1,756 research outputs found

    Temporally Varying Weight Regression for Speech Recognition

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    Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories

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    Acknowledgements National Forest Inventory data are available online, provided by Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (España). Landsat images are available online, provided by the USGS.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Expressive movement generation with machine learning

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    Movement is an essential aspect of our lives. Not only do we move to interact with our physical environment, but we also express ourselves and communicate with others through our movements. In an increasingly computerized world where various technologies and devices surround us, our movements are essential parts of our interaction with and consumption of computational devices and artifacts. In this context, incorporating an understanding of our movements within the design of the technologies surrounding us can significantly improve our daily experiences. This need has given rise to the field of movement computing – developing computational models of movement that can perceive, manipulate, and generate movements. In this thesis, we contribute to the field of movement computing by building machine-learning-based solutions for automatic movement generation. In particular, we focus on using machine learning techniques and motion capture data to create controllable, generative movement models. We also contribute to the field by creating datasets, tools, and libraries that we have developed during our research. We start our research by reviewing the works on building automatic movement generation systems using machine learning techniques and motion capture data. Our review covers background topics such as high-level movement characterization, training data, features representation, machine learning models, and evaluation methods. Building on our literature review, we present WalkNet, an interactive agent walking movement controller based on neural networks. The expressivity of virtual, animated agents plays an essential role in their believability. Therefore, WalkNet integrates controlling the expressive qualities of movement with the goal-oriented behaviour of an animated virtual agent. It allows us to control the generation based on the valence and arousal levels of affect, the movement’s walking direction, and the mover’s movement signature in real-time. Following WalkNet, we look at controlling movement generation using more complex stimuli such as music represented by audio signals (i.e., non-symbolic music). Music-driven dance generation involves a highly non-linear mapping between temporally dense stimuli (i.e., the audio signal) and movements, which renders a more challenging modelling movement problem. To this end, we present GrooveNet, a real-time machine learning model for music-driven dance generation

    Speech analysis using very low-dimensional bottleneck features and phone-class dependent neural networks

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    The first part of this thesis focuses on very low-dimensional bottleneck features (BNFs), extracted from deep neural networks (DNNs) for speech analysis and recognition. Very low-dimensional BNFs are analysed in terms of their capability of representing speech and their suitability for modelling speech dynamics. Nine-dimensional BNFs obtained from a phone discrimination DNN are shown to give comparable phone recognition accuracy to 39-dimensional MFCCs, and an average of 34% higher phone recognition accuracy than formant-based features of the same dimensions. They also preserve the trajectory continuity well and thus hold promise for modelling speech dynamics. Visualisations and interpretations of the BNFs are presented, with phonetically motivated studies of the strategies that DNNs employ to create these features. The relationships between BNF representations resulting from different initialisations of DNNs are explored. The second part of this thesis considers BNFs from the perspective of feature extraction. It is motivated by the observation that different types of speech sounds lend themselves to different acoustic analysis, and that the mapping from spectra-in-context to phone posterior probabilities implemented by the DNN is a continuous approximation to a discontinuous function. This suggests that it may be advantageous to replace the single DNN with a set of phone class dependent DNNs. In this case, the appropriate mathematical structure is a manifold. It is shown that this approach leads to significant improvements in frame level phone classification accuracy

    Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics

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    The field of fluid mechanics is rapidly advancing, driven by unprecedented volumes of data from field measurements, experiments and large-scale simulations at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Machine learning offers a wealth of techniques to extract information from data that could be translated into knowledge about the underlying fluid mechanics. Moreover, machine learning algorithms can augment domain knowledge and automate tasks related to flow control and optimization. This article presents an overview of past history, current developments, and emerging opportunities of machine learning for fluid mechanics. It outlines fundamental machine learning methodologies and discusses their uses for understanding, modeling, optimizing, and controlling fluid flows. The strengths and limitations of these methods are addressed from the perspective of scientific inquiry that considers data as an inherent part of modeling, experimentation, and simulation. Machine learning provides a powerful information processing framework that can enrich, and possibly even transform, current lines of fluid mechanics research and industrial applications.Comment: To appear in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, 202

