489 research outputs found

    Prikaz znanja u internetu stvari: semantičko modeliranje i njegove primjene

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    Semantic modelling provides a potential basis for interoperating among different systems and applications in the Internet of Things (IoT). However, current work has mostly focused on IoT resource management while not on the access and utilisation of information generated by the “Things”. We present the design of a comprehensive and lightweight semantic description model for knowledge representation in the IoT domain. The design follows the widely recognised best practices in knowledge engineering and ontology modelling. Users are allowed to extend the model by linking to external ontologies, knowledge bases or existing linked data. Scalable access to IoT services and resources is achieved through a distributed, semantic storage design. The usefulness of the model is also illustrated through an IoT service discovery method.Semantičko modeliranje pruža potencijalnu osnovu za me.udjelovanje različitih sustava i aplikacija unutar interneta stvari (IoT). Međutim, postojeći radovi uglavnom su fokusirani na upravljanje IoT resursima, ali ne i pristupu i korištenju informacija koje generira “stvar”. Predstavljamo projektiranje sveobuhvatnog i laganog semantičkog opisnog modela za prikaz znanja u IoT domeni. Projektiranje slijedi široko-priznate najbolje običaje u inženjerstvu znanja i ontološkom modeliranju. Korisnicima se dopušta proširenje modela povezivanjem na eksterne ontologije, baze znanja ili postoje će povezane podatke. Skalabilni pristup IoT uslugama i resursima postiže se kroz distribuirano, semantičko projektiranje pohrane. Upotrebljivost modela tako.er je ilustrirana kroz metodu pronalaska IoT usluga

    Service recommendation and selection in centralized and decentralized environments.

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    With the increasing use of web services in everyday tasks we are entering an era of Internet of Services (IoS). Service discovery and selection in both centralized and decentralized environments have become a critical issue in the area of web services, in particular when services having similar functionality but different Quality of Service (QoS). As a result, selecting a high quality service that best suits consumer requirements from a large list of functionally equivalent services is a challenging task. In response to increasing numbers of services in the discovery and selection process, there is a corresponding increase of service consumers and a consequent diversity in Quality of Service (QoS) available. Increases in both sides leads to a diversity in the demand and supply of services, which would result in the partial match of the requirements and offers. Furthermore, it is challenging for customers to select suitable services from a large number of services that satisfy consumer functional requirements. Therefore, web service recommendation becomes an attractive solution to provide recommended services to consumers which can satisfy their requirements.In this thesis, first a service ranking and selection algorithm is proposed by considering multiple QoS requirements and allowing partially matched services to be counted as a candidate for the selection process. With the initial list of available services the approach considers those services with a partial match of consumer requirements and ranks them based on the QoS parameters, this allows the consumer to select suitable service. In addition, providing weight value for QoS parameters might not be an easy and understandable task for consumers, as a result an automatic weight calculation method has been included for consumer requirements by utilizing distance correlation between QoS parameters. The second aspect of the work in the thesis is the process of QoS based web service recommendation. With an increasing number of web services having similar functionality, it is challenging for service consumers to find out suitable web services that meet their requirements. We propose a personalised service recommendation method using the LDA topic model, which extracts latent interests of consumers and latent topics of services in the form of probability distribution. In addition, the proposed method is able to improve the accuracy of prediction of QoS properties by considering the correlation between neighbouring services and return a list of recommended services that best satisfy consumer requirements. The third part of the thesis concerns providing service discovery and selection in a decentralized environment. Service discovery approaches are often supported by centralized repositories that could suffer from single point failure, performance bottleneck, and scalability issues in large scale systems. To address these issues, we propose a context-aware service discovery and selection approach in a decentralized peer-to-peer environment. In the approach homophily similarity was used for bootstrapping and distribution of nodes. The discovery process is based on the similarity of nodes and previous interaction and behaviour of the nodes, which will help the discovery process in a dynamic environment. Our approach is not only considering service discovery, but also the selection of suitable web service by taking into account the QoS properties of the web services. The major contribution of the thesis is providing a comprehensive QoS based service recommendation and selection in centralized and decentralized environments. With the proposed approach consumers will be able to select suitable service based on their requirements. Experimental results on real world service datasets showed that proposed approaches achieved better performance and efficiency in recommendation and selection process.N/

