26 research outputs found

    Target-adaptive CNN-based pansharpening

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    We recently proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) for remote sensing image pansharpening obtaining a significant performance gain over the state of the art. In this paper, we explore a number of architectural and training variations to this baseline, achieving further performance gains with a lightweight network which trains very fast. Leveraging on this latter property, we propose a target-adaptive usage modality which ensures a very good performance also in the presence of a mismatch w.r.t. the training set, and even across different sensors. The proposed method, published online as an off-the-shelf software tool, allows users to perform fast and high-quality CNN-based pansharpening of their own target images on general-purpose hardware

    Multi-Fusion algorithms for Detecting Land Surface Pattern Changes Using Multi-High Spatial Resolution Images and Remote Sensing Analysis

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    Producing accurate Land-Use and Land-Cover (LU/LC) maps using low-spatial-resolution images is a difficult task. Pan-sharpening is crucial for estimating LU/LC patterns. This study aimed to identify the most precise procedure for estimating LU/LC by adopting two fusion approaches, namely Color Normalized Brovey (BM) and Gram-Schmidt Spectral Sharpening (GS), on high-spatial-resolution Multi-sensor and Multi-spectral images, such as (1) the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system, (2) the WorldView-2 satellite system, and (3) low-spatial-resolution images like the Sentinel-2 satellite, to generate six levels of fused images with the three original multi-spectral images. The Maximum Likelihood method (ML) was used for classifying all nine images. A confusion matrix was used to evaluate the accuracy of each single classified image. The obtained results were statistically compared to determine the most reliable, accurate, and appropriate LU/LC map and procedure. It was found that applying GS to the fused image, which integrated WorldView-2 and Sentinel-2 satellite images and was classified by the ML method, produced the most accurate results. This procedure has an overall accuracy of 88.47% and a kappa coefficient of 0.85. However, the overall accuracies of the three classified multispectral images range between 86.84% to 76.49%. Furthermore, the accuracy assessment of the fused images by the Brovey method and the rest of the GS method and classified by the ML method ranges between 85.75% to 76.68%. This proposed procedure shows a lot of promise in the academic sphere for mapping LU/LC. Previous researchers have mostly used satellite images or datasets with similar spatial and spectral resolution, at least for tropical areas like the study area of this research, to detect land surface patterns. However, no one has previously investigated and examined the use and application of different datasets that have different spectral and spatial resolutions and their accuracy for mapping LU/LC. This study has successfully adopted different datasets provided by different sensors with varying spectral and spatial levels to investigate this. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-013 Full Text: PD

    Spatially Enhanced Spectral Unmixing Through Data Fusion of Spectral and Visible Images from Different Sensors

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    Publiher's version (útgefin grein)We propose an unmixing framework for enhancing endmember fraction maps using a combination of spectral and visible images. The new method, data fusion through spatial information-aided learning (DFuSIAL), is based on a learning process for the fusion of a multispectral image of low spatial resolution and a visible RGB image of high spatial resolution. Unlike commonly used methods, DFuSIAL allows for fusing data from different sensors. To achieve this objective, we apply a learning process using automatically extracted invariant points, which are assumed to have the same land cover type in both images. First, we estimate the fraction maps of a set of endmembers for the spectral image. Then, we train a spatial-features aided neural network (SFFAN) to learn the relationship between the fractions, the visible bands, and rotation-invariant spatial features for learning (RISFLs) that we extract from the RGB image. Our experiments show that the proposed DFuSIAL method obtains fraction maps with significantly enhanced spatial resolution and an average mean absolute error between 2% and 4% compared to the reference ground truth. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed method is preferable to other examined state-of-the-art methods, especially when data is obtained from different instruments and in cases with missing-data pixels.This research was partially funded by the Icelandic Research Fund through the EMMIRS project, and bythe Israel Science Ministry and Space Agency through the Venus project.Peer Reviewe


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    Recent Advances in Image Restoration with Applications to Real World Problems

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    In the past few decades, imaging hardware has improved tremendously in terms of resolution, making widespread usage of images in many diverse applications on Earth and planetary missions. However, practical issues associated with image acquisition are still affecting image quality. Some of these issues such as blurring, measurement noise, mosaicing artifacts, low spatial or spectral resolution, etc. can seriously affect the accuracy of the aforementioned applications. This book intends to provide the reader with a glimpse of the latest developments and recent advances in image restoration, which includes image super-resolution, image fusion to enhance spatial, spectral resolution, and temporal resolutions, and the generation of synthetic images using deep learning techniques. Some practical applications are also included

    Single image super resolution for spatial enhancement of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery

