme and best-effort delivery became subjugated to temporal constraints. With recent developments in mobile and sensor networks new applications are being considered in which physical locations and even temporal coordinates play a role in identifying the set of desired recipients. Other applications involved in the delivery of spatiotemporal services are pointing to increasingly sophisticated ways in which the name, time, and space dimensions can be engaged in specifying the recipients of a given message. In this paper we explore the extent to which these and other techniques for implicit and explicit specification of the recipient list can be brought under a single unified frame-work. The proposed framework is shown to be expressive enough so as to offer precise specifications for ex-isting communication mechanisms. More importantly, its analysis suggests novel forms of communication relevant to the emerging areas of spatiotemporal service provision in sensor and mobile networks

    New Heuristic for Message Broadcasting in Arbitrary Networks

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    Efficient information dissemination in interconnection networks is a key research area because of the major role it plays in the modern interconnected world. A vast number of topics ranging from distributed computing to Internet communication rely on efficient information dissemination. Broadcasting is one of the information dissemination primitives. The minimum broadcast time problem in arbitrary networks has been examined since the 1970s. Finding an optimal broadcasting scheme for any originator in an arbitrary network has been proved to be an NP-Hard problem. In the current thesis, a new heuristic that generates broadcast schemes in arbitrary networks is presented. The heuristic has O(|E|log|V|) time complexity, where V is the set of nodes and E is the set of the links of the network. Computer simulations in some commonly used topologies and network models show that compared to the existing heuristics the new heuristic shows better performance in some network models, and comparable performance in other network models, while having a low complexity similar to the best existing heuristics. Another advantage of the new heuristic is that approximately one half of the vertices receive the message via a shortest path from the broadcast originator, while the rest of the vertices receive the message via a path at most three hops longer