7 research outputs found

    IoT Smart Device for e-Learning Content Sharing on Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    Centralized e-Learning technology has dominated the learning ecosystem that brings a lot of potential usage on media rich learning materials. However, the centralized architecture has their own constraint to support large number of users for accessing large size of learning contents. On the other hand, Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution which relies on distributed architecture provides an alternative solution to eliminate  bottleneck  access.  Although  CDN  is   an  effective solution, the implementation of technology is expensive and has less impact for student who lives in limited or non-existence internet access in geographical area. In this paper, we introduce an IoT smart device to provide e-Learning access for content sharing on hybrid cloud environment with distributed peer-to- peer communication solution for data synchronization and updates. The IoT smart device acts as an intermediate device between user and cloud services, and provides content sharing solution without fully depending on the cloud server

    Feasibility study of the THz band for communications between wearable electronics

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    Emerging wearable nano sensor networks enable a set of valuable applications in biomedical and environmental fields. At the same time, the current state of communication technologies significantly limits the processing capabilities of prospective nanomachines. Consequently, implying that all the analysis of collected data needs to be performed on a macro device. Therefore, to effectively enable long-awaited applications of nano networks their seamless integration into existing networking infrastructure is required, leading to the concept of Internet of Nano Things. In this paper, the interoperability between already deployed macro networks and emerging nano networks is preliminary investigated. The solution for this problem is nontrivial, as the existing macro wireless networks use primarily the carrier-based electromagnetic communications, while nanomachines must rely on ultra-low-power pulse-based EM radiation or inherently mobile objects as information carriers. Thus, the direct interaction between macro and nano networks is currently not feasible, forcing using special gateway nodes. Moreover, the modern solutions for nano communications have to be rapidly improved to enable construction of large-scale networks on top of existing link level techniques. Numerous theoretical questions are to be addressed to achieve this goal, ranging from the design of a proper modulation and coding technique to mitigation of noise and interference effects

    Performance comparison of selected wired and wireless networks on chip architectures

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    In this paper we compare performance intra-core communications in network on chips.We consider two alternative architectures, wired and wireless. The wired on is based on a common bus (ring) with all the cores attached to it. We compare it to the mesh (point-to-point) architecture based on THz wireless links operating in 0.1-0.54 frequency band. Using reference latencies of inter-core communications in modern CPUs we perform an applicability assessment of considered schemes. As performance metrics of interest we consider both delay and capacity. Our results indicate that the latter architecture outperforms the former by a singificant margin. The proposed system can be realized implementing directional antennas at all cores and ensuring that cores are placed on a chip such that there is no interference between them

    Study of Negative effects of Traffic Localization

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    Català: Les xarxes P2P s'han convertit en una important xarxa per usuaris i ISP. Els usuaris volen compartir i aprofitar aquestes noves xarxes. D'altra banda, els ISP no volen que els usuaris utilitzin de manera tan intensa les seves connexions a Internet. Això causa que els seus beneficis es redueixin. La localització de tràfic ha estat anunciat com una solució per als inconvenients del P2P. Redueix el tràfic intercanviat entre els usuaris fent clúster. Només uns pocs usuaris d'un cluster intercanviaren dades amb altres xarxes. Hi ha diversos estudis que mostren els beneficis d'aquesta mesura, però no hi ha massa estudis sobre els efectes negatius. En el nostre treball hem tractat de simular una xarxa BitTorrent. Un cop tinguem aquesta xarxa preparada simularem una xarxa que utilitzi tècniques de localització de trànsit. Fent diverses simulacions volem demostrar com la localització de trànsit afecta l'experiència dels usuaris.Castellano: Las redes P2P se han convertido en una importante red para usuarios e ISP. Los usuarios quieren compartir y aprovechar estas nuevas redes. Por otra parte, los ISP no les interesa que los usuarios utilicen de manera tan intensa sus conexiones. Esto es debido a que sus beneficios se ven reducidos. La localización de tráfico ha sido anunciada como una de las mejores soluciones para los inconvenientes del P2P. Reduce el tráfico intercambiado entre los usuarios lejanos o de diferentes redes haciendo clúster. Sólo unos pocos usuarios de un clúster van a intercambiar datos con otros usuarios de otras redes. Hay varios estudios que indican los beneficios de esta medida, pero no hay demasiados estudios acerca de los efectos negativos. En nuestro trabajo hemos tratado de simular una red BitTorrent. Una vez que tengamos esta red lista simularemos una red P2P con alguna técnica de localización de tráfico. Haciendo varias simulaciones queremos demostrar cómo la localización de tráfico afecta a la experiencia de los usuarios.English: P2P networks has become one important network for users and ISP. Users wants to share and take profit of this new networks. On the other hand, ISP don not want users' to use so intensively their internet connections because their profits are being reduced. Traffic Localization has been announced as a solution for P2P disadvantages. It reduces the traffic exchanged between users making cluster. Only a few users from one cluster are going to change data to other networks. There are several studies that indicates the benefits of this measure but there are not too much studies about negative effects. In our work we tried to simulate a BitTorrent network. Once we have this network ready we constructed it making clusters simulating some Traffic Localization technique. Making several simulations we want to prove how traffic localization affects users' experience

