119,646 research outputs found

    A method for service quality assessment in a service ecosystem

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    the increasing proliferation of independent application service providers is making traditional IT infrastructure insufficient when dealing with new issues that appear in a dynamic outsourcing business model. Quality of Service (QoS) gradually becomes an essential benchmark to differentiate diverse service providers during service selection process. In this paper, we argue service selection can be deemed as a decision making process - to decide which services providers should be selected within the specified service provision context during a definitive timeslot. Thus, existing decision support approaches can be leveraged if applicable. Hence, we propose a service selection solution which utilizes the Decision Support Systems Module (DSS Module) to select the most appropriate service. In DSS module we introduce AHP model to carry out the service QoS measurement based on the Context-specific Quality Aspects. The contributions of this paper are two folds. Firstly, we provide a novel and feasible solution for QoS-based service selection and secondly, we apply DSS module into web services, thus opening a new, fertile ground for DSS research in service ecosystem literature

    Using Constraint Reasoning on Feature Models to Populate Ecosystem-driven Cloud Services e- Marketplace

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    Service providers leverage cloud ecosystems and cloud e-marketplaces to increase the business value of their services and reach a wider range of service users. A cloud ecosystem enable participating services to combine with other services, along their QoS properties; while the e-marketplace provides an environment where atomic services interconnect in unprecedented ways to be traded on the marketplace platform. Noting the unprofitability, impracticality and error-prone nature of performing ad hoc service combination of atomic services, the concern addressed in this technical report is how to guide the combination of atomic services participating in an ecosystem in a seamless manner. In this technical report, we proposed the use of feature models to model the inter-relationships and constraints among the atomic services, which is transformed into a constraint satisfaction problem and off-the-shelve constraint solvers are used to determining valid combinations. The collection of valid combinations become the blueprint that guides service composition and populates the e-marketplace service directory; users can then make service selection decisions based on the list. The applicability of the approach proposed in this report is demonstrated via an example of Customer relationship management as a service ecosystem

    Towards a Constraint-based Approach for Service Aggregation and Selection in Cloud E-Marketplaces

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    Service providers leverage cloud ecosystems and cloud e-marketplaces to increase the business value of their services to reach a wider range of service users. The operations of commercial e-marketplaces can be further enhanced by enabling service composition mechanisms that allow automatic aggregation of atomic services into composite offerings that meets complex user requirements. Existing approaches of cloud service selection are yet to achieve this. Currently, users are constrained to make choices only from a set of predefined atomic services, or at best, manually configure their desirable features and QoS requirements in order to realize their complex requirements given that they have deep knowledge of the service domain. In this paper, a constraint-based approach for service composition and selection to address this problem was proposed. The proposed approach applies constraint-based automated reasoning on feature models to formally guide the aggregation of atomic services to offer composite services in order to satisfy complex requirements with minimal user involvement. The plausibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated via an illustrative customer relationship management (CRM) service ecosystem. The study offers a credible way to replicate the kind of user experience that is currently available on e-commerce platforms in cloud service e-marketplaces

    Digital Ecosystems: Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures

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    We view Digital Ecosystems to be the digital counterparts of biological ecosystems. Here, we are concerned with the creation of these Digital Ecosystems, exploiting the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems to evolve high-level software applications. Therefore, we created the Digital Ecosystem, a novel optimisation technique inspired by biological ecosystems, where the optimisation works at two levels: a first optimisation, migration of agents which are distributed in a decentralised peer-to-peer network, operating continuously in time; this process feeds a second optimisation based on evolutionary computing that operates locally on single peers and is aimed at finding solutions to satisfy locally relevant constraints. The Digital Ecosystem was then measured experimentally through simulations, with measures originating from theoretical ecology, evaluating its likeness to biological ecosystems. This included its responsiveness to requests for applications from the user base, as a measure of the ecological succession (ecosystem maturity). Overall, we have advanced the understanding of Digital Ecosystems, creating Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures where the word ecosystem is more than just a metaphor.Comment: 39 pages, 26 figures, journa


