3,573 research outputs found

    Sensor model for the navigation of underwater vehicles by the electric sense

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    International audienceWe present an analytical model of a sensor for the navigation of underwater vehicles by the electric sense. This model is inspired from the electroreception structure of the electric fish. In our model, that we call the poly-spherical model (PSM), the sensor is composed of n spherical electrodes. Some electrodes play the role of current-emitters whereas others play the role of current-receivers. By imposing values of the electrical potential on each electrode we create an electric field in the vicinity of the sensor. The region where the electric field is created is considered as the bubble of perception of the sensor. Each object that enters this bubble is electrically polarized and creates in return a perturbation. This perturbation induces a variation of the measured current by the sensor. The model is tested on objects for which the expression of the polarizability is known. A unique off-line calibration of the poly-spherical model permits to predict the measured current of a real immersed sensor in an aquarium. Comparisons in a basic scene between the predicted current given by the poly-spherical model and the measured current given by our test bed show a very good agreement, which confirms the interest of using such fast analytical models for the purpose of navigation

    Autonomous Underwater Gliders

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    First results on a sensor bio-inspired by electric fish

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    This article presents the first results of a work which aims at designing an active sensor inspired by the electric fish. Its interest is its potential for robotics underwater navigation and exploration tasks in conditions where vision and sonar would meet difficulty. It could also be used as a complementary omnidirectional, short range sense to vision and sonar. Combined with a well defined engine geometry, this sensor can be modeled analytically. In this article, we focus on a particular measurement mode where one electrode of the sensor acts as a current emitter and the others as current receivers. In spite of the high sensitivity required by electric sense, the first results show that we can obtain a detection range of the order of the sensor length, which suggests that this sensor principle could be used in future for robotics obstacle avoidance

    Reference Model for Interoperability of Autonomous Systems

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    This thesis proposes a reference model to describe the components of an Un-manned Air, Ground, Surface, or Underwater System (UxS), and the use of a single Interoperability Building Block to command, control, and get feedback from such vehicles. The importance and advantages of such a reference model, with a standard nomenclature and taxonomy, is shown. We overview the concepts of interoperability and some efforts to achieve common refer-ence models in other areas. We then present an overview of existing un-manned systems, their history, characteristics, classification, and missions. The concept of Interoperability Building Blocks (IBB) is introduced to describe standards, protocols, data models, and frameworks, and a large set of these are analyzed. A new and powerful reference model for UxS, named RAMP, is proposed, that describes the various components that a UxS may have. It is a hierarchical model with four levels, that describes the vehicle components, the datalink, and the ground segment. The reference model is validated by showing how it can be applied in various projects the author worked on. An example is given on how a single standard was capable of controlling a set of heterogeneous UAVs, USVs, and UGVs

    Context Detection, Categorization and Connectivity for Advanced Adaptive Integrated Navigation

