153 research outputs found

    Localisation de plateformes logistiques en milieu urbain

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    Depuis une dizaine d'années, la logistique urbaine suscite l'intérêt de bon nombre de chercheurs de communauté et nationalité variées. L'objet du travail présenté ici porte sur la localisation de plateformes logistiques dans des zones urbaines denses

    Simulation and optimization methods for logistics pooling in the outbound supply chain

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    Logistics pooling and collaborative transportation systems are relatively new concepts in logistics research, but are very popular in practice. This communication proposes a conceptual framework for logistics and transportation pooling systems, as well as a simulation method for strategic planning optimization. This method is based on a twostep constructive heuristic in order to estimate for big instances the transportation and storage costs at a macroscopic level. Four possible scenarios are explored and commented. Finally, a socio-economic analysis based on 20 semi-directive interviews is presented to propose the limitations and obstacles of logistics poolingLogistics pooling, supply chain management, optimization, group reasoning, simulation

    A modeling approach for locating logistics platforms for fast parcels delivery in urban areas

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    International audienceThis study aims at defining a framework for optimizing, in a sustainable way (i.e. economical, eco-friendly and societal), the location of logistics platforms in urban areas. A first case study for our work is the city of Marseilles (France) which already has a logistics platform right in its centre (ARENC: 41362 m2 of warehouses and offices). In this abstract, we first provide a precise description of the problem we intend to solve. We then propose a mathematical model for representing it. Preliminary experimentations, based on the city of Marseilles, are then described; figures and preliminary results which are proposed for this first case study are obtained thanks to a decision-making software we have implemented. Conclusions and future works are finally drawn

    Decomposition Methods for Network Design

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    AbstractNetwork design applications are prevalent in transportation and logistics. We consider the multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MCND), a generic model that captures three important features of network design applications: the interplay between investment and operational costs, the multicommodity aspect, and the presence of capacity constraints. We focus on mathematical programming approaches for the MCND and present three classes of methods that have been used to solve large-scale instances of the MCND: a cutting-plane method, a Benders decomposition algorithm, and Lagrangian relaxation approaches

    Plates-formes en centre ville pour la Logistique Urbaine: Ă©tude sur la ville de Marseille

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    International audienceCette étude, conduite dans le cadre du projet PLUME, se propose d'évaluer l'intérêt de la mise en œuvre de systèmes de distribution urbaine à partir de Zones Logistiques Urbaines. Nous visons à définir d'un point de vue organisationnel et fonctionnel les atouts économiques, environnementaux et sociétaux de ces systèmes; le but étant de fournir un cadre méthodologique pour guider leur mise en place. Un premier terrain d'analyse pour notre étude sera la ville de Marseille qui possède la particularité de disposer d'une ZLU en cœur de centre-ville avec la plate-forme logistique d'ARENC (41362 m2 d'entrepôts et de bureaux). Dans cet article, nous proposons de définir plus précisément notre problématique avant de donner un bref état de l'art des problèmes classiques de la Recherche Opérationnelle se rattachant à notre étude (Facility Location Problem, Network Design Problem et Green Logistics). Nous établissons enfin une liste d'éléments que nous chercherons à prendre en compte dans un modèle général

    A Review of Distribution Related Problems in Logistics and Supply Chain Research

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    A comprehensive review of distribution problems in logistics and supply chain management is presented in this paper. We first review the definitions of distribution, and then define it from a new perspective. We also present and compare different taxonomies of distribution networks. Next, the importance and difficulties of distribution research are discussed. We point out that there are 12 issues in distribution research that need to be addressed. The major conclusion of the paper is that future research needs to address an integrated approach to distribution design and to consider and incorporate the sustainability development concept

    Freight Service Design for the Italian Railways Company

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    In this paper, we present a mathematical model to design the service network, that is the set of origin-destination connections. The resulting model considers both full and empty freight car movements, and takes into account handling costs. More specifically, the model suggests the services to provide, as well as the number of trains and the number and type of cars traveling on each connection. Quality of service, which is measured as total travel time, is established by minimizing the waiting time of cars at intermediate stations. Our approach yields a multi-commodity network design problem with concave arc cost functions. To solve this problem, we implement a tabu search procedure which adopts ``perturbing\u27\u27 mechanisms to force the algorithm to explore a larger portion of the feasible region. Computational results on realistic instances show a significant improvement over current practice
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