8,139 research outputs found

    Visibility in multimodal maritime container transport chains - Logistics service providers' perspective

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    Nowadays, transparency and digitalization of actions in the whole supply chain are emphasized and firms are demanding visibility to better forecast, plan and control the flow of goods. The expectations towards fully real-time traceable cargo flow are high and logistics service providers are recommended to digitize their actions to stay in the highly competitive freight transport markets. When it comes to technology, it has been developed rapidly and can provide very sophisticated solutions to enhance visibility. Information flow is a key for visibility. Therefore, information and communication technology (ICT) is vital to enhance visibility. However, technology alone does not enable visibility. It requires collaboration with other involved actors in the transport chain. Multimodal maritime container transport chains are complex in a sense that they require deep collaboration in a form of IT-compatibility with vast number of players involved within the carriage of goods to enhance seamless and automatized exchange of information. It has been disclosed that the biggest logistics service providers have already been able to form such collaborative relationships with big shipping lines, for instance. Also, market leaders usually arrange the pre- and end-haulage of the transport with own assets and therefore information flow is advanced. However, freight transport industry is highly fragmented and majorly consists of small-sized firms. Margins in the freight transport markets are extremely low as customers do not see added value in freight transportation and therefore transportation is seen as an extra harmful cost for firms. Therefore, the idea of big IT-investments and integration of actions with other players is infeasible for some companies. In this study, visibility in multimodal maritime container transport chains is investigated in a wide sense by conducting semi-structured interviews among different-sized logistics service providers located in Finland. First, the current adoption of visibility is studied, the benefits of it are discussed and the barriers to adopt visibility are discussed. Furthermore, perceptions towards the importance of visibility as a service offering in the creation of competitive strategies are investigated

    Outsourcing financial services in Finland by small and mid-sized companies

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    Outsourcing is the act of transferring company’s recurring internal non-core activities and decision rights to outside providers. It is assumed as boon for small and mid-sized companies to reduce and control their extra costs and to increase overall performance and efficiency. As the business environment continues to change rapidly and competition becomes more intense, small and mid-sized companies focus more on specializing on their core competencies and outsourcing their non-core activities to external service providers to stay competitive. In other words, Outsourcing has enabled small and mid-sized companies to stay competitive by outsourcing their non-core activities and providing flexibility to concentrate more on their core values. The main purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to categorize the possible motivating factors that have driven small and mid-sized companies to subcontract their financial services and also to discover the benefits and impacts of outsourcing from the company’s perspective. In the theoretical part, the concepts of outsourcing, the objectives, benefits, risks and impacts of outsourcing are reviewed. In addition, this research work has also discussed about the various types of outsourcing (mainly focused on financial service outsourcing), outsourcing process, necessary precautions during each stages of outsourcing has also been explained. Moreover, it has also covered areas like accounting requirements in Finland, different forms of business in Finland and their features and legal requirements. Thesis employs quantitative research methodology and data are obtained by using survey which then is analyzed with the help of statistical tools and charts. The empirical part of the study describes the questionnaire which was designed on the basis of research objectives. In the end, based on the gathered information, the objectives of outsourcing, the benefits of outsourcing, impacts of outsourcing on the company and the situation of financial services outsourcing in Finland has been deliberated and conclusion is made

    Designing the venue logistics management operations for a World Exposition

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    World Expositions, due to their size and peculiar features, pose a number of logistics challenges. This paper aims at developing a design framework for the venue logistics management (VLM) operations to replenish food products to the event site, through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. First, an in-depth interview methodology, combined with the outcomes of a literature review, is adopted for defining the key variables for the tactical and operational set-up of the VLM system. Second, a quantitative approach is developed to define the necessary logistics resources. The framework is then applied to the case of Milan 2015 World Exposition. It is the first time that such a design framework for a World Exposition is presented: the originality of this research lies in the proposal of a systematic approach that adds to the experiential practices constituting the current body of knowledge on event logistics

