38 research outputs found

    Conference News: Social Policy in Mineral-Rich Countries

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.UNRISD_SocialPolicyInMineralRichCountries.pdf: 189 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    New Format of Bank Subbranches’ Transformation — A Case of A Bank Shenzhen Branch

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    网点,作为银行经营发展的基本单位,承担着重要的作用。它是客户与银行接触的第一界面,它是银行展示服务形象的对外窗口,它是银行夯实发展基础、培育新型业务的摇篮,是传统银行稳存增存的重要阵地。网点既提供银行基本结算服务,也发挥着拓展客户、营销产品、撮合交易的经营作用。深圳银行机构林立,网点密度堪比香港,在人多地少经营成本居高不下的深圳,开设任何一家银行网点都需要在兼顾盈利和满足客户需求两者之间平衡的基础上,结合区域环境、自身特点和服务资源,找准自身发展定位和发展路径。“网点强则分行强”,尤其是作为城商行在异地的分行更需要提升网点这一基本经营单位的盈利能力和综合竞争力,才能巩固城商行竞争发展地位,才能...Bank subbranches, which is the bank’s business units, assuming the important role. It is the first interface between the customer and the bank, it is a window to show the service image of the bank, it is the base of the bank to lay a foundation for cultivating new business, and it is an important position of traditional banks to increase deposits. Bank subbranches as well as provide banks with the...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:X201015618

    Prioritizing Opportunities to Reduce the Risk of Foodborne Illness: A Conceptual Framework

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    Determining the best use of food safety resources is a difficult task faced by public policymakers, regulatory agencies, state and local food safety and health agencies, as well as private firms. The Food Safety Research Consortium (FSRC) has developed a conceptual framework for priority setting and resource allocation for food safety that takes full account of the food system’s complexity and available data but is simple enough to be workable and of practical value to decisionmakers. The conceptual framework addresses the question of how societal resources, both public and private, can be used most effectively to reduce the public health burden of foodborne illness by quantitatively ranking risks and considering the availability, effectiveness, and cost of interventions to address these risks. We identify two types of priority-setting decisions: Purpose 1 priority setting that guides risk-based allocation of food safety resources, primarily by government food safety agencies, across a wide range of opportunities to reduce the public health impact of foodborne illness; and Purpose 2 priority setting that guides the choice of risk management actions and strategies with respect to particular hazards and commodities. It is essential that such a framework be grounded in a systems approach, multi-disciplinary in approach and integration of data, practical, flexible, and dynamic by including ongoing evaluation and continuous updating of risk rankings and other elements. The conceptual framework is a synthesis of ideas and information generated in connection with and during the three FSRC workshops convened under a project funded by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service of USDA. Workshop materials are available on the project website: http://www.card.iastate.edu/food_safety/.

    A Research on E-Commerce Business Model of SME Cross-Border Trading Platform Based on Strategy Management

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    随着国家一带一路战略的提出,互联网技术的不断进步,以及整体经济以中高速持续增长,中国电子商务企业也形成了迅猛发展的良好势头。中小型跨境电商企业作为近年来电商行业的一支新兴力量,如何生存与发展,很值得关注和研究。本文以Y平台为案例,以电子商务模式理论、战略管理理论为依据,运用文献研究法、比较分析法、个案分析法,对中小型跨境贸易平台的电子商务模式进行研究,分析其面临环境和经营手段,以期为同类企业的生存与发展提供参考和借鉴依据。 主要结论为: (1)Y平台是一个跨境电子商务的服务平台型网站,该网站使用一种创新的B2B2C的商务模式为传统的中小企业对外贸易提供配套服务。Y平台深入到交易的两端,将交...With the propose of national Belt and Road Initiative strategy, the development of Internet technology, and the overall economy in high growth, Chinese e-commerce enterprises have formed a good momentum of rapid development. As a new force, Medium and small cross-border e-commerce enterprises in the e-commerce industry is worthy of attention and research. Based on the Y platform as an example, on ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792014115088

