216 research outputs found

    Sequence-aware watermark design for soft IP embedded processors

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    This paper describes a design approach for incorporating sequence-aware watermarks in soft IP embedded processors. The influence of watermark sequence parameters on detection, area and power overheads is examined, and consequently a sequence-aware method for incorporating sequence-aware watermarks in soft IP Embedded Processors is proposed. The intrinsic parameters of sequences, such as the activity factor and the overlapping factor are introduced, and their impact on correlation results is demonstrated. Measurement experimental results from FPGA and ASIC validate the design approach and demonstrate the resulting IP protection and subsequent costs for constrained embedded processors. Results presented in this paper show that the tradeoff occurs between the watermark robustness against third party IP attacks and hardware implementation costs. The analysis of this tradeoff is provided and an application specific watermark implementation is proposed


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    VLSI technology brought revolution in EDA industry. Fabrication of complicated system on a chip is possible by using reusable module called Intellectual Property (IP) core. IP cores that became an integral part of the electronic design industry influenced and had a rather significant and almost incomparable impact with respect to system designing in any chip. IP designs for any organization are imperative; contrary, IP designs that are shared can significantly cause high security risks. The majority of IP’s require time as well as effort for purposes of designing and verification, however there still remains the possibility of these being copied or minor modifications to hide proof of ownership. To overcome this problem watermarking technique is recommended for IP Core protection. Watermark insertion in multilevel increases the security of the system. In this paper the ownership information is inserted in state transition outputs of State Transition Graph employing hierarchical representation of Finite state Machine (FSM) and subsequently in the netlist level by embedding watermark in the delay between the states. Watermark insertion at two levels increases the security of the design. Signature generation uses cryptographic algorithm for enhancing the security of the IP core designs. The experimental results show that performance is improved

    10281 Abstracts Collection -- Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures

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    From 11.07.10 to 16.07.10, Dagstuhl Seminar 10281 ``Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Time- and Amplitude-Controlled Power Noise Generator against SPA Attacks for FPGA-Based IoT Devices

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    Power noise generation for masking power traces is a powerful countermeasure against Simple Power Analysis (SPA), and it has also been used against Differential Power Analysis (DPA) or Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) in the case of cryptographic circuits. This technique makes use of power consumption generators as basic modules, which are usually based on ring oscillators when implemented on FPGAs. These modules can be used to generate power noise and to also extract digital signatures through the power side channel for Intellectual Property (IP) protection purposes. In this paper, a new power consumption generator, named Xored High Consuming Module (XHCM), is proposed. XHCM improves, when compared to others proposals in the literature, the amount of current consumption per LUT when implemented on FPGAs. Experimental results show that these modules can achieve current increments in the range from 2.4 mA (with only 16 LUTs on Artix-7 devices with a power consumption density of 0.75 mW/LUT when using a single HCM) to 11.1 mA (with 67 LUTs when using 8 XHCMs, with a power consumption density of 0.83 mW/LUT). Moreover, a version controlled by Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) has been developed, named PWM-XHCM, which is, as XHCM, suitable for power watermarking. In order to build countermeasures against SPA attacks, a multi-level XHCM (ML-XHCM) is also presented, which is capable of generating different power consumption levels with minimal area overhead (27 six-input LUTS for generating 16 different amplitude levels on Artix-7 devices). Finally, a randomized version, named RML-XHCM, has also been developed using two True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) to generate current consumption peaks with random amplitudes at random times. RML-XHCM requires less than 150 LUTs on Artix-7 devices. Taking into account these characteristics, two main contributions have been carried out in this article: first, XHCM and PWM-XHCM provide an efficient power consumption generator for extracting digital signatures through the power side channel, and on the other hand, ML-XHCM and RML-XHCM are powerful tools for the protection of processing units against SPA attacks in IoT devices implemented on FPGAs.Junta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission B-TIC-588-UGR2

    Characterizing, managing and monitoring the networks for the ATLAS data acquisition system

