144 research outputs found

    Sensor scheduling with time, energy and communication constraints

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    In this paper, we present new algorithms and analysis for the linear inverse sensor placement and scheduling problems over multiple time instances with power and communications constraints. The proposed algorithms, which deal directly with minimizing the mean squared error (MSE), are based on the convex relaxation approach to address the binary optimization scheduling problems that are formulated in sensor network scenarios. We propose to balance the energy and communications demands of operating a network of sensors over time while we still guarantee a minimum level of estimation accuracy. We measure this accuracy by the MSE for which we provide average case and lower bounds analyses that hold in general, irrespective of the scheduling algorithm used. We show experimentally how the proposed algorithms perform against state-of-the-art methods previously described in the literature

    On optimizing the deployment of an internet of things sensor network for soil and crop monitoring on arable plots

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    One of the main stream of digitalization in agriculture is the introduction of Internet of Things technologies, which is expressed in the creation and use of specialized sensors that are placed in the fields. The placement of such sensors within agricultural plot should make it possible to characterize all the microvariability of soil fertility parameters in the field. That is, their number and spatial location should be optimal, on the one hand, in terms of costs of their acquisition and operation, and, on the other hand, in terms of accuracy of interpolation of data obtained with their help to the entire plot. It has been shown that the use of crop condition maps obtained on the basis of satellite data and the separation based on them of management zones can lead to significant errors in the interpolation of monitoring results, obtained in separate points, on the whole plot. An approach for optimization of sensor placement is proposed based on the use of soil fertility mapping, which is the result of refinement, updating and clarification of traditionally drawn soil maps on the basis of high spatial resolution remote sensing data. The possibilities of using the approach are demonstrated by the example of a test plot in Leningrad region of Russia

    Fast Data-driven Greedy Sensor Selection for Ridge Regression

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    We propose a data-driven sensor-selection algorithm for accurate estimation of the target variables from the selected measurements. The target variables are assumed to be estimated by a ridge-regression estimator which is trained based on the data. The proposed algorithm greedily selects sensors for minimization of the cost function of the estimator. Sensor selection which prevents the overfitting of the resulting estimator can be realized by setting a positive regularization parameter. The greedy solution is computed in quite a short time by using some recurrent relations that we derive. Furthermore, we show that sensor selection can be accelerated by dimensionality reduction of the target variables without large deterioration of the estimation performance. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified for two real-world datasets. The first dataset is a dataset of sea surface temperature for sensor selection for reconstructing large data, and the second is a dataset of surface pressure distribution and yaw angle of a ground vehicle for sensor selection for estimation. The experiments reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms some data-drive selection algorithms including the orthogonal matching pursuit

    Scattered Far-Field Sampling in Multi-Static Multi-Frequency Configuration

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    This paper deals with an inverse scattering problem under a linearized scattering model for a multi-static/multi-frequency configuration. The focus is on the determination of a sampling strategy that allows the reduction of the number of measurement points and frequencies and at the same time keeping the same achievable performance in the reconstructions as for full data acquisition. For the sake of simplicity, a 2D scalar geometry is addressed, and the scattered far-field data are collected. The relevant scattering operator exhibits a singular value spectrum that abruptly decays (i.e., a step-like behavior) beyond a certain index, which identifies the so-called number of degrees of freedom (NDF) of the problem. Accordingly, the sampling strategy is derived by looking for a discrete finite set of data points for which the arising semi-discrete scattering operator approximation can reproduce the most significant part of the singular spectrum, i.e., the singular values preceding the abrupt decay. To this end, the observation variables are suitably transformed so that Fourier-based arguments can be used. The arising sampling grid returns several data that is close to the NDF. Unfortunately, the resulting data points (in the angle-frequency domain) leading to a complicated measurement configuration which requires collecting the data at different spatial positions for each different frequency. To simplify the measurement configuration, a suboptimal sampling strategy is then proposed which, by an iterative procedure, enforces the sampling points to belong to a rectangular grid in the angle-frequency domain. As a result of this procedure, the overall data points (i.e., the couples angle-frequency) actually increase but the number of different angles and frequencies reduce and lead to a measurement configuration that is more practical to implement. A few numerical examples are included to check the proposed sampling scheme

    Randomized Group-Greedy Method for Large-Scale Sensor Selection Problems

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    The randomized group-greedy method and its customized method for large-scale sensor selection problems are proposed. The randomized greedy sensor selection algorithm is applied straightforwardly to the group-greedy method, and a customized method is also considered. In the customized method, a part of the compressed sensor candidates is selected using the common greedy method or other low-cost methods. This strategy compensates for the deterioration of the solution due to compressed sensor candidates. The proposed methods are implemented based on the D- and E-optimal design of experiments, and numerical experiments are conducted using randomly generated sensor candidate matrices with potential sensor locations of 10,000--1,000,000. The proposed method can provide better optimization results than those obtained by the original group-greedy method when a similar computational cost is spent as for the original group-greedy method. This is because the group size for the group-greedy method can be increased as a result of the compressed sensor candidates by the randomized algorithm. Similar results were also obtained in the real dataset. The proposed method is effective for the E-optimality criterion, in which the objective function that the optimization by the common greedy method is difficult due to the absence of submodularity of the objective function. The idea of the present method can improve the performance of all optimizations using a greedy algorithm

    Large-time optimal observation domain for linear parabolic systems

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    Given a well-posed linear evolution system settled on a domain Ω\Omega of Rd\mathbb{R}^d, an observation subset ω⊂Ω\omega\subset\Omega and a time horizon TT, the observability constant is defined as the largest possible nonnegative constant such that the observability inequality holds for the pair (ω,T)(\omega,T). In this article we investigate the large-time behavior of the observation domain that maximizes the observability constant over all possible measurable subsets of a given Lebesgue measure. We prove that it converges exponentially, as the time horizon goes to infinity, to a limit set that we characterize. The mathematical technique is new and relies on a quantitative version of the bathtub principle

    On the Sampling of the Fresnel Field Intensity over a Full Angular Sector

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    In this article, the question of how to sample the square amplitude of the radiated field in the framework of phaseless antenna diagnostics is addressed. In particular, the goal of the article is to find a discretization scheme that exploits a non-redundant number of samples and returns a discrete model whose mathematical properties are similar to those of the continuous one. To this end, at first, the lifting technique is used to obtain a linear representation of the square amplitude of the radiated field. Later, a discretization scheme based on the Shannon sampling theorem is exploited to discretize the continuous model. More in detail, the kernel of the related eigenvalue problem is first recast as the Fourier transform of a window function, and after, it is evaluated. Finally, the sampling theory approach is applied to obtain a discrete model whose singular values approximate all the relevant singular values of the continuous linear model. The study refers to a strip source whose square magnitude of the radiated field is observed in the Fresnel zone over a 2D observation domain
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