1,178 research outputs found

    Complexity vs. performance in granular embedding spaces for graph classification

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    The most distinctive trait in structural pattern recognition in graph domain is the ability to deal with the organization and relations between the constituent entities of the pattern. Even if this can be convenient and/or necessary in many contexts, most of the state-of the art classi\ufb01cation techniques can not be deployed directly in the graph domain without \ufb01rst embedding graph patterns towards a metric space. Granular Computing is a powerful information processing paradigm that can be employed in order to drive the synthesis of automatic embedding spaces from structured domains. In this paper we investigate several classi\ufb01cation techniques starting from Granular Computing-based embedding procedures and provide a thorough overview in terms of model complexity, embedding space complexity and performances on several open-access datasets for graph classi\ufb01cation. We witness that certain classi\ufb01cation techniques perform poorly both from the point of view of complexity and learning performances as the case of non-linear SVM, suggesting that high dimensionality of the synthesized embedding space can negatively affect the effectiveness of these approaches. On the other hand, linear support vector machines, neuro-fuzzy networks and nearest neighbour classi\ufb01ers have comparable performances in terms of accuracy, with second being the most competitive in terms of structural complexity and the latter being the most competitive in terms of embedding space dimensionality

    Shape recognition through multi-level fusion of features and classifiers

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    Shape recognition is a fundamental problem and a special type of image classification, where each shape is considered as a class. Current approaches to shape recognition mainly focus on designing low-level shape descriptors, and classify them using some machine learning approaches. In order to achieve effective learning of shape features, it is essential to ensure that a comprehensive set of high quality features can be extracted from the original shape data. Thus we have been motivated to develop methods of fusion of features and classifiers for advancing the classification performance. In this paper, we propose a multi-level framework for fusion of features and classifiers in the setting of gran-ular computing. The proposed framework involves creation of diversity among classifiers, through adopting feature selection and fusion to create diverse feature sets and to train diverse classifiers using different learn-Xinming Wang algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed multi-level framework can effectively create diversity among classifiers leading to considerable advances in the classification performance

    Quality by Design Procedure for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: An Integrated Flowsheet Model Approach

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    Pharmaceutical manufacturing is crucial to global healthcare and requires a higher, more consistent level of quality than any other industry. Yet, the traditional pharmaceutical batch manufacturing has remained largely unchanged in the last fifty years due to high R&D costs, shorter patent durations, and regulatory uncertainty. This has led regulatory bodies to promote modernization of manufacturing process to continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing (CPM) by introducing new methodologies including quality by design, design space, and process analytical technology (PAT). This represents a shift away from the traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing way of thinking towards a risk based approach that promotes increased product and process knowledge through a data-rich environment. While both literature and regulatory bodies acknowledge the need for modernization, manufacturers have been slow to modernize due to uncertainty and lack of confidence in the applications of these methodologies. This paper aims to describe the current applications of QbD principles in literature and the current regulatory environment to identify gaps in literature through leveraging regulatory guidelines and CPM literature. To aid in closing the gap between QbD theory and QbD application, a QbD algorithm for CPM using an integrated flowsheet models is also developed and analyzed. This will help to increase manufacturing confidence in CPM by providing answers to questions about the CPM business case, applications of QbD tools, process validation and sensitivity, and process and equipment characteristics. An integrated flowsheet model will aid in the decision-making process and process optimization, breaking away from ex silico methods extensively covered in literature

    Mixed-attitude three-way decision model for aerial targets: Threat assessment based on IF-VIKOR-GRA method

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    Assessing potential threats typically necessitates the use of a robust mathematical model, a comprehensive evaluation method and universal decision rules. A novel approach is utilized in this study to optimize existing threat assessment (TA) algorithms and three-way decision models (3WDMs) are leveraged that incorporate decision-theoretic rough sets (DTRSs) within dynamic intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) environments to create a mixed-attitude 3WDM based on the IF-VIKOR-GRA method in the context of aviation warfare. The primary objectives of this study include determining conditional probabilities for IF three-way decisions (3WDs) and establishing mixed-attitude decision thresholds. Both the target attribute and loss function are expressed in the form of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs). To calculate these conditional probabilities, an IF technique is used to combine the multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) method VIKOR and the grey relational analysis (GRA) method, while also taking into account the risk-related preferences of decision-makers (DMs). Optimistic and pessimistic 3WDMs are developed from the perspectives of membership degree and non-membership degree, then subsequently integrated into the comprehensive mixed-attitude 3WDM. The feasibility and effectiveness of this methodology are demonstrated through a numerical example and by comparison to other existing approaches

    Classifying Mental-Disorders through Clinicians Subjective Approach based on Three-way Decision

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    In psychiatric diagnosis, a contemporary data-driven, manual-based method for mental disorders classification is the most popular technique; however, it has several inevitable flaws. Using the three-way decision as a framework, we propose a unified model that stands for clinicians' subjective approach (CSA) analysis consisting of three parts: quantitative analysis, quantitative analysis, and evaluation-based analysis. A ranking list and a set of numerical weights based on illness magnitude levels according to the clinician's greatest degree of assumptions are the findings of the qualitative and quantitative investigation. We further create a comparative classification of illnesses into three groups with varying important levels; a three-way evaluation-based model is utilized in this study for the aim of understanding and portraying these results in a more clear way. This proposed method might be integrated with the manual-based process as a complementary tool to improve precision while diagnosing mental disorder

    Imparting 3D representations to artificial intelligence for a full assessment of pressure injuries.