    An Analysis on Household Financial Vulnerability and Household Life Insurance Demand

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    我国寿险业发展较快,但寿险产品在家庭中普及率仍不高,需加强家庭购买寿险的主动性。家庭财务脆弱性反映了家庭成员死亡前后消费水平的变动程度,而寿险的主要职能是消除或减轻未来不确定性对家庭造成的经济影响,家庭财务风险对寿险需求产生何种影响是我们要解决的问题。目前,我国居民家庭普遍面临财务脆弱性,持有寿险的家庭对财务脆弱性的弥补效果较好。 本文采用一个综合衡量家庭财务脆弱程度的指标,运用2013年中国家庭金融调查数据研究家庭寿险需求行为发现,家庭“是否”持有寿险受到家庭财务脆弱性的影响,财务脆弱性每增加1%,家庭购买寿险概率提高0.4%。资产和收入越多的家庭越会购买保险,年龄对寿险持有决策呈“倒U型...China's life insurance industry has developed rapidly, but life insurance products’ penetration rate is still not high, it needs to increase household initiatives to buy life insurance. Household financial vulnerability reflects the changes of consumption level before and after the death of family members, the main function of life insurance is to eliminate or mitigate economic impact of future un...学位:保险硕士院系专业:经济学院_保险硕士学号:1562014115210

    Investment Analysis of Tempus Global

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    深圳市腾邦国际商业服务股份有限公司(以下简称:腾邦国际,股票代码:300178)是我国商业服务行业的龙头企业,于2011年登陆创业板市场,是中国商业服务板块第一家上市企业。腾邦国际获得过多项荣誉,包括“商贸服务典型企业”,“现代服务业创新发展示范企业”等。腾邦国际在国内有60余家分子公司,这些公司遍及全国20多个省市,正是凭借如此密集的网络及优秀的服务能力,腾邦国际为每一位客户提供的商业服务解决方案是专业、快速、有效的。腾邦国际业务分为四大板块,分别为机票销售平台、旅游服务平台、客户差旅管理、互联网金融平台。2015年腾邦国际的股价经历了过山车般的波动,本文采用定量及定性的方法对腾邦国际进行投...Shenzhen Tempus Global Business Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Tempus Global, stock code: 300178) is our business and service industry leading enterprises, in 2011, landing on the growth enterprise market (GEM), is Chinese commercial services sector first listed enterprises. Tempus Global received a number of honors, including business services typical enterprise, the modern servic...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115091

    ILS2 Sessions 14 & 16 overview: Frontiers in legume agronomy

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    Recent developments within legume agronomy were presented in two sessions. An important current focus in legume agronomy is on intercrops or crop mixtures of legumes and grasses / cereals, especially among European scientists. The quantification of legume services in cropping systems and participatory research approaches are other issues gaining interest.Non peer reviewe

    2018-2019 New Faculty Handbook

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    Welcome to Missouri S&T! We are delighted that you are here. Missouri S&T is committed to helping you succeed. In this Handbook you will find the resources that will not only help you become familiar with the campus, but also will enhance your teaching, research, and service endeavors. The following pages identify resources ranging from a map of the campus and a directory of contact information for key offices on campus to the schedule of Early Career Faculty Forum events for the academic year and some helpful tips on teaching. Some of the offices identified in the handbook will have representatives at the New Faculty Orientation resource fair on Friday. All of us in the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence are ready to assist with any questions that you have as you begin your careers at Missouri S&T. As our mission statement makes clear, we promote the success of Missouri S&T faculty as teaching-scholars at all stages of their careers. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know about your goals and how we can assist you in reaching them. Larry Gragg, CAFE Chair Wayne Huebner, CAFE Co-Chair Abby Bigg, Coordinator Diane Hagni, Administrative Assistanthttps://scholarsmine.mst.edu/cafe_resources/1000/thumbnail.jp