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    ABSTRAKRanting MuhammadiyahTamantirto Selatan dihadapkan pada dua kondisi ekonomi yang mesti diatasi. Di satu sisi ranting membutuhkan cashflow untuk operasional kegiatan, di lain sisi banyak jamaahnya yang terbatas secara ekonomi dan terdampak pendapatannya oleh pandemi covid-19. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan usaha mikro jamaah, pada saat yang sama juga meningkatkan kontribusi jamaah kepada ranting Muhammadiyah Tamantirto Selatan. Untuk pengembangan ranting dan usaha mikro jamaah, pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan menumbuhkan ekosistem ekonomi ranting. Ekosistem ini berupa keterlibatan ranting dan jamaah pada pemilihan usaha mikro dampingan, identifikasi kebutuhan, pemenuhan kebutuhan usaha, akses dana kepada AUM yang mapan, pendampingan dan konsultasi wirausaha, sosialisasi pada seluruh jamaah pengajian untuk mensupport, pelaksanaan pengembangan bisnis oleh usaha mikro dampingan dan infak hasil usaha untuk ranting. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan keempat usaha mikro yang didampingi mengalami kemajuan usaha dari segi omset dibanding sebelum pendampingan. Adanya program ini membuat keempat mitra dampingan tersebut menjadi rutin berinfak di celengan yang disediakan ranting. Pengabdian masyarakat ini memiliki kebaruan berupa pengembangan berbasis ekosistem. Kata kunci: ranting muhammadiyah; usaha mikro; ekosistem ekonomi; jamaah pengajian, wirausaha. ABSTRACTThe Tamantirto Selatan Muhammadiyah Branch faced two economic conditions that must be overcome: the need for operational cashflow and limited income of their congregation members due to the COVID-19 pandemic impact. This community service aims to develop the congregation's micro-enterprise, at the same time increasing the congregation's contribution to the South Tamantirto Muhammadiyah branch. For the development of branches and micro-businesses of the congregation, community service is carried out by growing the economic ecosystem of the branches. This ecosystem is in the form of involvement of branches and congregations in the selection of assisted micro-enterprises, identification of needs, fulfillment of business needs, access to funds to established AUM, entrepreneurial assistance and consultation, socialization to all congregations for support, implementation of business development by assisted micro-enterprises and infaq results. effort for twigs. The results of the activity show that the four micro-enterprises that were mentored experienced business progress in terms of sales compared to before the mentoring. The existence of this program has made the assisted partners donate in the donation box provided by the Muhammadiyah branch. This community service has a novelty in the form of ecosystem-based development. Keywords: muhammadiyah branch; micro enterprises; economic ecosystems; religious study group, entrepreneurs

    Biology of Applied Digital Ecosystems

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    A primary motivation for our research in Digital Ecosystems is the desire to exploit the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems. Ecosystems are thought to be robust, scalable architectures that can automatically solve complex, dynamic problems. However, the biological processes that contribute to these properties have not been made explicit in Digital Ecosystems research. Here, we discuss how biological properties contribute to the self-organising features of biological ecosystems, including population dynamics, evolution, a complex dynamic environment, and spatial distributions for generating local interactions. The potential for exploiting these properties in artificial systems is then considered. We suggest that several key features of biological ecosystems have not been fully explored in existing digital ecosystems, and discuss how mimicking these features may assist in developing robust, scalable self-organising architectures. An example architecture, the Digital Ecosystem, is considered in detail. The Digital Ecosystem is then measured experimentally through simulations, with measures originating from theoretical ecology, to confirm its likeness to a biological ecosystem. Including the responsiveness to requests for applications from the user base, as a measure of the 'ecological succession' (development).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure, conferenc

    How an accelerator can catalyse your ecosystem

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    Many industries from IT to car manufacturing, robotic and biotechnology, competition is moving from the product level to the ecosystem level. The creation of an ecosystem by a rival and the consequent shift to ecosystem competition can be quite challenging for product-focused incumbent organisations who may find that they have a challenge to establish the reputation and legitimacy of their own new ecosystem. This article discusses the ways and means an incumbent organisation can adopt and mobilise their own ecosystem

    Banking on Nature's Assets: How Multilateral Development Banks Can Strengthen Development by Using Ecosystem Services

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    Outlines the benefits of integrating the management of ecosystem services and trade-offs into strategies to improve economic development outcomes, mitigate climate change effects, and reduce economic and human costs. Recommends tools and policy options

    An Analysis of Service Ontologies

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    Services are increasingly shaping the world’s economic activity. Service provision and consumption have been profiting from advances in ICT, but the decentralization and heterogeneity of the involved service entities still pose engineering challenges. One of these challenges is to achieve semantic interoperability among these autonomous entities. Semantic web technology aims at addressing this challenge on a large scale, and has matured over the last years. This is evident from the various efforts reported in the literature in which service knowledge is represented in terms of ontologies developed either in individual research projects or in standardization bodies. This paper aims at analyzing the most relevant service ontologies available today for their suitability to cope with the service semantic interoperability challenge. We take the vision of the Internet of Services (IoS) as our motivation to identify the requirements for service ontologies. We adopt a formal approach to ontology design and evaluation in our analysis. We start by defining informal competency questions derived from a motivating scenario, and we identify relevant concepts and properties in service ontologies that match the formal ontological representation of these questions. We analyze the service ontologies with our concepts and questions, so that each ontology is positioned and evaluated according to its utility. The gaps we identify as the result of our analysis provide an indication of open challenges and future work