    A kis- és középvállalkozások logisztikai gyakorlatának vizsgálata = Logistics practice of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    A gazdaságban betöltött jelentős súlyuk, rugalmasságuk és innovativitásuk, gyors döntéshozataluk miatt a kis- és középvállalkozásokat (KKV) gyakran vizsgálják, mely a logisztika funkciójukról nem mondható el. Disszertációmban először a területen az elmúlt 20-25 évben született publikációk feltárását végeztem el, szisztematikusan feldolgozva a legtöbbször a „szürke” irodalomba tartozó, zömében csak a helyi nyelveken közölt tanulmányokat, elemzéseket. A közel félszáz a logisztikai tevékenységkiszervezéssel, teljesítménnyel, költségszintekkel, stratégiával, szervezeti megjelenéssel és eszközökkel foglalkozó kutatás eredményeinek összehasonlításából a logisztika komplexitása és a fogalmak értelmezési problémái miatt kevés általános következtetést lehetett levonni. Az esettanulmányoktól a több ezer vállalkozás logisztikáját felmérő kutatások leginkább a feldolgozóipari és a kereskedelmi KKV-ket vizsgálták egymástól elszigetelt felmérésekkel, döntően alacsony szintű matematikai-statisztikai módszertant alkalmazva

    Reverse Logistics of Lithium Batteries: Sustainable Guidelines for Businesses in Finland

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    This research-based thesis aims to suggest useful concepts from reverse logistics for businesses to use in lithium battery waste management. The research is divided into an introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, empirical research and discussion. The usage of lithium batteries has increased over the recent years, especially with the growing popularity of electric vehicles. The usage rate is only expected to increase further, which might result in large lithium battery stockpiles in the environment. Due to this concern, businesses should find solutions in the sustainable disposition of Li-ion batteries. The target of this thesis is to present reverse logistics as a sustainable tool for lithium battery waste management. The main goals are to support the sustainable benefits of reverse logistics, assess the benefits of third party logistics (3PLs) and view the possibilities of re-verse logistics in Finland. The desired outcomes are to propose reverse logistics concepts to manage Li-ion batteries sustainably and suggest the demand and possibilities of the in-dustry. To support the findings of the theoretical framework, the author has carried out qualitative research. The qualitative method of choice included two semi-structured interviews with businesses in different sectors of the lithium battery industry. To analyse the qualitative data, thematic analysis was utilised in combination of secondary data from existing theory. At the end, the author proposed suggestions from the overall research. The results suggest that reverse logistics can be seen as a sustainable option for lithium battery waste man-agement. 3PLs are a valid component in reverse logistics, which has a demand for more service providers. Reverse logistics in Finland can include several opportunities, as the Li-ion battery industry has many businesses operating in all major sectors

    ICT Innovation Diffusion in Small Logistics Service Providers: an Empirical Survey

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    For companies competing in highly dynamic markets, innovation is considered a fundamental component of a successful business as it allows companies to sustain profit margins, sales growth and reduce competitors’ pressures. Information and communication technology (ICT) is essential innovation enablers especially in service companies. The focus of the paper is on the analysis of the role of ICT in innovation processes of small third-party logistics service providers (3PLs). On the basis of quantitative evidence emerging from a recent survey carried out on the Italian 3PL market, the paper analyses how ICT is used to support innovation and the factors the inhibit/facilitate the usage of ICT in such companies. Implications for supply chain innovation management are derived from the research and managerial perspectives

    ICT Innovation Diffusion in Small Logistics Service Providers: an Empirical Survey

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    For companies competing in highly dynamic markets, innovation is considered a fundamental component of a successful business as it allows companies to sustain profit margins, sales growth and reduce competitors’ pressures. Information and communication technology (ICT) is essential innovation enablers especially in service companies. The focus of the paper is on the analysis of the role of ICT in innovation processes of small third-party logistics service providers (3PLs). On the basis of quantitative evidence emerging from a recent survey carried out on the Italian 3PL market, the paper analyses how ICT is used to support innovation and the factors the inhibit/facilitate the usage of ICT in such companies. Implications for supply chain innovation management are derived from the research and managerial perspectives