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    During recent decades, researches have shown great interest to machine learning techniques in order to extract meaningful information from the large amount of data being collected each day. Especially in the medical field, images play a significant role in the detection of several health issues. Hence, medical image analysis remarkably participates in the diagnosis process and it is considered a suitable environment to interact with the technology of intelligent systems. Deep Learning (DL) has recently captured the interest of researchers as it has proven to be efficient in detecting underlying features in the data and outperformed the classical machine learning methods. The main objective of this dissertation is to prove the efficiency of Deep Learning techniques in tackling one of the important health issues we are facing in our society, through medical imaging. Pressure injuries are a dermatology related health issue associated with increased morbidity and health care costs. Managing pressure injuries appropriately is increasingly important for all the professionals in wound care. Using 2D photographs and 3D meshes of these wounds, collected from collaborating hospitals, our mission is to create intelligent systems for a full non-intrusive assessment of these wounds. Five main tasks have been achieved in this study: a literature review of wound imaging methods using machine learning techniques, the classification and segmentation of the tissue types inside the pressure injury, the segmentation of these wounds and the design of an end-to-end system which measures all the necessary quantitative information from 3D meshes for an efficient assessment of PIs, and the integration of the assessment imaging techniques in a web-based application

    Mitigating the effect of covariates in face recognition

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    Current face recognition systems capture faces of cooperative individuals in controlled environment as part of the face recognition process. It is therefore possible to control lighting, pose, background, and quality of images. However, in a real world application, we have to deal with both ideal and imperfect data. Performance of current face recognition systems is affected for such non-ideal and challenging cases. This research focuses on designing algorithms to mitigate the effect of covariates in face recognition.;To address the challenge of facial aging, an age transformation algorithm is proposed that registers two face images and minimizes the aging variations. Unlike the conventional method, the gallery face image is transformed with respect to the probe face image and facial features are extracted from the registered gallery and probe face images. The variations due to disguises cause change in visual perception, alter actual data, make pertinent facial information disappear, mask features to varying degrees, or introduce extraneous artifacts in the face image. To recognize face images with variations due to age progression and disguises, a granular face verification approach is designed which uses dynamic feed-forward neural architecture to extract 2D log polar Gabor phase features at different granularity levels. The granular levels provide non-disjoint spatial information which is combined using the proposed likelihood ratio based Support Vector Machine match score fusion algorithm. The face verification algorithm is validated using five face databases including the Notre Dame face database, FG-Net face database and three disguise face databases.;The information in visible spectrum images is compromised due to improper illumination whereas infrared images provide invariance to illumination and expression. A multispectral face image fusion algorithm is proposed to address the variations in illumination. The Support Vector Machine based image fusion algorithm learns the properties of the multispectral face images at different resolution and granularity levels to determine optimal information and combines them to generate a fused image. Experiments on the Equinox and Notre Dame multispectral face databases show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing algorithms. We next propose a face mosaicing algorithm to address the challenge due to pose variations. The mosaicing algorithm generates a composite face image during enrollment using the evidence provided by frontal and semiprofile face images of an individual. Face mosaicing obviates the need to store multiple face templates representing multiple poses of a users face image. Experiments conducted on three different databases indicate that face mosaicing offers significant benefits by accounting for the pose variations that are commonly observed in face images.;Finally, the concept of online learning is introduced to address the problem of classifier re-training and update. A learning scheme for Support Vector Machine is designed to train the classifier in online mode. This enables the classifier to update the decision hyperplane in order to account for the newly enrolled subjects. On a heterogeneous near infrared face database, the case study using Principal Component Analysis and C2 feature algorithms shows that the proposed online classifier significantly improves the verification performance both in terms of accuracy and computational time

    The management of burn wounds by nurses

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Johannesburg, 2015A standardised approach to wound care is vital if a positive outcome is expected. The positive outcomes of standardisation and evidence based wound care protocols have been well documented, yet nurses in South Africa do not have a standard that informs burn wound management. The purpose of this study is to describe the best available evidence for management of burn wounds and to explore nurses’ current practices in a single burns unit with the aim of developing guidelines to inform nursing practices. A QUAN (quantitative dominant) QUAN+ QUAL (quantitative and quantitative concurrently), a non- experimental explanatory sequential descriptive design was used. The process was divided into three phases: Phase One involved the search for quality evidence through an integrative review. The main review question was: “What new knowledge or information related to non-surgical management of burn wounds has emerged in the literature between 2000 and 2014?” Eleven sub questions were used to guide the literature search according to the themes of the nursing process of: Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, Outcome and Evaluation. The review process included a problem identification stage, literature search stage, data evaluation stage, data analysis stage and presentation stage. The included literature was based on a hierarchy of evidence. The search strategy included: multiple electronic databases, hand searching, reference lists of relevant articles, comments of experts, textbook chapters compiled by experts and guidelines. The final sample consisted of n= 354 studies. A qualitative descriptive approach was used to synthesise the research findings. Phase Two involved the study of current practice through structured observation and semi-structured interviews. The purpose of Phase Two was to obtain first-hand information in a naturally occurring situation to identify the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in current practices. Purposive sampling was undertaken and included all nurses providing care to patients with superficial to partial thickness burn wounds. A total of n= 303 dressings were observed and eight interviews were conducted. Phase Three was the verification of findings from Phases One and Two by experts in the field using the AGREE II instrument. Conclusions drawn from observations and interviews were integrated and synthesised with the conclusions from the integrative review. These conclusions were used to develop guidelines for the management of burn wounds by nurses