    Technology Integration around the Geographic Information: A State of the Art

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    One of the elements that have popularized and facilitated the use of geographical information on a variety of computational applications has been the use of Web maps; this has opened new research challenges on different subjects, from locating places and people, the study of social behavior or the analyzing of the hidden structures of the terms used in a natural language query used for locating a place. However, the use of geographic information under technological features is not new, instead it has been part of a development and technological integration process. This paper presents a state of the art review about the application of geographic information under different approaches: its use on location based services, the collaborative user participation on it, its contextual-awareness, its use in the Semantic Web and the challenges of its use in natural languge queries. Finally, a prototype that integrates most of these areas is presented

    SmartORC: smart orchestration of resources in the compute continuum

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    The promise of the compute continuum is to present applications with a flexible and transparent view of the resources in the Internet of Things–Edge–Cloud ecosystem. However, such a promise requires tackling complex challenges to maximize the benefits of both the cloud and the edge. Challenges include managing a highly distributed platform, matching services and resources, harnessing resource heterogeneity, and adapting the deployment of services to the changes in resources and applications. In this study, we present SmartORC, a comprehensive set of components designed to provide a complete framework for managing resources and applications in the Compute Continuum. Along with the description of all the SmartORC subcomponents, we have also provided the results of an evaluation aimed at showcasing the framework's capability

    Self-adaptive mobile web service discovery framework for dynamic mobile environment

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    The advancement in mobile technologies has undoubtedly turned mobile web service (MWS) into a significant computing resource in a dynamic mobile environment (DME). The discovery is one of the critical stages in the MWS life cycle to identify the most relevant MWS for a particular task as per the request's context needs. While the traditional service discovery frameworks that assume the world is static with predetermined context are constrained in DME, the adaptive solutions show potential. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these frameworks is plagued by three problems. Firstly, the coarse-grained MWS categorization approach that fails to deal with the proliferation of functionally similar MWS. Secondly, context models constricted by insufficient expressiveness and inadequate extensibility confound the difficulty in describing the DME, MWS, and the user’s MWS needs. Thirdly, matchmaking requires manual adjustment and disregard context information that triggers self-adaptation, leading to the ineffective and inaccurate discovery of relevant MWS. Therefore, to address these challenges, a self-adaptive MWS discovery framework for DME comprises an enhanced MWS categorization approach, an extensible meta-context ontology model, and a self-adaptive MWS matchmaker is proposed. In this research, the MWS categorization is achieved by extracting the goals and tags from the functional description of MWS and then subsuming k-means in the modified negative selection algorithm (M-NSA) to create categories that contain similar MWS. The designing of meta-context ontology is conducted using the lightweight unified process for ontology building (UPON-Lite) in collaboration with the feature-oriented domain analysis (FODA). The self-adaptive MWS matchmaking is achieved by enabling the self-adaptive matchmaker to learn MWS relevance using a Modified-Negative Selection Algorithm (M-NSA) and retrieve the most relevant MWS based on the current context of the discovery. The MWS categorization approach was evaluated, and its impact on the effectiveness of the framework is assessed. The meta-context ontology was evaluated using case studies, and its impact on the service relevance learning was assessed. The proposed framework was evaluated using a case study and the ProgrammableWeb dataset. It exhibits significant improvements in terms of binary relevance, graded relevance, and statistical significance, with the highest average precision value of 0.9167. This study demonstrates that the proposed framework is accurate and effective for service-based application designers and other MWS clients

    A Personalized System for Conversational Recommendations

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    Searching for and making decisions about information is becoming increasingly difficult as the amount of information and number of choices increases. Recommendation systems help users find items of interest of a particular type, such as movies or restaurants, but are still somewhat awkward to use. Our solution is to take advantage of the complementary strengths of personalized recommendation systems and dialogue systems, creating personalized aides. We present a system -- the Adaptive Place Advisor -- that treats item selection as an interactive, conversational process, with the program inquiring about item attributes and the user responding. Individual, long-term user preferences are unobtrusively obtained in the course of normal recommendation dialogues and used to direct future conversations with the same user. We present a novel user model that influences both item search and the questions asked during a conversation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system in significantly reducing the time and number of interactions required to find a satisfactory item, as compared to a control group of users interacting with a non-adaptive version of the system

    Supporting the tutor in the design and support of adaptive e-learning

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    The further development and deployment of e-learning faces a number of threats. First, in order to meet the increasing demands of learners, staff have to develop and plan a wide and complex variety of learning activities that, in line with contemporary pedagogical models, adapt to the learners’ individual needs. Second, the deployment of e-learning, and therewith the freedom to design the appropriate kind of activities is bound by strict economical conditions, i.e. the amount of time available to staff to support the learning process. In this thesis two models have been developed and implemented that each address a different need. The first model covers the need to support the design task of staff, the second one the need to support the staff in supervising and giving guidance to students' learning activities. More specifically, the first model alleviates the design task by offering a set of connected design and runtime tools that facilitate adaptive e-learning. The second model alleviates the support task by invoking the knowledge and skills of fellow-students. Both models have been validated in near-real-world task settings