    Technology adoption in small and medium-sized logistics providers

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    Purpose - The main aim of the research is to shed light on the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the logistics innovation process of small and medium-sized third party logistics providers (3PLs). Design/methodology/approach - A triangulated research strategy was designed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The former involved the use of a questionnaire survey of small and medium-sized Italian 3PLs with 153 usable responses received. The latter comprised a series of focus groups and the use of seven case studies. Findings - There is a relatively low level of ICT expenditure with few companies adopting formal technology investment strategies. The findings highlight the strategic importance of supply chain integration for 3PLs with companies that have embarked on an expansion of their service portfolios showing a higher level of both ICT usage and information integration. Lack of technology skills in the workforce is a major constraint on ICT adoption. Given the proliferation of logistics-related ICT tools and applications in recent years it has been difficult for small and medium-sized 3PLs to select appropriate applications. Research limitations/implications - The paper provides practical guidelines to researchers in the effective use of mixed-methods research based on the concept of methodological triangulation. In particular, it shows how questionnaire surveys, focus groups and case study analysis can be used in combination to provide insights into multi-faceted supply chain phenomena. It also identifies several potentially fruitful avenues for future research in this specific field. Practical implications - The paper's findings provide useful guidance for practitioners on the effective adoption of ICT as part of the logistics innovation process. The findings also provide support for ICT vendors in the design of ICT solutions that are aligned to the needs of small 3PLs. Originality/value - There is currently a paucity of research into the drivers and inhibitors of ICT in the innovation processes of small and medium-sized 3PLs. This paper fills this gap by exploring the issue using a range of complementary research approaches

    Logistics outsourcing and performance of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises in Nairobi

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    Abstract: Logistics outsourcing has been accepted as a strategy through which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can access the logistics capabilities they lack internally at a lower cost. However, the actual effect of logistics outsourcing on firm performance, especially among the SMEs in Nairobi, remains unknown. Aim: The study aimed to investigate the relationship between logistics outsourcing and firm performance of manufacturing SMEs in Nairobi. Setting: The study sampled manufacturing SMEs in Nairobi City County. Method: In this study, a convergent parallel mixed methods design was applied. Survey data were collected from 163 manufacturing SMEs. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling to test the relationship between logistics outsourcing and firm performance. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted in five manufacturing SMEs. Thematic analysis was used to analyse interview data to provide more insight in the quantitative data..

    E-PORT. Improving efficiency of Finnish port community by intelligent systems Final report of the Mobile Port project

