7 research outputs found

    Designing Tailorable Technologies

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    This paper provides principles for designing tailorable technologies. Tailorable technologies are technologies that are modified by end users in the context of their use and are around us as desktop operating systems, web portals, and mobile telephones. While tailorable technologies provide end users with limitless ways to modify the technology, as designers and researchers we have little understanding of how tailorable technologies are initially designed to support that end-user modification. In this paper, we argue that tailorable technologies are a unique technology type in the same light as group support systems and emergent knowledge support systems. This unique technology type is becoming common and we are forced to reevaluate existing design theory, methods of analysis, and streams of literature. In this paper we present design principles of Gordon Pask, Christopher Alexander, Greg Gargarian, and Kim Madsen to strengthen inquiry into tailorable technologies. We then apply the principles to designing tailorable technologies in order for their design to become more coherent and tractable. We conclude that designers need to build reflective and active design environments and gradients of interactive capabilities in order for technology to be readily modified in the context of its use

    Extreme designing: binding sketching to an interaction model in a streamlined HCI design approach

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a streamlined approach to human-computer interaction design called extreme designing. Extreme designing follows on the footsteps of agile methods and is analogous to extreme programming. However, it is not radically committed to "user interface coding" (sketching or prototyping alone), but instead proposes to combine user interface sketches with a more structured representation such as an interaction model. By doing so, it brings together the advantages of sketching and prototyping as a communication tool, and of interaction modeling as a glue that binds together the sketches to allow designers to gain a more comprehensive view of and to reflection on the interactive artifact, thus promoting a more coherent and consistent set of design decisions

    Desenvolvimento de interface para portfólio digital

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    PCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Design.Neste projeto de conclusão de curso foi desenvolvida a interface gráfica de um portfólio digital para, de maneira atrativa, apresentar projetos da empresa Pitanga, especializada em criação de marca e comunicação visual. O projeto objetiva adequar a necessidade de apresentação de trabalhos já realizados à uma ferramenta capaz de atuar como fator decisivo na escolha de futuros investidores e potenciais clientes. Para atingir os objetivos deste projeto fez-se uso dos 5 planos proposto pelo método de James Garret, os resultados destas aplicações é apresentado a seguir, bem como todo seu desenvolvimento

    O Processo de Criação da Interface Digital para o Aplicativo "Price My Job"

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    PCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Design.Este projeto trata do desenvolvimento da interface gráfica interativa para o“Price My Job”: um aplicativo parasmartphones quevisa auxiliar os profissionais da área de Design Gráfico a realizar o cálculo orçamentário de prestação dos serviços de design. O processo de design da interface para oapp“Price My Job” foi adaptado do processo de “Design Centrado no Usuário (DCU)” proposto porSmith; Thorp e Henry,em 2004. Este processo de design é composto por cinco etapas: Análise, Design, Avaliação, Implementação e Distribuição (sendo que as duas últimas não foram realizadas, pois não são o escopo deste projeto). Neste documento apresentam-se os resultados obtidos nas etapas citadas acima. A partir da Arquitetura do aplicativo, foram desenvolvidas as estruturas das telas (wireframes), o design visual da interface, na sequência foi construído um protótipoonline para avaliar a usabilidade da interface

    Web Tasking: An Investigation of End User Interaction for the Ideal Control Metaphor

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    Users are finding multiple ways to utilize web applications (apps) outside of their typical self-contained purposes, resulting in an increasing need to connect apps together. This connectivity can be achieved through web tasking: the integration of web services/apps to achieve a personal goal. This research investigates the end user perspective, focused on comparing user interaction with web tasking interfaces through various analytical and empirical studies. These studies were divided into three distinct parts: i) Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) performed on existing web tasking interfaces as a usability benchmark, ii) creation and evaluation of a new interactive prototype, WebTasker, and iii) a full scale usability study with 16 participants evaluated four web tasking interfaces by performing 4 high complexity tasks and 4 low complexity tasks on 4 different interfaces (32 distinct tasks). A significant correlation was found between the number of keystrokes and mouse clicks/scrolls and task completion time; suggesting that simple task input counts could be used as an early usability predictor in web tasking interfaces. In addition, the HTA revealed several HF issues such as freedom of user actions by examining task structures (e.g. linear path versus wide HTA structure). The usability study showed that participants had poorer performance and found it more difficult to create web tasks with higher complexity. A mental model examination of composing web tasks found that participants preferred to enter task conditions first then actions. Web tasking is a new area in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research and this research aimed to further develop web tasking interfaces to ultimately lead to an increase in user adoption of web tasking. The design of a new web tasking interface, WebTasker, utilized a journey line metaphor and proved to be successful in the usability study. It was recommended that it be further developed as a viable web tasking interface. Further lines or research are recommended including refining study tasks, dashboard development, and improvements to the WebTasker interface