10 research outputs found

    Newton polytopes of dual kk-Schur polynomials

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    Rado's theorem about permutahedra and dominance order on partitions reveals that each Schur polynomial is M-convex, or equivalently, it has a saturated Newton polytope and this polytope is a generalized permutahedron as well. In this paper we show that the support of each dual kk-Schur polynomial indexed by a kk-bounded partition coincides with that of the Schur polynomial indexed by the same partition, and hence the two polynomials share the same saturated Newton polytope. The main result is based on our recursive algorithm to generate a semistandard kk-tableau for a given shape and kk-weight. As consequences, we obtain the M-convexity of dual kk-Schur polynomials, affine Stanley symmetric polynomials and cylindric skew Schur polynomials.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Combinatorial Interpretations of Induced Sign Characters of the Hecke Algebra

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    Combinatorial interpretations have been used to show the total nonnegativity of induced trivial character and induced sign character immanants. The irreducible character immanants are known to be totally nonnegative as well, however, providing a combinatorial interpretation remains an open problem. To find such combinatorial interpretations we explore the quantum analogs of the symmetric group characters associated to the above mentioned immanants. In this paper, a combinatorial interpretation for the quantum induced sign characters on certain elements of the Hecke algebra is provided. This interpretation is then related to the quantum chromatic symmetric function introduced by Shareshian and Wachs. These interpretations involve a certain class of posets and associated planar networks. Lastly, for a restricted subset of these planar networks, properties of the sequence of coefficients of the induced sign characters of the Hecke algebra are discussed

    List of contents and Author Index, Volume 19, 2006

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    Prism tableaux and alternating sign matrices

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    A. Lascoux and M.-P. Schutzenberger introduced Schubert polynomials to study the cohomology ring of the complete flag variety Fl(C^n). Each Schubert polynomial corresponds to the class defined by a Schubert variety X_w in Fl(C^n). Schubert polynomials are indexed by elements of the symmetric group and form a basis of the ring Z[x1,x2,...]. The expansion of the product of two Schubert polynomials in the Schubert basis has been of particular interest. The structure coefficients are known to be nonnegative integers. As of yet, there are only combinatorial formulas for these coefficients in special cases, such as the Littlewood-Richardson rule for multiplying Schur polynomials. Schur polynomials form a basis of the ring of symmetric polynomials. They have a combinatorial formula as a weighted sum over semistandard tableaux. In joint work with A. Yong, the author introduced prism tableaux. A prism tableau consists of a tuple of tableaux, positioned within an ambient grid. With A. Yong, the author gave a formula for Schubert polynomials using prism tableaux. We continue the study of prism tableaux, detailing their connection to the poset of alternating sign matrices (ASMs). Schubert polynomials can be interpreted as multidegrees of the matrix Schubert varieties of Fulton. We study a more general class of determinantal varieties, indexed by ASMs. More generally, one can consider subvarieties of the space of n by n matrices cut out by imposing rank conditions on maximal northwest submatrices. We show that, up to an affine factor, such a variety is isomorphic to an ASM variety. The multidegrees of ASM varieties can be expressed as a sum over prism tableaux. In joint work with A. Yong and R. Rimanyi, the author studies representations of quivers and their connection to the dilogarithm identities of M. Reineke. We give a bijective proof to establish an identity of generating series. This bijection uses a generalization of Durfee squares. From this identity, we give a new proof of M. Reineke's identities in type A

    Semistandard tableaux associated with generalized labellings of posets

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    We describe a correspondence between a family of labelled partially ordered sets and semi-standard Young tableaux. Moreover, we define some operations among labelled posets which naturally correspond to operations among the associated semistandard Young tableaux