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    Particle physics studies the constituents of matter and the interactions between them. Many of the elementary particles do not exist under normal circumstances in nature. However, they can be created and detected during energetic collisions of other particles, as is done in particle accelerators. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) being built at CERN will be the world's largest circular particle accelerator, colliding protons at energies of 14 TeV. Only a very small fraction of the interactions will give raise to interesting phenomena. The collisions produced inside the accelerator are studied using particle detectors. ATLAS is one of the detectors built around the LHC accelerator ring. During its operation, it will generate a data stream of 64 Terabytes/s. A Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) is connected to ATLAS -- its function is to acquire digitized data from the detector and apply trigger algorithms to identify the interesting events. Achieving this requires the power of over 2000 computers plus an interconnecting network capable of sustaining a throughput of over 150 Gbit/s with minimal loss and delay. The implementation of this network required a detailed study of the available switching technologies to a high degree of precision in order to choose the appropriate components. We developed an FPGA-based platform (the GETB) for testing network devices. The GETB system proved to be flexible enough to be used as the ba sis of three different network-related projects. An analysis of the traffic pattern that is generated by the ATLAS data-taking applications was also possible thanks to the GETB. Then, while the network was being assembled, parts of the ATLAS detector started commissioning -- this task relied on a functional network. Thus it was imperative to be able to continuously identify existing and usable infrastructure and manage its operations. In addition, monitoring was required to detect any overload conditions with an indication where the excess demand was being generated. We developed tools to ease the maintenance of the network and to automatically produce inventory reports. We created a system that discovers the network topology and this permitted us to verify the installation and to track its progress. A real-time traffic visualization system has been built, allowing us to see at a glance which network segments are heavily utilized. Later, as the network achieves production status, it will be necessary to extend the monitoring to identify individual applications' use of the available bandwidth. We studied a traffic monitoring technology that will allow us to have a better understanding on how the network is used. This technology, based on packet sampling, gives the possibility of having a complete view of the network: not only its total capacity utilization, but also how this capacity is divided among users and software applicati ons. This thesis describes the establishment of a set of tools designed to characterize, monitor and manage complex, large-scale, high-performance networks. We describe in detail how these tools were designed, calibrated, deployed and exploited. The work that led to the development of this thesis spans over more than four years and closely follows the development phases of the ATLAS network: its design, its installation and finally, its current and future operation

    A survey of timing channels and countermeasures

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    A timing channel is a communication channel that can transfer information to a receiver/decoder by modulating the timing behavior of an entity. Examples of this entity include the interpacket delays of a packet stream, the reordering packets in a packet stream, or the resource access time of a cryptographic module. Advances in the information and coding theory and the availability of high-performance computing systems interconnected by high-speed networks have spurred interest in and development of various types of timing channels. With the emergence of complex timing channels, novel detection and prevention techniques are also being developed to counter them. In this article, we provide a detailed survey of timing channels broadly categorized into network timing channel, in which communicating entities are connected by a network, and in-system timing channel, in which the communicating entities are within a computing system. This survey builds on the last comprehensive survey by Zander et al. [2007] and considers all three canonical applications of timing channels, namely, covert communication, timing side channel, and network flow watermarking. We survey the theoretical foundations, the implementation, and the various detection and prevention techniques that have been reported in literature. Based on the analysis of the current literature, we discuss potential future research directions both in the design and application of timing channels and their detection and prevention techniques

    Improving time predictability of shared hardware resources in real-time multicore systems : emphasis on the space domain

