51 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai Etik dalam Pelayanan Publik: Praktik pada Dinas Pendidikan di Kota Padangpanjang

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    The objective of this study is to describe the ethical values of public service among public service personnel at Department of Education in Padangpanjang City. This study uses a quantitative approach with the type of ex post-facto. Population in this consisted of 10,864 individuals of heads of household in two districts and 16 villages of Padangpanjang. Sample was taken in two stages, cluster sampling and proportional stratified random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using a statistical percentage, mean, and other central tendency according to research interests. Results of this study indicated that the ethical values of public service among public service personnel at the Department of Education in Padangpanjang City has not been well implemented

    The Use Of Automated Telephone Interfaces With Customers By Local Organizations: Best Practices And Exploratory Investigation Of Usage

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    Automated telephone systems (ATS) have been criticized by customers as a frustrating way to interact with an organization.  This study seeks to discover ATS best practices, assess how many local organizations (as opposed to 1-800 call centers) are utilizing various ATSs, and determine which ATS best practices these local organizations are adopting.  A list of 35 best practices were found.  An exploratory examination of 400 organizations in a mid-sized mid-western city revealed that very few use an advanced ATS, with 51% using a simple answering machine. The adoption of best practices by these organizations was quite varied.  Managerial recommendations as well as future research suggestions are offered

    ‘Stuff’ Happens: A Theoretical Framework for Internal IS Service Recovery

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    The Information Service Function (ISF) delivers IS services to internal customers (employees) to assist them in their information- and technology-related tasks. IS service failures are an inevitable event and the ISF must enact processes to recover from these failures. This article proposes a theoretical framework integrating literature from marketing, operations, and IT to depict an integrated model of internal IS service recovery where perceived service justice mediates the relationship between Internal IS Service Recovery Extensiveness (IISSRE) and IS service quality as well as predicts internal IS customer satisfaction and continued commitment to the ISF. This study contributes by establishing a theoretical foundation for IS service recovery that is uniquely contextualized for internal IS settings and by proposing a new construct that captures different aspects of the IS service recovery remedy. A list of propositions to guide future research is developed


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    Penggunaan live chat pada e-commerce sebagai media komunikasi menjadi yang paling cepat pertumbuhannya dan sudah menjadi umum bagi pengguna layanan e-commerce. Namun, belum banyak yang mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat keamanan live chat pada e-commerce. Hal ini menjadi sangat penting, mengingat informasi yang diberikan kepada customer service adalah informasi yang sangat sensitif dan rahasia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan algoritma kriptografi Rijndael yang telah dimodifikasi ke dalam live chat e-commerce berbasis web, dan membandingkan tingkat keamanan kunci yang digenerate menggunakan dua teori chaos yang berbeda yaitu Logistic Map dan Henon Map guna memberikan perlindungan data per-session. Keamanan terhadap integritas data sangat penting untuk menjaga keaslian data tersebut, maka untuk menjaga keaslian data tersebut akan dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma kriptografi Rijndael 256 bits yang telah dimodifikasi dimana kunci yang akan digunakan akan digenerate kembali oleh dua teori chaos yang berbeda yaitu Logistic Map dan Henon Map, dan public key yang digunakan akan kembali dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma kriptografi RSA guna menambah kompleksitas keamanan pesan, dan pesan yang dikirim adalah hasil hashing algoritma SHA-256 untuk verifikasi keaslian pesan. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa generator kunci Henon Map memiliki nilai Avalanche Effect yang baik yaitu 50%, jika masukan kunci berbentuk alfanumerik. Sedangkan Logistic Map sesuai dengan penelitian terdahulu bahwa kunci yang telah digenerate menggunakan Logistic Map memiliki tingkat keacakan yang sangat tinggi.----------The use of live chat on e-commerce as a communication media has the fastest growth and common to the users of e-commerce service. This service is greatly useful to e-commerce users to exchange information about personal data. However, there are not many customers who are aware about live chat level of security on e-commerce. This is a crucial matter, as the information given to customer service on e-commerce is highly sensitive and confidential. The purpose of this research is to implement the Rijndael cryptography algorithm which has been modified into web-based live chat e-commerce, and to compare the level of security been the keys generated using two different chaos theories, which are Logistic Map and Henon Map to provide data protection in each session. Security on data integrity is fundamental to maintain the authenticity of data; therefore, to serve that purpose the data will be encrypted using 256 Rijndael cryptography algorithm which is modified in terms that the key utilized will be generated by Logistic Map and Henon Map, and the public key utilized will be encrypted using RSA algorithm to add the security complexity of the message; hence, the message delivered is the result of SHA 256 hashing algorithm. The results of the tests conducted indicate that the Henon Map key generator has a good Avalanche Effect value of 50%, if the key input is alphanumeric. While the Logistic Map is in accordance with previous research that the key that has been generated using a Logistic Map has a very high level of randomness

    Service Co-Creation with the Customer: the Role of Information Systems

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    Understanding Economic Attitude Elasticity toMHealth Services among the Underprivileged in Rural India: A Piecewise Latent Growth Modeling Approach

