1,154 research outputs found

    Sequential Patterns Post-processing for Structural Relation Patterns Mining

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    Sequential patterns mining is an important data-mining technique used to identify frequently observed sequential occurrence of items across ordered transactions over time. It has been extensively studied in the literature, and there exists a diversity of algorithms. However, more complex structural patterns are often hidden behind sequences. This article begins with the introduction of a model for the representation of sequential patterns—Sequential Patterns Graph—which motivates the search for new structural relation patterns. An integrative framework for the discovery of these patterns–Postsequential Patterns Mining–is then described which underpins the postprocessing of sequential patterns. A corresponding data-mining method based on sequential patterns postprocessing is proposed and shown to be effective in the search for concurrent patterns. From experiments conducted on three component algorithms, it is demonstrated that sequential patterns-based concurrent patterns mining provides an efficient method for structural knowledge discover

    Datamining for Web-Enabled Electronic Business Applications

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    Web-Enabled Electronic Business is generating massive amount of data on customer purchases, browsing patterns, usage times and preferences at an increasing rate. Data mining techniques can be applied to all the data being collected for obtaining useful information. This chapter attempts to present issues associated with data mining for web-enabled electronic-business

    A Survey on Actionable Knowledge

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    Actionable Knowledge Discovery (AKD) is a crucial aspect of data mining that is gaining popularity and being applied in a wide range of domains. This is because AKD can extract valuable insights and information, also known as knowledge, from large datasets. The goal of this paper is to examine different research studies that focus on various domains and have different objectives. The paper will review and discuss the methods used in these studies in detail. AKD is a process of identifying and extracting actionable insights from data, which can be used to make informed decisions and improve business outcomes. It is a powerful tool for uncovering patterns and trends in data that can be used for various applications such as customer relationship management, marketing, and fraud detection. The research studies reviewed in this paper will explore different techniques and approaches for AKD in different domains, such as healthcare, finance, and telecommunications. The paper will provide a thorough analysis of the current state of AKD in the field and will review the main methods used by various research studies. Additionally, the paper will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each method and will discuss any novel or new solutions presented in the field. Overall, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the methods and techniques used in AKD and the impact they have on different domains

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMemory access irregularities are a major bottleneck for bandwidth limited problems on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) architectures. GPU memory systems are designed to allow consecutive memory accesses to be coalesced into a single memory access. Noncontiguous accesses within a parallel group of threads working in lock step may cause serialized memory transfers. Irregular algorithms may have data-dependent control flow and memory access, which requires runtime information to be evaluated. Compile time methods for evaluating parallelism, such as static dependence graphs, are not capable of evaluating irregular algorithms. The goals of this dissertation are to study irregularities within the context of unstructured mesh and sparse matrix problems, analyze the impact of vectorization widths on irregularities, and present data-centric methods that improve control flow and memory access irregularity within those contexts. Reordering associative operations has often been exploited for performance gains in parallel algorithms. This dissertation presents a method for associative reordering of stencil computations over unstructured meshes that increases data reuse through caching. This novel parallelization scheme offers considerable speedups over standard methods. Vectorization widths can have significant impact on performance in vectorized computations. Although the hardware vector width is generally fixed, the logical vector width used within a computation can range from one up to the width of the computation. Significant performance differences can occur due to thread scheduling and resource limitations. This dissertation analyzes the impact of vectorization widths on dense numerical computations such as 3D dG postprocessing. It is difficult to efficiently perform dynamic updates on traditional sparse matrix formats. Explicitly controlling memory segmentation allows for in-place dynamic updates in sparse matrices. Dynamically updating the matrix without rebuilding or sorting greatly improves processing time and overall throughput. This dissertation presents a new sparse matrix format, dynamic compressed sparse row (DCSR), which allows for dynamic streaming updates to a sparse matrix. A new method for parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpMM) that uses dynamic updates is also presented

    Behavioral-based algorithms for process model simplification

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    The analysis of processes, either by Business Process Management (BPM) or Process Mining (PM) techniques, has become a must for every organization in order to improve their performance. The role of the process model, a diagrammatic representation of the process, is crucial in most of the BPM and PM phases. During past years, the amount of process-related data that has been gathered by information systems has greatly increased. With more information and behavior related to the processes being recorded, the apparition of complex process models ---with hundreds of edges and activities--- has become more common, hindering the analysis of the process during most stages of BPM and PM. For this reason, the simplification of complex process models is a promising research field that can help the analysis of complex processes

    Data Mining for Web-Enabled Electronic Business Applications

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    Web-enabled electronic business is generating massive amounts of data on customer purchases, browsing patterns, usage times, and preferences at an increasing rate. Data mining techniques can be applied to all the data being collected for obtaining useful information. This chapter attempts to present issues associated with data mining for Web-enabled electronicbusiness. Copyright Idea Group Inc
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