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    Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) has emerged as a powerful tool for capturing detailed spectral information across various applications, such as remote sensing, medical imaging, and material identification. However, the limited spatial resolution of acquired HSI data poses a challenge due to hardware and acquisition constraints. Enhancing the spatial resolution of HSI is crucial for improving image processing tasks, such as object detection and classification. This research focuses on utilizing Single Image Super Resolution (SISR) techniques to enhance HSI, addressing four key challenges: the efficiency of 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-DCNNs) in HSI enhancement, minimizing spectral distortions, tackling data scarcity, and improving state-of-the-art performance. The thesis establishes a solid theoretical foundation and conducts an in-depth literature review to identify trends, gaps, and future directions in the field of HSI enhancement. Four chapters present novel research targeting each of the aforementioned challenges. All experiments are performed using publicly available datasets, and the results are evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively using various commonly used metrics. The findings of this research contribute to the development of a novel 3D-CNN architecture known as 3D Super Resolution CNN 333 (3D-SRCNN333). This architecture demonstrates the capability to enhance HSI with minimal spectral distortions while maintaining acceptable computational cost and training time. Furthermore, a Bayesian-optimized hybrid spectral spatial loss function is devised to improve the spatial quality and minimize spectral distortions, combining the best characteristics of both domains. Addressing the challenge of data scarcity, this thesis conducts a thorough study on Data Augmentation techniques and their impact on the spectral signature of HSI. A new Data Augmentation technique called CutMixBlur is proposed, and various combinations of Data Augmentation techniques are evaluated to address the data scarcity challenge, leading to notable enhancements in performance. Lastly, the 3D-SRCNN333 architecture is extended to the frequency domain and wavelet domain to explore their advantages over the spatial domain. The experiments reveal promising results with the 3D Complex Residual SRCNN (3D-CRSRCNN), surpassing the performance of 3D-SRCNN333. The findings presented in this thesis have been published in reputable conferences and journals, indicating their contribution to the field of HSI enhancement. Overall, this thesis provides valuable insights into the field of HSI-SISR, offering a thorough understanding of the advancements, challenges, and potential applications. The developed algorithms and methodologies contribute to the broader goal of improving the spatial resolution and spectral fidelity of HSI, paving the way for further advancements in scientific research and practical implementations.Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) has emerged as a powerful tool for capturing detailed spectral information across various applications, such as remote sensing, medical imaging, and material identification. However, the limited spatial resolution of acquired HSI data poses a challenge due to hardware and acquisition constraints. Enhancing the spatial resolution of HSI is crucial for improving image processing tasks, such as object detection and classification. This research focuses on utilizing Single Image Super Resolution (SISR) techniques to enhance HSI, addressing four key challenges: the efficiency of 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-DCNNs) in HSI enhancement, minimizing spectral distortions, tackling data scarcity, and improving state-of-the-art performance. The thesis establishes a solid theoretical foundation and conducts an in-depth literature review to identify trends, gaps, and future directions in the field of HSI enhancement. Four chapters present novel research targeting each of the aforementioned challenges. All experiments are performed using publicly available datasets, and the results are evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively using various commonly used metrics. The findings of this research contribute to the development of a novel 3D-CNN architecture known as 3D Super Resolution CNN 333 (3D-SRCNN333). This architecture demonstrates the capability to enhance HSI with minimal spectral distortions while maintaining acceptable computational cost and training time. Furthermore, a Bayesian-optimized hybrid spectral spatial loss function is devised to improve the spatial quality and minimize spectral distortions, combining the best characteristics of both domains. Addressing the challenge of data scarcity, this thesis conducts a thorough study on Data Augmentation techniques and their impact on the spectral signature of HSI. A new Data Augmentation technique called CutMixBlur is proposed, and various combinations of Data Augmentation techniques are evaluated to address the data scarcity challenge, leading to notable enhancements in performance. Lastly, the 3D-SRCNN333 architecture is extended to the frequency domain and wavelet domain to explore their advantages over the spatial domain. The experiments reveal promising results with the 3D Complex Residual SRCNN (3D-CRSRCNN), surpassing the performance of 3D-SRCNN333. The findings presented in this thesis have been published in reputable conferences and journals, indicating their contribution to the field of HSI enhancement. Overall, this thesis provides valuable insights into the field of HSI-SISR, offering a thorough understanding of the advancements, challenges, and potential applications. The developed algorithms and methodologies contribute to the broader goal of improving the spatial resolution and spectral fidelity of HSI, paving the way for further advancements in scientific research and practical implementations

