28 research outputs found

    A harmonic excitation state-space approach to blind separation of speech

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    We discuss an identification framework for noisy speech mixtures. A block-based generative model is formulated that explicitly incorporates the time-varying harmonic plus noise (H+N) model for a number of latent sources observed through noisy convolutive mixtures. All parameters including the pitches of the source signals, the amplitudes and phases of the sources, the mixing filters and the noise statistics are estimated by maximum likelihood, using an EM-algorithm. Exact averaging over the hidden sources is obtained using the Kalman smoother. We show that pitch estimation and source separation can be performed simultaneously. The pitch estimates are compared to laryngograph (EGG) measurements. Artificial and real room mixtures are used to demonstrate the viability of the approach. Intelligible speech signals are re-synthesized from the estimated H+N models

    Convolutive Blind Source Separation Methods

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    In this chapter, we provide an overview of existing algorithms for blind source separation of convolutive audio mixtures. We provide a taxonomy, wherein many of the existing algorithms can be organized, and we present published results from those algorithms that have been applied to real-world audio separation tasks

    Frequency-domain implementation of block adaptive filters for ICA-based multichannel blind deconvolution+I3055

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    In this paper, we present frequency-domain implementations of two adaptive multichannel blind deconvolution filters that employ the independent component analysis principle. The proposed implementations achieve considerable computational gains, which is shown by performing detailed analysis on the computational complexity. Particularly, our implementations incorporate a nonholonomic constraint to deal with overdetermined cases. The developed algorithms were successfully applied to the blind separation of real-world speech signals

    Generative rhythmic models

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    A system for generative rhythmic modeling is presented. The work aims to explore computational models of creativity, realizing them in a system designed for realtime generation of semi-improvisational music. This is envisioned as an attempt to develop musical intelligence in the context of structured improvisation, and by doing so to enable and encourage new forms of musical control and performance; the systems described in this work, already capable of realtime creation, have been designed with the explicit intention of embedding them in a variety of performance-based systems. A model of qaida, a solo tabla form, is presented, along with the results of an online survey comparing it to a professional tabla player's recording on dimensions of musicality, creativity, and novelty. The qaida model generates a bank of rhythmic variations by reordering subphrases. Selections from this bank are sequenced using a feature-based approach. An experimental extension into modeling layer- and loop-based forms of electronic music is presented, in which the initial modeling approach is generalized. Starting from a seed track, the layer-based model utilizes audio analysis techniques such as blind source separation and onset-based segmentation to generate layers which are shuffled and recombined to generate novel music in a manner analogous to the qaida model.M.S.Committee Chair: Chordia, Parag; Committee Member: Freeman, Jason; Committee Member: Weinberg, Gi