    Network Intrinsic QoE Metrics for Video Transmission

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    Nowadays, networking is more and more important to people’s lives. Especially video streaming is playing a significant role in study and entertainment life. Many new applications appear to give people better videos. Because of high definition video, video compression and evaluation techniques become very useful to not only video web sites but also network operation and providers. Talking about video evaluation, Quality of experience (QoE) is an important indicator indicating the user experience of a video. There are a number of factors affecting performance of video delivery in the Internet with queue management discipline being one of the most important. From the networking perspective, there are two main router queue management, drop tail and Active Queue Management (AQM). Drop tail is widely used and it is simple to configure and maintain. Even though it may cause continuous packet loss when congestion happens over the network which may have a great impact on video streaming, it, nowadays, is still widely used. AQM could be a better way to manage the router buffer. Random early detection (RED) is one of AQM and it can avoid congestion because it drops packets randomly. However, it is more difficult to configure. The experiment in this paper is a statistical experiment to get the relationship between packet loss probability and correlation and QoE to provide a new network-intrinsic QoE metric..The process of video transmission over the network is simulated. The new metric is obtained by analyzing the obtained results. Even though it is a reference model, it is still very important. First, it gives a better way to estimate video quality using the network parameters. Second, analyzing the obtained results we see that , in order to get a better quality of video, RED is a better choice. In the future, the more accurate metrics can be obtained by more times of experiment. Such values would provide more detailed quantitative relationship between packet loss probability and correlation and QoE

    Study of Negative Effects of Traffic Localization

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    P2P networks has become one important network for users and ISP. Users wants to share and take profit of this new networks. On the other hand, ISP don not want users to use so intensively their internet connections because their profits are being reduced. Traffic Localization has been announced as a solution for P2P disadvantages. It reduces the traffic exchanged between users making cluster. Only a few users from one cluster are going to change data to other networks. There are several studies that indicates the benefits of this measure but there are not too much studies about negative effects. In our work we tried to simulate a BitTorrent network. Once we have this network ready we constructed it making clusters simulating some Traffic Localization technique. Making several simulations we want to prove how traffic localization affects users experience. /Kir1

    Study of Negative effects of Traffic Localization

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    Català: Les xarxes P2P s'han convertit en una important xarxa per usuaris i ISP. Els usuaris volen compartir i aprofitar aquestes noves xarxes. D'altra banda, els ISP no volen que els usuaris utilitzin de manera tan intensa les seves connexions a Internet. Això causa que els seus beneficis es redueixin. La localització de tràfic ha estat anunciat com una solució per als inconvenients del P2P. Redueix el tràfic intercanviat entre els usuaris fent clúster. Només uns pocs usuaris d'un cluster intercanviaren dades amb altres xarxes. Hi ha diversos estudis que mostren els beneficis d'aquesta mesura, però no hi ha massa estudis sobre els efectes negatius. En el nostre treball hem tractat de simular una xarxa BitTorrent. Un cop tinguem aquesta xarxa preparada simularem una xarxa que utilitzi tècniques de localització de trànsit. Fent diverses simulacions volem demostrar com la localització de trànsit afecta l'experiència dels usuaris.Castellano: Las redes P2P se han convertido en una importante red para usuarios e ISP. Los usuarios quieren compartir y aprovechar estas nuevas redes. Por otra parte, los ISP no les interesa que los usuarios utilicen de manera tan intensa sus conexiones. Esto es debido a que sus beneficios se ven reducidos. La localización de tráfico ha sido anunciada como una de las mejores soluciones para los inconvenientes del P2P. Reduce el tráfico intercambiado entre los usuarios lejanos o de diferentes redes haciendo clúster. Sólo unos pocos usuarios de un clúster van a intercambiar datos con otros usuarios de otras redes. Hay varios estudios que indican los beneficios de esta medida, pero no hay demasiados estudios acerca de los efectos negativos. En nuestro trabajo hemos tratado de simular una red BitTorrent. Una vez que tengamos esta red lista simularemos una red P2P con alguna técnica de localización de tráfico. Haciendo varias simulaciones queremos demostrar cómo la localización de tráfico afecta a la experiencia de los usuarios.English: P2P networks has become one important network for users and ISP. Users wants to share and take profit of this new networks. On the other hand, ISP don not want users' to use so intensively their internet connections because their profits are being reduced. Traffic Localization has been announced as a solution for P2P disadvantages. It reduces the traffic exchanged between users making cluster. Only a few users from one cluster are going to change data to other networks. There are several studies that indicates the benefits of this measure but there are not too much studies about negative effects. In our work we tried to simulate a BitTorrent network. Once we have this network ready we constructed it making clusters simulating some Traffic Localization technique. Making several simulations we want to prove how traffic localization affects users' experience