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    We examine the changes in economic attitudes toward mHealth services at four different levels of pricing, i.e., economic attitude elasticity (EAE), among 2129 Indian villagers who participated in two free health camps. We employed an innovative contingent valuation survey instrument for data collection and a piecewise latent growth modeling method for data analysis. Three key findings emerged from the study. First, we found that when mHealth services are free, three groups of villagers who (a) did not have mobile phones, (b) who shared mobile phones, or (c) who owned dedicated personal mobile phones showed different economic attitudes at one health camp, while the latter two groups showed similar attitudes at the other camp. Second, when the price for mHealth services changed from free to less than 100 Indian rupees (INR), the two groups who shared and who owned mobile phones had an identical EAE, while the group who had no mobile phones displayed a different EAE from the other two groups who had access to phones at both camps. Third, when the price changed from less than 100 INR to between 100 and 200 INR and to greater than 200 INR, similar cross-group EAE patterns were found at both camps. Our findings provide insights for policy makers in developing countries to promote the use of mHealth services among the socioeconomically disadvantaged


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    Electronically mediated self-service technologies in the banking industry have impacted the way banks service consumers. Despite a large body of research on electronic banking channels, no study has been undertaken to empirically explore the fit between electronic banking channels and banking services. Therefore, we developed and validated a service-channel fit conceptualization and an associated survey instrument. We initially investigated industry experts\u27 perceptions towards the concept of \u27service-channel fit\u27 (SCF). The findings demonstrated that the concept was highly valued by bank managers. Next, we developed a parallel survey instrument to measure the perceived service-channel fit of electronic banking channels. The instrument was developed using expert rounds and two pretest evaluations. Central to the scale development was the measurement of the SCF construct. Drawing on IS strategy and alignment literature, we created a parallel instrument allowing us to calculate the SCF across three unique service-channel fit dimensions, including service complexity, service importance and service routine. To test the research model, data were collected from 340 consumers in New Zealand using Internet banking applications for two different banking tasks. The results have important theoretical and practical implications for how clients should be serviced through electronically mediated electronic banking channels

    The Waiting game

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    A study of wait times in the hospitality industry, and the guest satisfaction as related to those waits. When faced with waiting, what are the perceptions of the customer, and what can be done to help shorten the perception to help guest satisfaction. Finally, to look into the technology that is available today and in the near future, and what some industries have done to help alleviate the wait time to satisfy their customers’ needs

    Self-service technology complaint channel choice : exploring consumers\u27 motives

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    Purpose &ndash; This study aims to explore consumers\u27 motives for their choice of complaint channel in the context of self-service technology (SST) failure. Traditional and evolving communication channels are considered.Design/methodology/approach &ndash; Qualitative self-report data from consumers who had recently experienced dissatisfaction with SSTs were collected via an open-ended survey question. Three independent coders used a deductive and inductive iterative process to code the data.Findings &ndash; The findings suggest that both consumer complaint behaviour (CCB) theory and media richness theory (MRT) help to explain consumers\u27 motivation for channel choice. However, consumers\u27 choice appears to be motivated to a greater degree by convenience rather than task-medium fit.Research limitations/implications &ndash; This study was set solely in the SST context and explored consumers\u27 hypothetical complaint channel choice, not actual channel use. Future research could examine the actual performance of complaint channels as perceived by consumers. Consumers\u27 motivation to choose other emerging electronic complaint channels, such as complaint blogs and forums, could also be explored.Practical implications &ndash; Understanding consumers\u27 complaint channel choice is important for organisations to enable them to provide effective and efficient ways for consumers to complain. As complaint channels proliferate, it is difficult for organisations to know which channels to offer.Originality/value &ndash; Choosing an appropriate channel for resolving a complaint is an important consumer decision, which the study of CCB needs to be broadened to include. The current study addresses this gap by, for the first time, integrating CCB theory and MRT. This is valuable because it is common for consumers not to voice their complaints to organisations. To facilitate voiced complaints, organisations need to determine which complaint channels will be most effective and efficient and in which situations.<br /

    Customer Experience in Online Financial Services: A Study of Behavioral Intentions for Techno-Ready Market Segments

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    Purpose – Drawing upon research in consumer behavior, the purpose of this paper is to deploy an alternative way to predict behavioral intention with customer technology beliefs and experience in e-brokerage services. Design/methodology/approach – This study tests the proposed framework and relevant hypotheses with survey responses collected from 258 online investors. Findings – Technology-ready (TR) customer segments vary in their evaluations of customer-service interfaces; interface evaluations affect cognitive service experience; and interface evaluations and cognitive experience affect customers’ behavioral intentions. Research limitations/implications – This study indicates that flow experience emerges as an important factor for achieving sustainable competitive advantages in e-brokerage services. The research findings and relevant hypotheses might not apply to low-credence services. Practical implications – The findings indicate that service designers need to examine the life cycle of the intended service offerings and customize corresponding service/product features based on customers’ technology beliefs and personal characteristics, which can further lead to maximized flow experience and increased intention rate. Originality/value – The paper is among the first attempts to examine how psychographic features affect customers’ experience and valuation of certain service system interfaces from service design perspective
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