386 research outputs found

    Methodology to Predict Daily Groundwater Levels by the Implementation of Machine Learning and Crop Models

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    The continuous decline of groundwater levels caused by variations in climatic conditions and crop water demands is an increased concern for the agricultural community. It is necessary to understand the factors that control these changes in groundwater levels so that we can better address declines and develop improved conservation practices that will lead to a more sustainable use of water. In this study, two machine learning techniques namely support vector regression (SVR) and the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) neural network were implemented to predict daily groundwater levels in a well located in the Mississippi Delta Region (MDR). Results of the NARX model indicate that a Bayesian regularization algorithm with two hidden nodes and 100 time delays was the best architecture to forecast groundwater levels. In another study, the SVR and the NARX model were compared for the prediction of groundwater withdrawal and recharge periods separately. Results from this study showed that input data classified by seasons lead to incremental improvements in the model accuracy, and that the SVR was the most efficient machine learning model with a Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.00123 m for the withdrawal season. Analysis of input variables such as previous daily groundwater levels (Gw), precipitation (Pr), and evapotranspiration (ET) showed that the combination of Gw+Pr provides the optimal set for groundwater prediction and that ET degraded the modeling performance, especially during recharge seasons. Finally, the CROPGRO-Soybean crop model was used to simulate the impacts of different volumes of irrigation on the crop height and yield, and to generate the daily irrigation requirements for soybean crops in the MDR. Four irrigation threshold scenarios (20%, 40%, 50% and 60%) were obtained from the CROGRO-Soybean model and used as inputs in the SVR to evaluate the predicted response of daily groundwater levels to different irrigation demands. This study demonstrated that conservative irrigation management, by selecting a low irrigation threshold, can provide good yields comparable to what is produced by a high volume irrigation management practice. Thus, lower irrigation volumes can have a big impact on decreasing the amount of groundwater withdrawals, while still maintaining comparable yields

    Methodology to Predict Daily Groundwater Levels by the Implementation of Machine Learning and Crop Models

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    The continuous decline of groundwater levels caused by variations in climatic conditions and crop water demands is an increased concern for the agricultural community. It is necessary to understand the factors that control these changes in groundwater levels so that we can better address declines and develop improved conservation practices that will lead to a more sustainable use of water. In this study, two machine learning techniques namely support vector regression (SVR) and the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) neural network were implemented to predict daily groundwater levels in a well located in the Mississippi Delta Region (MDR). Results of the NARX model indicate that a Bayesian regularization algorithm with two hidden nodes and 100 time delays was the best architecture to forecast groundwater levels. In another study, the SVR and the NARX model were compared for the prediction of groundwater withdrawal and recharge periods separately. Results from this study showed that input data classified by seasons lead to incremental improvements in the model accuracy, and that the SVR was the most efficient machine learning model with a Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.00123 m for the withdrawal season. Analysis of input variables such as previous daily groundwater levels (Gw), precipitation (Pr), and evapotranspiration (ET) showed that the combination of Gw+Pr provides the optimal set for groundwater prediction and that ET degraded the modeling performance, especially during recharge seasons. Finally, the CROPGRO-Soybean crop model was used to simulate the impacts of different volumes of irrigation on the crop height and yield, and to generate the daily irrigation requirements for soybean crops in the MDR. Four irrigation threshold scenarios (20%, 40%, 50% and 60%) were obtained from the CROGRO-Soybean model and used as inputs in the SVR to evaluate the predicted response of daily groundwater levels to different irrigation demands. This study demonstrated that conservative irrigation management, by selecting a low irrigation threshold, can provide good yields comparable to what is produced by a high volume irrigation management practice. Thus, lower irrigation volumes can have a big impact on decreasing the amount of groundwater withdrawals, while still maintaining comparable yields

    Data-driven fault diagnosis of awind farm benchmark model

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    The fault diagnosis of wind farms has been proven to be a challenging task, and motivates the research activities carried out through this work. Therefore, this paper deals with the fault diagnosis of a wind park benchmark model, and it considers viable solutions to the problem of earlier fault detection and isolation. The design of the fault indicator involves data-driven approaches, as they can represent effective tools for coping with poor analytical knowledge of the system dynamics, noise, uncertainty, and disturbances. In particular, the proposed data-driven solutions rely on fuzzy models and neural networks that are used to describe the strongly nonlinear relationships between measurement and faults. The chosen architectures rely on nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input models, as they can represent the dynamic evolution of the system over time. The developed fault diagnosis schemes are tested by means of a high-fidelity benchmark model that simulates the normal and the faulty behaviour of a wind farm installation. The achieved performances are also compared with those of a model-based approach relying on nonlinear differential geometry tools. Finally, a Monte-Carlo analysis validates the robustness and reliability of the proposed solutions against typical parameter uncertainties and disturbances.The fault diagnosis of wind farms has been proven to be a challenging task, and motivates the research activities carried out through this work. Therefore, this paper deals with the fault diagnosis of a wind park benchmark model, and it considers viable solutions to the problem of earlier fault detection and isolation. The design of the fault indicator involves data-driven approaches, as they can represent effective tools for coping with poor analytical knowledge of the system dynamics, noise, uncertainty, and disturbances. In particular, the proposed data-driven solutions rely on fuzzy models and neural networks that are used to describe the strongly nonlinear relationships between measurement and faults. The chosen architectures rely on nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input models, as they can represent the dynamic evolution of the system over time. The developed fault diagnosis schemes are tested by means of a high-fidelity benchmark model that simulates the normal and the faulty behaviour of a wind farm installation. The achieved performances are also compared with those of a model-based approach relying on nonlinear differential geometry tools. Finally, a Monte-Carlo analysis validates the robustness and reliability of the proposed solutions against typical parameter uncertainties and disturbances