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    Context is the environment that a navigation system operates in and the behaviour of its host vehicle or user. The type and quality of signals and environmental features available for positioning varies with the environment. For example, GNSS provides high-quality positioning in open environments, low-quality positioning in dense urban environments and no solution at all deep indoors. The behaviour of the host vehicle (or pedestrian) is also important. For example, pedestrian, car and train navigation all require different map-matching techniques, different motion constraints to limit inertial navigation error growth, and different dynamic models in a navigation filter [1]. A navigation system design should therefore be matched to its context. However, the context can change, particularly for devices, such as smartphones, which move between indoor and outdoor environments and can be stationary, on a pedestrian, or in a vehicle. For best performance, a navigation system should therefore be able to detect its operating context and adapt accordingly; this is context-adaptive positioning [1]. Previous work on context-adaptive navigation and positioning has focused on individual subsystems. For example, there has been substantial research into determining the motion type and sensor location for pedestrian dead reckoning using step detection [2-4]. Researchers have also begun to investigate context-adaptive (or cognitive) GNSS [5-7]. However, this paper considers context adaptation across an integrated navigation system as a whole. The paper addresses three aspects of context-adaptive integrated navigation: context detection, context categorization and context connectivity. It presents experimental results showing how GNSS C/N0 measurements, frequency-domain MEMS inertial sensor measurements and Wi-Fi signal availability could be used to detect both the environmental and behavioural contexts. It then looks at how context information could be shared across the different components of an integrated navigation system. Finally, the concept of context connectivity is introduced to improve the reliability of context detection. GNSS C/N0 measurement distributions, obtained using a smartphone, and Wi-Fi reception data collected over a range of indoor, urban and open environments will be compared to identify suitable features from which the environmental context may be derived. In an open environment, strong GNSS signals will be received from all directions. In an urban environment, fewer strong signals will be received and only from certain directions. Inside a building, nearly all GNSS signals will be much weaker than outside. Wi-Fi signals essentially vary with the environment in the opposite way to GNSS. Indoors, more access points (APs) can be received at higher signal strengths and there is greater variation in RSS. In urban environments, large numbers of APs can still be received, but at lower signal strengths [6]. Finally, in open environments, few APs, if any, will be received. Behavioural context is studied using an IMU. Although an Xsens MEMS IMU is used in this study, smartphone inertial sensors are also suitable. Pedestrian, car and train data has been collected under a range of different motion types and will be compared to identify context-dependent features. Early indications are that, as well as detecting motion, it is also possible to distinguish nominally-stationary IMUs that are placed in a car, on a person or on a table from the frequency spectra of the sensor measurements. The exchange of context information between subsystems in an integrated navigation system requires agreement on the definitions of those contexts. As different subsystems are often supplied by different organisations, it is desirable to standardize the context definitions across the whole navigation and positioning community. This paper therefore proposes a framework upon which a “context dictionary” could be constructed. Environmental and behavioural contexts are categorized separately and a hierarchy of attributes is proposed to enable some subsystems to work with highly specific context categories and others to work with broader categories. Finally, the concept of context connectivity is introduced. This is analogous to the road link connectivity used in map matching [8]. As context detection involves the matching of measurement data to stored context profiles, there will always be occurrences of false or ambiguous context identification. However, these may be minimized by using the fact that it is only practical to transition directly between certain pairs of contexts. For example, it is not normally possible to move directly from an airborne to an indoor environment as an aircraft must land first. Thus, the air and land contexts are connected, as are the land and indoor contexts, but the air and indoor contexts are not. Thus, by only permitting contexts that are connected to the previous context, false and ambiguous context detection is reduced. Robustness may be further enhanced by considering location-dependent connectivity. For example, people normally board and leave trains at stations and fixed-wing aircraft typically require an airstrip to take off and land. / References [1] Groves, P. D., Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multi-sensor integrated navigation systems, Second Edition, Artech House, 2013. [2] Park, C. G., et al., “Adaptive Step Length Estimation with Awareness of Sensor Equipped Location for PNS,” Proc. ION GNSS 2007. [3] Frank, K., et al., “Reliable Real-Time Recognition of Motion Related Human Activities Using MEMS Inertial Sensors,” Proc. ION GNSS 2010. [4] Pei, L., et al., “Using Motion-Awareness for the 3D Indoor Personal Navigation on a Smartphone,” Proc. ION GNSS 2011. [5] Lin, T., C. O’Driscoll, and G. Lachapelle, “Development of a Context-Aware Vector-Based High-Sensitivity GNSS Software Receiver,” Proc. ION ITM 2011. [6] Shafiee, M., K., O’Keefe, and G. Lachapelle, “Context-aware Adaptive Extended Kalman Filtering Using Wi-Fi Signals for GPS Navigation,” Proc. ION GNSS 2011. [7] Shivaramaiah, N. C., and A. G. Dempster, “Cognitive GNSS Receiver Design: Concept and Challenges,” Proc. ION GNSS 2011. [8] Quddus, M. A., High Integrity Map Matching Algorithms for Advanced Transport Telematics Applications, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, 2006

    Synthesis of an electric sensor based control for underwater multi-agents navigation in a file

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    International audienceThanks to an electro-sensible skin, some species of fish can feel the surrounding electric field generated by them-self or other fish. Known under the name of "electric-sense", this ability allows these fish to navigate in confined surroundings. Based on a bio-inspired electric sensor, this article presents how this electric sense can be used for the navigation in formation of several underwater vehicles. The formation considered is a file, each vehicle is assumed to follow its predecessor at a given distance. In confined environment, the file formation is interesting since fish can follow the same safe path. Being based on the servoing of the electric measurements, these laws do not require the knowledge of the location of the agents. The underwater vehicle studied have non holonomic properties, their forward velocity has no lateral component. Depending on the choice of the controlled outputs (combination of electric measures) we will see that path followed by the follower agents can be different and a methodology to choose the output will be defined in order that all the agents follow the leader path in presence of curved motion of the leader. The influence of the number of electrodes is discussed. Simulation results illustrate the proposed approach
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