    DITrust Chain: Towards Blockchain-Based Trust Models for Sustainable Healthcare IoT Systems

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    © 2013 IEEE. Today, internet and device ubiquity are paramount in individual, formal and societal considerations. Next generation communication technologies, such as Blockchains (BC), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, etc. offer limitless capabilities for different applications and scenarios including industries, cities, healthcare systems, etc. Sustainable integration of healthcare nodes (i.e. devices, users, providers, etc.) resulting in healthcare IoT (or simply IoHT) provides a platform for efficient service delivery for the benefit of care givers (doctors, nurses, etc.) and patients. Whereas confidentiality, accessibility and reliability of medical data are accorded high premium in IoHT, semantic gaps and lack of appropriate assets or properties remain impediments to reliable information exchange in federated trust management frameworks. Consequently, We propose a Blockchain Decentralised Interoperable Trust framework (DIT) for IoT zones where a smart contract guarantees authentication of budgets and Indirect Trust Inference System (ITIS) reduces semantic gaps and enhances trustworthy factor (TF) estimation via the network nodes and edges. Our DIT IoHT makes use of a private Blockchain ripple chain to establish trustworthy communication by validating nodes based on their inter-operable structure so that controlled communication required to solve fusion and integration issues are facilitated via different zones of the IoHT infrastructure. Further, text{C}mathrm {sharp } implementation using Ethereum and ripple Blockchain are introduced as frameworks to associate and aggregate requests over trusted zones

    Influencing collaboration to enhance knowledge work through serendipity: user-study and design considerations

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    We all were strangers to someone at some point and that is the starting point to analyze unexpected encounters. The busy pace of life has alienated people from each other, hence, this created an opportunity for technology to support social experiences. Meeting new people that one would not normally encounter in the vicinity or in the regular social sphere would expand the opportunities for establishing connections. Connections that go beyond establishing friendship bonds, but finding collaborators for the development of projects. This thesis was developed in order to understand the concept of serendipity in the context of computational systems and how it can be used to facilitate encounters among knowledge workers. The analysis of this thesis is conceived within the borders of Human-Technology Interaction, using psychological and sociality approaches from a technological perspective that allows a better understanding of the people’s needs when developing tools to support social interactions. The theoretical chapters start analyzing the phenomenon of serendipity from different perspectives, along with concepts about knowledge work and matchmaking. In order to understand the phenomenon of serendipity, the term is defined from social perspectives to psychological ones. The purpose of this is to set the basic premises of the study and introduce how serendipity is approached in terms of computational systems and knowledge work. Then, it analyzes matchmaking and grouping by presenting knowledge networks, social matchmaking with professional purposes and context awareness. The user study is carried out by a set of interviews to participants in Demola (an ecosystem that joins students with projects from companies), followed by a comparison of different tools that already exist that help matchmaking. The purpose of the user study was to analyze manual matchmaking among strangers. It analyzes participants’ experiences when working with strangers to carry out different innovation projects. It also intends to determine the expectations when forming a group. Added to that, the head of Demola Tampere was interviewed to understand the manual matching participants process. The final chapter presents a set of considerations when designing for serendipity to enhance knowledge work. The conceptualization of serendipity and the user study are the basis for establishing a set of guidelines in design. Which intend to enhance matchmaking in knowledge workers by analyzing weak ties as a way of serendipity. This study emphasizes on the goals and expectations of the users when finding a professional partner. Based on the user study, a model is presented which shows a possible structure for matchmaking

    Rule-based resource matchmaking for composite application deployments across IoT-fog-cloud continuums

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    Where shall my new shiny application run? Hundreds of such questions are asked by software engineers who have many cloud services at their disposition, but increasingly also many other hosting options around managed edge devices and fog spectrums, including for functions and container hosting (FaaS/CaaS). Especially for composite applications prevalent in this field, the combinatorial deployment space is exploding. We claim that a systematic and automated approach is unavoidable in order to scale functional decomposition applications further so that each hosting facility is fully exploited. To support engineers while they transition from cloud-native to continuum-native, we provide a rule-based matchmaker called RBMM that combines several decision factors typically present in software description formats and applies rules to them. Using the MaestroNG orchestrator and OsmoticToolkit, we also contribute an integration of the matchmaker into an actual deployment environment