    Estimating soot emission in diesel engines using gated recurrent unit networks

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    In this paper, a new data-driven modeling of a diesel engine soot emission formation using gated recurrent unit (GRU) networks is proposed. Different from the traditional time series prediction methods such as nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) approach, GRU structure does not require the determination of the pure time delay between the inputs and the output, and the number of regressors does not have to be chosen beforehand. Gates in a GRU network enable to capture such dependencies on the past input values without any prior knowledge. As a design of experiment, 30 different points in engine speed - injected fuel quantity plane are determined and the rest of the input channels, i.e., rail pressure, main start of injection, equivalence ratio, and intake oxygen concentration are excited with chirp signals in the intended regions of operation. Experimental results show that the prediction performances of GRU based soot models are quite satisfactory with 77% training and 57% validation fit accuracies and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) values are less than 0.038 and 0.069, respectively. GRU soot models surpass the traditional NARX based soot models in both steady-state and transient cycles

    Fault Diagnosis Techniques for a Wind Turbine System

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    The fault diagnosis and prognosis of wind turbine systems represent a challenging issue, thus justifying the research topics developed in this work with application to safety-critical systems. Therefore, this chapter addresses these research issues and demonstrates viable techniques of fault diagnosis and condition monitoring. To this aim, the design of the so-called fault detector relies on its estimate, which involves data-driven methods, as they result effective methods for managing partial information of the system dynamics, together with errors, model-reality mismatch and disturbance effects. In particular, the considered data-driven strategies use fuzzy systems and neural networks, which are employed to establish non-linear dynamic links between measurements and faults. The selected prototypes are based on non-linear autoregressive with exogenous input descriptions, since they are able to approximate non-linear dynamic functions with arbitrary degree of accuracy. The capabilities of the designed fault diagnosis schemes are verified via a high-fidelity simulator, which describes the normal and the faulty behaviour of a wind turbine plant. Finally, the robustness and the reliability features of the proposed methods are validated in the presence of uncertainty and disturbance implemented in the wind turbine simulator

    Data-driven techniques for the fault diagnosis of a wind turbine benchmark

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    This paper deals with the fault diagnosis of wind turbines and investigates viable solutions to the problem of earlier fault detection and isolation. The design of the fault indicator, i.e., the fault estimate, involves data-driven approaches, as they can represent effective tools for coping with poor analytical knowledge of the system dynamics, together with noise and disturbances. In particular, the proposed data-driven solutions rely on fuzzy systems and neural networks that are used to describe the strongly nonlinear relationships between measurement and faults. The chosen architectures rely on nonlinear autoregressive models with exogenous input, as they can represent the dynamic evolution of the system along time. The developed fault diagnosis schemes are tested by means of a high-fidelity benchmark model that simulates the normal and the faulty behaviour of a wind turbine. The achieved performances are also compared with those of other model-based strategies from the related literature. Finally, a Monte-Carlo analysis validates the robustness and the reliability of the proposed solutions against typical parameter uncertainties and disturbances.This paper deals with the fault diagnosis of wind turbines and investigates viable solutions to the problem of earlier fault detection and isolation. The design of the fault indicator, i.e., the fault estimate, involves data-driven approaches, as they can represent effective tools for coping with poor analytical knowledge of the system dynamics, together with noise and disturbances. In particular, the proposed data-driven solutions rely on fuzzy systems and neural networks that are used to describe the strongly nonlinear relationships between measurement and faults. The chosen architectures rely on nonlinear autoregressive models with exogenous input, as they can represent the dynamic evolution of the system along time. The developed fault diagnosis schemes are tested by means of a high-fidelity benchmark model that simulates the normal and the faulty behaviour of a wind turbine. The achieved performances are also compared with those of other model-based strategies from the related literature. Finally, a Monte-Carlo analysis validates the robustness and the reliability of the proposed solutions against typical parameter uncertainties and disturbances

    Predicting the status of COVID-19 active cases using a neural network time series

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    The design of intelligent systems for analyzing information and predicting the epidemiological trends of the disease is rapidly expanding because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The COVID-19 datasets provided by Johns Hopkins University were included in the analysis. This dataset contains some missing data that is imputed using the multi-objective particle swarm optimization method. A time series model based on nonlinear autoregressive exogenou (NARX) neural network is proposed to predict the recovered and death COVID-19 cases. This model is trained and evaluated for two modes: predicting the situation of the affected areas for the next day and the next month. After training the model based on the data from January 22 to February 27, 2020, the performance of the proposed model was evaluated in predicting the situation of the areas in the coming two weeks. The error rate was less than 5%. The prediction of the proposed model for April 9, 2020, was compared with the actual data for that day. The absolute percentage error (AE) worldwide was 12%. The lowest mean absolute error (MAE) of the model was for South America and Australia with 3 and 3.3, respectively. In this paper, we have shown that geographical areas with mortality and recovery of COVID-19 cases can be predicted using a neural network-based model