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    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) follow a verification and validation process on the timing and functional correctness. This process includes the timing analysis that provides Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates to provide evidence that the execution time of the system, or parts of it, remain within the deadlines. A key design principle for CRTES is the incremental qualification, whereby each software component can be subject to verification and validation independently of any other component, with obvious benefits for cost. At timing level, this requires time composability, such that the timing behavior of a function is not affected by other functions. CRTES are experiencing an unprecedented growth with rising performance demands that have motivated the use of multicore architectures. Multicores can provide the performance required and bring the potential of integrating several software functions onto the same hardware. However, multicore contention in the access to shared hardware resources creates a dependence of the execution time of a task with the rest of the tasks running simultaneously. This dependence threatens time predictability and jeopardizes time composability. In this thesis we analyze and propose hardware solutions to be applied on current multicore designs for CRTES to improve time predictability and time composability, focusing on the on-chip bus and the memory controller. At hardware level, we propose new bus and memory controller designs that control and mitigate contention between different cores and allow to have time composability by design, also in the context of mixed-criticality systems. At analysis level, we propose contention prediction models that factor the impact of contenders and don¿t need modifications to the hardware. We also propose a set of Performance Monitoring Counters (PMC) that provide evidence about the contention. We give an special emphasis on the Space domain focusing on the Cobham Gaisler NGMP multicore processor, which is currently assessed by the European Space Agency for its future missions.Los Sistemas Críticos Empotrados de Tiempo Real (CRTES) siguen un proceso de verificación y validación para su correctitud funcional y temporal. Este proceso incluye el análisis temporal que proporciona estimaciones de el peor caso del tiempo de ejecución (WCET) para dar evidencia de que el tiempo de ejecución del sistema, o partes de él, permanecen dentro de los límites temporales. Un principio de diseño clave para los CRTES es la cualificación incremental, por la que cada componente de software puede ser verificado y validado independientemente del resto de componentes, con beneficios obvios para el coste. A nivel temporal, esto requiere composabilidad temporal, por la que el comportamiento temporal de una función no se ve afectado por otras funciones. CRTES están experimentando un crecimiento sin precedentes con crecientes demandas de rendimiento que han motivado el uso the arquitecturas multi-núcleo (multicore). Los procesadores multi-núcleo pueden proporcionar el rendimiento requerido y tienen el potencial de integrar varias funcionalidades software en el mismo hardware. A pesar de ello, la interferencia entre los diferentes núcleos que aparece en los recursos compartidos de os procesadores multi núcleo crea una dependencia del tiempo de ejecución de una tarea con el resto de tareas ejecutándose simultáneamente en el procesador. Esta dependencia amenaza la predictabilidad temporal y compromete la composabilidad temporal. En esta tésis analizamos y proponemos soluciones hardware para ser aplicadas en los diseños multi núcleo actuales para CRTES que mejoran la predictabilidad y composabilidad temporal, centrándose en el bus y el controlador de memoria internos al chip. A nivel de hardware, proponemos nuevos diseños de buses y controladores de memoria que controlan y mitigan la interferencia entre los diferentes núcleos y permiten tener composabilidad temporal por diseño, también en el contexto de sistemas de criticalidad mixta. A nivel de análisis, proponemos modelos de predicción de la interferencia que factorizan el impacto de los núcleos y no necesitan modificaciones hardware. También proponemos un conjunto de Contadores de Control del Rendimiento (PMC) que proporcionoan evidencia de la interferencia. En esta tésis, damós especial importancia al dominio espacial, centrándonos en el procesador mutli núcleo Cobham Gaisler NGMP, que está siendo actualmente evaluado por la Agencia Espacial Europea para sus futuras misiones

    Preventing integrated circuit piracy using reconfigurable logic barriers

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    With each new feature size, integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing costs increase. Rising expenses cause the once vertical IC supply chain to flatten out. Companies are increasing their reliance on contractors, often foreign, to supplement their supply chain deficiencies as they no longer can provide all of the services themselves. This shift has brought with it several security concerns classified under three categories: (1) Metering - controlling the number of ICs created and for whom. (2) Theft - controlling the dissemination of intellectual property (IP). (3) Trust - controlling the confidence in the IC post-fabrication. Our research focuses on providing a solution to the metering problem by restricting an attacker\u27s access to the IC design. Our solution modifies the CAD tool flow in order to identify locations in the circuit which can be protected with reconfigurable logic barriers. These barriers require the correct key to be present for information to flow through. Incorrect key values render the IC useless as the flow of information is blocked. Our selection heuristics utilize observability and controllability don\u27t care sets along with a node\u27s location in the network to maximize an attacker\u27s burden while keeping in mind the associated overhead. We implement our approach in an open-source logic synthesis tool, compare it against previous solutions and evaluate its effectiveness against a knowledgeable attacker