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    The management of port-related supply chains is challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous operations of the ports with several actors and processes. That is why the importance of information sharing is emphasised in the ports. However, the information exchange between different port-related actors is often cumbersome and it still involves a lot of manual work and paper. Major ports and port-related actors usually have advanced information systems in daily use but these systems are seldom interoperable with each other, which prevents economies of scale to be reached. Smaller ports and companies might not be equipped with electronic data transmission at all. This is the final report of the Mobile port (MOPO) project, which has sought ways to improve the management and control of port-related sea and inland traffic with the aid of ICT technologies. The project has studied port community systems (PCS) used worldwide, evaluated the suitability of a PCS for the Finnish port operating environment and created a pilot solution of a Finnish PCS in the port of HaminaKotka. Further, the dry port concept and its influences on the transportation system have been explored. The Mobile Port project comprised of several literature reviews, interviews of over 50 port-related logistics and/or ICT professionals, two different kinds of simulation models as well as designing and implementing of the pilot solution of the Finnish PCS. The results of these multiple studies are summarised in this report. Furthermore, recommendations for future actions and the topics for further studies are addressed in the report. The study revealed that the information sharing in a typical Finnish port-related supply chain contains several bottlenecks that cause delays in shipments and waste resources. The study showed that many of these bottlenecks could be solved by building a port community system for the Finnish port community. Almost 30 different kinds of potential services or service entities of a Finnish PCS were found out during the study. The basic requirements, structure, interfaces and operation model of the Finnish PCS were also defined in the study. On the basis of the results of the study, a pilot solution of the Finnish PCS was implemented in the port of HaminaKotka. The pilot solution includes a Portconnect portal for the Finnish port community system (available at https://www.portconnect.fi) and two pilot applications, which are a service for handling the information flows concerning the movements of railway wagons and a service for handling the information flows between Finnish ports and Finland-Russian border. The study also showed that port community systems can be used to improve the environmental aspects of logistics in two different ways: 1) PCSs can bring direct environmental benefits and 2) PCSs can be used as an environmental tool in a port community. On the basis of the study, the development of the Finnish port community system should be continued by surveying other potential applications for the Finnish PCS. It is also important to study if there is need and resources to extend the Finnish PCS to operate in several ports or even on a national level. In the long run, it could be reasonable to clarify whether there would be possibilities to connect the Finnish PCS as a part of Baltic Sea wide, European-wide or even worldwide maritime and port-related network in order to get the best benefit from the systemSatamasidonnaisten toimitusketjujen hallinta on haasteellista toimijoiden ja prosessien heterogeenisyydestä johtuen. Erityisesti informaatiovirtojen hallinnan merkitys korostuu monitahoisessa satamatoimintaympäristössä. Satamasidonnaisten toimijoiden välinen tiedonvälitys on kuitenkin valitettavan usein hankalaa pitäen sisällään paljon manuaalista työtä ja paperisia dokumentteja. Suurimmilla satamilla ja toimijoilla on usein käytössään kehittyneitä informaatiojärjestelmiä, mutta eri järjestelmät ovat harvoin yhteensopivia keskenään, mikä heikentää mittakaavaetujen saavuttamista. Pienillä satamilla ja toimijoilla ei ole välttämättä käytössä lainkaan tietojärjestelmiä, jolloin toimintoja joudutaan hoitamaan manuaalisesti perinteisiä tiedonvälitystapoja käyttäen. Tämä on Mobiilisatama (MOPO) -hankkeen loppuraportti. Mobiilisatama-hankkeessa on etsitty keinoja satamasidonnaisen meri- ja maaliikenteen hallinnan parantamiseksi älykkään liikenteen avulla tieto- ja viestintäteknologioita hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksessa on selvitty maailmanlaajuisesti käytössä olevia sataman informaatiokeskusratkaisuja (Port Community System, PCS), arvioitu PCS-järjestelmän soveltuvuutta Suomen satamatoimintaympäristöön ja kehitetty pilot-ratkaisu Suomen PCS-järjestelmästä HaminaKotkan satamaan. Hankkeessa on lisäksi tutkittu kuivasatamakonseptia ja sen vaikutuksia kuljetusjärjestelmään. Mobiilisatama-hankkeessa on tehty useita kirjallisuusselvityksiä, haastateltu yli 50 satamasidonnaista logistiikka- ja ICT-alan asiantuntijaa, luotu kaksi erilaista simulaatiomallia kuivasatamakonseptista sekä suunniteltu ja kehitetty pilot-ratkaisu Suomen PCSjärjestelmästä. Näiden tutkimusvaiheiden tulokset on koottu tässä raportissa yhteen. Lisäksi raportissa annetaan suosituksia jatkotoimenpiteille ja jatkotutkimusaiheille. Tutkimuksen mukaan satamasidonnaisessa tiedonvaihdossa on havaittavissa pullonkauloja, jotka paitsi hidastavat tavaratoimitusten käsittelyä myös kuluttavat turhaan resursseja. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että useimmat näistä pullonkauloista olisi mahdollista ratkaista kehittämällä Suomen satamatoimintaympäristöön PCS-järjestelmä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin lähes 30 erilaista Suomen PCS-järjestelmään soveltuvaa palvelua tai palvelukokonaisuutta. Tutkimuksessa määriteltiin myös Suomeen soveltuvan sataman informaatiokeskuksen perusvaatimuksia, rakennetta, rajapintoja ja toimintamalleja. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten pohjalta Suomen PCS-järjestelmästä tehtiin HaminaKotkan satamaan pilot-ratkaisu, joka pitää sisällään Portconnect-portaalin (https://www.portconnect.fi) sekä kaksi todellisiin tarpeisiin vastaavaa sovellusta, vaununvaihtosovelluksen ja rajaliikennepalvelun. Tutkimus osoitti myös sen, että sataman informaatiokeskus voi tuoda mukanaan suoria ympäristöhyötyjä (esim. turhien ajosuoritteiden väheneminen). Järjestelmää voidaan hyödyntää myös ympäristötyökaluna. Tutkimusprojekti osoitti, että Suomen PCS-järjestelmän kehittämistä kannattaa jatkaa myös tulevaisuudessa tutkimalla muita potentiaalisia sovelluksia järjestelmälle. Jatkossa on tärkeää selvittää, onko tarvetta ja resursseja laajentaa järjestelmää toimimaan useassa satamassa tai kansallisella tasolla. Pitkällä aikavälillä on syytä selvittää, onko Suomen PCS-järjestelmän kytkeminen osaksi Itämeren, Euroopan tai jopa maailmanlaajuista meri- ja satamasidonnaista verkostoa mahdollista ja tarkoituksenmukaista.Siirretty Doriast