    Environment and task modeling of long-term-autonomous service robots

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    Utilizing service robots in real-world tasks can significantly improve efficiency, productivity, and safety in various fields such as healthcare, hospitality, and transportation. However, integrating these robots into complex, human-populated environments for continuous use is a significant challenge. A key potential for addressing this challenge lies in long-term modeling capabilities to navigate, understand, and proactively exploit these environments for increased safety and better task performance. For example, robots may use this long-term knowledge of human activity to avoid crowded spaces when navigating or improve their human-centric services. This thesis proposes comprehensive approaches to improve the mapping, localization, and task fulfillment capabilities of service robots by leveraging multi-modal sensor information and (long- term) environment modeling. Learned environmental dynamics are actively exploited to improve the task performance of service robots. As a first contribution, a new long-term-autonomous service robot is presented, designed for both inside and outside buildings. The multi-modal sensor information provided by the robot forms the basis for subsequent methods to model human-centric environments and human activity. It is shown that utilizing multi-modal data for localization and mapping improves long-term robustness and map quality. This especially applies to environments of varying types, i.e., mixed indoor and outdoor or small-scale and large-scale areas. Another essential contribution is a regression model for spatio-temporal prediction of human activity. The model is based on long-term observations of humans by a mobile robot. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can effectively represent the distribution of detected people resulting from moving robots and enables proactive navigation planning. Such model predictions are then used to adapt the robot’s behavior by synthesizing a modular task control model. A reactive executive system based on behavior trees is introduced, which actively triggers recovery behaviors in the event of faults to improve the long-term autonomy. By explicitly addressing failures of robot software components and more advanced problems, it is shown that errors can be solved and potential human helpers can be found efficiently


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    Current Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems fail to perform nearly as good as human speech recognition performance due to their lack of robustness against speech variability and noise contamination. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate these critical robustness issues, put forth different ways to address them and finally present an ASR architecture based upon these robustness criteria. Acoustic variations adversely affect the performance of current phone-based ASR systems, in which speech is modeled as `beads-on-a-string', where the beads are the individual phone units. While phone units are distinctive in cognitive domain, they are varying in the physical domain and their variation occurs due to a combination of factors including speech style, speaking rate etc.; a phenomenon commonly known as `coarticulation'. Traditional ASR systems address such coarticulatory variations by using contextualized phone-units such as triphones. Articulatory phonology accounts for coarticulatory variations by modeling speech as a constellation of constricting actions known as articulatory gestures. In such a framework, speech variations such as coarticulation and lenition are accounted for by gestural overlap in time and gestural reduction in space. To realize a gesture-based ASR system, articulatory gestures have to be inferred from the acoustic signal. At the initial stage of this research an initial study was performed using synthetically generated speech to obtain a proof-of-concept that articulatory gestures can indeed be recognized from the speech signal. It was observed that having vocal tract constriction trajectories (TVs) as intermediate representation facilitated the gesture recognition task from the speech signal. Presently no natural speech database contains articulatory gesture annotation; hence an automated iterative time-warping architecture is proposed that can annotate any natural speech database with articulatory gestures and TVs. Two natural speech databases: X-ray microbeam and Aurora-2 were annotated, where the former was used to train a TV-estimator and the latter was used to train a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) based ASR architecture. The DBN architecture used two sets of observation: (a) acoustic features in the form of mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and (b) TVs (estimated from the acoustic speech signal). In this setup the articulatory gestures were modeled as hidden random variables, hence eliminating the necessity for explicit gesture recognition. Word recognition results using the DBN architecture indicate that articulatory representations not only can help to account for coarticulatory variations but can also significantly improve the noise robustness of ASR system