    Remote Sensing and Geosciences for Archaeology

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    This book collects more than 20 papers, written by renowned experts and scientists from across the globe, that showcase the state-of-the-art and forefront research in archaeological remote sensing and the use of geoscientific techniques to investigate archaeological records and cultural heritage. Very high resolution satellite images from optical and radar space-borne sensors, airborne multi-spectral images, ground penetrating radar, terrestrial laser scanning, 3D modelling, Geographyc Information Systems (GIS) are among the techniques used in the archaeological studies published in this book. The reader can learn how to use these instruments and sensors, also in combination, to investigate cultural landscapes, discover new sites, reconstruct paleo-landscapes, augment the knowledge of monuments, and assess the condition of heritage at risk. Case studies scattered across Europe, Asia and America are presented: from the World UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa to heritage under threat in the Middle East and North Africa, from coastal heritage in the intertidal flats of the German North Sea to Early and Neolithic settlements in Thessaly. Beginners will learn robust research methodologies and take inspiration; mature scholars will for sure derive inputs for new research and applications

    Calibration of DART Radiative Transfer Model with Satellite Images for Simulating Albedo and Thermal Irradiance Images and 3D Radiative Budget of Urban Environment

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    Remote sensing is increasingly used for managing urban environment. In this context, the H2020 project URBANFLUXES aims to improve our knowledge on urban anthropogenic heat fluxes, with the specific study of three cities: London, Basel and Heraklion. Usually, one expects to derive directly 2 major urban parameters from remote sensing: the albedo and thermal irradiance. However, the determination of these two parameters is seriously hampered by complexity of urban architecture. For example, urban reflectance and brightness temperature are far from isotropic and are spatially heterogeneous. Hence, radiative transfer models that consider the complexity of urban architecture when simulating remote sensing signals are essential tools. Even for these sophisticated models, there is a major constraint for an operational use of remote sensing: the complex 3D distribution of optical properties and temperatures in urban environments. Here, the work is conducted with the DART (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer) model. It is a comprehensive physically based 3D radiative transfer model that simulates optical signals at the entrance of imaging spectro-radiometers and LiDAR scanners on board of satellites and airplanes, as well as the 3D radiative budget, of urban and natural landscapes for any experimental (atmosphere, topography,…) and instrumental (sensor altitude, spatial resolution, UV to thermal infrared,…) configuration. Paul Sabatier University distributes free licenses for research activities. This paper presents the calibration of DART model with high spatial resolution satellite images (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, etc.) that are acquired in the visible (VIS) / near infrared (NIR) domain and in the thermal infrared (TIR) domain. Here, the work is conducted with an atmospherically corrected Landsat 8 image and Bale city, with its urban database. The calibration approach in the VIS/IR domain encompasses 5 steps for computing the 2D distribution (image) of urban albedo at satellite spatial resolution. (1) DART simulation of satellite image at very high spatial resolution (e.g., 50cm) per satellite spectral band. Atmosphere conditions are specific to the satellite image acquisition. (2) Spatial resampling of DART image at the coarser spatial resolution of the available satellite image, per spectral band. (3) Iterative derivation of the urban surfaces (roofs, walls, streets, vegetation,…) optical properties as derived from pixel-wise comparison of DART and satellite images, independently per spectral band. (4) Computation of the band albedo image of the city, per spectral band. (5) Computation of the image of the city albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, as an integral over all satellite spectral bands. In order to get a time series of albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, even in the absence of satellite images, ECMWF information about local irradiance and atmosphere conditions are used. A similar approach is used for calculating the city thermal exitance using satellite images acquired in the thermal infrared domain. Finally, DART simulations that are conducted with the optical properties derived from remote sensing images give also the 3D radiative budget of the city at any date including the date of the satellite image acquisition

    Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives

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    Landslides represent major natural hazards, which cause every year significant loss of lives and damages to buildings, properties and lifelines. In the last decades, a significant increase in landslide frequency took place, in concomitance to climate change and the expansion of urbanized areas. Remote sensing techniques represent a powerful tool for landslide investigation: applications are traditionally divided into three main classes, although this subdivision has some limitations and borders are sometimes fuzzy. The first class comprehends techniques for landslide recognition, i.e., the mapping of past or active slope failures. The second regards landslide monitoring, which entails both ground deformation measurement and the analysis of any other changes along time (e.g., land use, vegetation cover). The third class groups methods for landslide hazard analysis and forecasting. The aim of this paper is to give an overview on the applications of remote-sensing techniques for the three categories of landslide investigations, focusing on the achievements of the last decade, being that previous studies have already been exhaustively reviewed in the existing literature. At the end of the paper, a new classification of remote-sensing techniques that may be pertinently adopted for investigating specific typologies of soil and rock slope failures is proposed