13 research outputs found

    An embedding theorem for Hilbert categories

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    We axiomatically define (pre-)Hilbert categories. The axioms resemble those for monoidal Abelian categories with the addition of an involutive functor. We then prove embedding theorems: any locally small pre-Hilbert category whose monoidal unit is a simple generator embeds (weakly) monoidally into the category of pre-Hilbert spaces and adjointable maps, preserving adjoint morphisms and all finite (co)limits. An intermediate result that is important in its own right is that the scalars in such a category necessarily form an involutive field. In case of a Hilbert category, the embedding extends to the category of Hilbert spaces and continuous linear maps. The axioms for (pre-)Hilbert categories are weaker than the axioms found in other approaches to axiomatizing 2-Hilbert spaces. Neither enrichment nor a complex base field is presupposed. A comparison to other approaches will be made in the introduction.Comment: 24 page

    Completely positive projections and biproducts

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    The recently introduced CP*–construction unites quantum channels and classical systems, subsuming the earlier CPM–construction in categorical quantum mechanics. We compare this construction to two earlier attempts at solving this problem: freely adding biproducts to CPM, and freely splitting idempotents in CPM. The CP*–construction embeds the former, and embeds into the latter, but neither embedding is an equivalence in general.

    On the structure of abstract h*-algebras

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    Previously we have shown that the topos approach to quantum theory of Doering and Isham can be generalised to a class of categories typically studied within the monoidal approach to quantum theory of Abramsky and Coecke. In the monoidal approach to quantum theory H*-algebras provide an axiomatisation of states and observables. Here we show that H*-algebras naturally correspond with the notions of states and observables in the generalised topos approach to quantum theory. We then combine these results with the dagger-kernel approach to quantumlogic of Heunen and Jacobs, which we use to prove a structure theorem for H*-algebras. This structure theorem is a generalisation of the structure theorem of Ambrose for H*-algebras the category of Hilbert spaces

    The Category of Matroids

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    The structure of the category of matroids and strong maps is investigated: it has coproducts and equalizers, but not products or coequalizers; there are functors from the categories of graphs and vector spaces, the latter being faithful; there is a functor to the category of geometric lattices, that is nearly full; there are various adjunctions and free constructions on subcategories, inducing a simplification monad; there are two orthogonal factorization systems; some, but not many, combinatorial constructions from matroid theory are functorial.Comment: 31 pages, 10 diagrams, 28 reference

    Spectral presheaves, kochen-specker contextuality, and quantale-valued relations

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    In the topos approach to quantum theory of Doering and Isham the Kochen-Specker Theorem, which asserts the contextual nature of quantum theory, can be reformulated in terms of the global sections of a presheaf characterised by the Gelfand spectrum of a commutativeC-Algebra. In previous work we showed how this topos perspective can be generalised to a class of categories typically studied within the monoidal approach to quantum theory of Abramsky and Coecke, and in particular how one can generalise the Gelfand spectrum. Here we study the Gelfand spectrum presheaf for categories of quantale-valued relations, and by considering its global sections we give a non-contextuality result for these categories. We also show that the Gelfand spectrum comes equipped with a topology which has a natural interpretation when thinking of these structures as representing physical theories

    Constructing Fully Complete Models of Multiplicative Linear Logic

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    The multiplicative fragment of Linear Logic is the formal system in this family with the best understood proof theory, and the categorical models which best capture this theory are the fully complete ones. We demonstrate how the Hyland-Tan double glueing construction produces such categories, either with or without units, when applied to any of a large family of degenerate models. This process explains as special cases a number of such models from the literature. In order to achieve this result, we develop a tensor calculus for compact closed categories with finite biproducts. We show how the combinatorial properties required for a fully complete model are obtained by this glueing construction adding to the structure already available from the original category.Comment: 72 pages. An extended abstract of this work appeared in the proceedings of LICS 201

    Limits in dagger categories

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    We develop a notion of limit for dagger categories, that we show is suitable in the following ways: it subsumes special cases known from the literature; dagger limits are unique up to unitary isomorphism; a wide class of dagger limits can be built from a small selection of them; dagger limits of a fixed shape can be phrased as dagger adjoints to a diagonal functor; dagger limits can be built from ordinary limits in the presence of polar decomposition; dagger limits commute with dagger colimits in many cases

    Constructing Fully Complete Models of Multiplicative Linear Logic

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    Way of the dagger

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    A dagger category is a category equipped with a functorial way of reversing morphisms, i.e. a contravariant involutive identity-on-objects endofunctor. Dagger categories with additional structure have been studied under different names in categorical quantum mechanics, algebraic field theory and homological algebra, amongst others. In this thesis we study the dagger in its own right and show how basic category theory adapts to dagger categories. We develop a notion of a dagger limit that we show is suitable in the following ways: it subsumes special cases known from the literature; dagger limits are unique up to unitary isomorphism; a wide class of dagger limits can be built from a small selection of them; dagger limits of a fixed shape can be phrased as dagger adjoints to a diagonal functor; dagger limits can be built from ordinary limits in the presence of polar decomposition; dagger limits commute with dagger colimits in many cases. Using cofree dagger categories, the theory of dagger limits can be leveraged to provide an enrichment-free understanding of limit-colimit coincidences in ordinary category theory. We formalize the concept of an ambilimit, and show that it captures known cases. As a special case, we show how to define biproducts up to isomorphism in an arbitrary category without assuming any enrichment. Moreover, the limit-colimit coincidence from domain theory can be generalized to the unenriched setting and we show that, under suitable assumptions, a wide class of endofunctors has canonical fixed points. The theory of monads on dagger categories works best when all structure respects the dagger: the monad and adjunctions should preserve the dagger, and the monad and its algebras should satisfy the so-called Frobenius law. Then any monad resolves as an adjunction, with extremal solutions given by the categories of Kleisli and Frobenius- Eilenberg-Moore algebras, which again have a dagger. We use dagger categories to study reversible computing. Specifically, we model reversible effects by adapting Hughes’ arrows to dagger arrows and inverse arrows. This captures several fundamental reversible effects, including serialization and mutable store computations. Whereas arrows are monoids in the category of profunctors, dagger arrows are involutive monoids in the category of profunctors, and inverse arrows satisfy certain additional properties. These semantics inform the design of functional reversible programs supporting side-effects