23,512 research outputs found

    Dynamic Windows Scheduling with Reallocation

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    We consider the Windows Scheduling problem. The problem is a restricted version of Unit-Fractions Bin Packing, and it is also called Inventory Replenishment in the context of Supply Chain. In brief, the problem is to schedule the use of communication channels to clients. Each client ci is characterized by an active cycle and a window wi. During the period of time that any given client ci is active, there must be at least one transmission from ci scheduled in any wi consecutive time slots, but at most one transmission can be carried out in each channel per time slot. The goal is to minimize the number of channels used. We extend previous online models, where decisions are permanent, assuming that clients may be reallocated at some cost. We assume that such cost is a constant amount paid per reallocation. That is, we aim to minimize also the number of reallocations. We present three online reallocation algorithms for Windows Scheduling. We evaluate experimentally these protocols showing that, in practice, all three achieve constant amortized reallocations with close to optimal channel usage. Our simulations also expose interesting trade-offs between reallocations and channel usage. We introduce a new objective function for WS with reallocations, that can be also applied to models where reallocations are not possible. We analyze this metric for one of the algorithms which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first online WS protocol with theoretical guarantees that applies to scenarios where clients may leave and the analysis is against current load rather than peak load. Using previous results, we also observe bounds on channel usage for one of the algorithms.Comment: 6 figure

    Online Bin Stretching with Three Bins

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    Online Bin Stretching is a semi-online variant of bin packing in which the algorithm has to use the same number of bins as an optimal packing, but is allowed to slightly overpack the bins. The goal is to minimize the amount of overpacking, i.e., the maximum size packed into any bin. We give an algorithm for Online Bin Stretching with a stretching factor of 11/8=1.37511/8 = 1.375 for three bins. Additionally, we present a lower bound of 45/33=1.3645/33 = 1.\overline{36} for Online Bin Stretching on three bins and a lower bound of 19/1419/14 for four and five bins that were discovered using a computer search.Comment: Preprint of a journal version. See version 2 for the conference paper. Conference paper split into two journal submissions; see arXiv:1601.0811

    Team Formation for Scheduling Educational Material in Massive Online Classes

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    Whether teaching in a classroom or a Massive Online Open Course it is crucial to present the material in a way that benefits the audience as a whole. We identify two important tasks to solve towards this objective, 1 group students so that they can maximally benefit from peer interaction and 2 find an optimal schedule of the educational material for each group. Thus, in this paper, we solve the problem of team formation and content scheduling for education. Given a time frame d, a set of students S with their required need to learn different activities T and given k as the number of desired groups, we study the problem of finding k group of students. The goal is to teach students within time frame d such that their potential for learning is maximized and find the best schedule for each group. We show this problem to be NP-hard and develop a polynomial algorithm for it. We show our algorithm to be effective both on synthetic as well as a real data set. For our experiments, we use real data on students' grades in a Computer Science department. As part of our contribution, we release a semi-synthetic dataset that mimics the properties of the real data

    The impact of the soccer schedule on TV viewership and stadium attendance : evidence from the Belgian Pro League

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    In the past decade, television broadcasters have been investing a huge amount of money for the Belgian Pro League broadcasting rights. These companies pursue an audience rating maximization, which depends heavily on the schedule of the league matches. At the same time, clubs try to maximize their home attendance and find themselves affected by the schedule as well. Our paper aims to capture the Belgian soccer fans’ preferences with respect to scheduling options, both for watching matches on TV and in the stadium. We carried out a discrete choice experiment using an online survey questionnaire distributed on a national scale. The choice sets are based on three match characteristics: month, kickoff time, and quality of the opponent. The first part of this survey concerns television broadcasting aspects. The second part includes questions about stadium attendance. The choice data is first analyzed with a conditional logit model which assumes homogenous preferences. Then a mixed logit model is fit to model the heterogeneity among the fans. The estimates are used to calculate the expected utility of watching a Belgian Pro League match for every possible setting, either on TV or in the stadium. These predictions are validated in terms of the real audience rating and home attendance data. Our results can be used to improve the scheduling process of the Belgian Pro League in order to persuade more fans to watch the matches on TV or in a stadium

    Workload characterization of the shared/buy-in computing cluster at Boston University

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    Computing clusters provide a complete environment for computational research, including bio-informatics, machine learning, and image processing. The Shared Computing Cluster (SCC) at Boston University is based on a shared/buy-in architecture that combines shared computers, which are free to be used by all users, and buy-in computers, which are computers purchased by users for semi-exclusive use. Although there exists significant work on characterizing the performance of computing clusters, little is known about shared/buy-in architectures. Using data traces, we statistically analyze the performance of the SCC. Our results show that the average waiting time of a buy-in job is 16.1% shorter than that of a shared job. Furthermore, we identify parameters that have a major impact on the performance experienced by shared and buy-in jobs. These parameters include the type of parallel environment and the run time limit (i.e., the maximum time during which a job can use a resource). Finally, we show that the semi-exclusive paradigm, which allows any SCC user to use idle buy-in resources for a limited time, increases the utilization of buy-in resources by 17.4%, thus significantly improving the performance of the system as a whole.http://people.bu.edu/staro/MIT_Conference_Yoni.pdfAccepted manuscrip

    Emission-aware Energy Storage Scheduling for a Greener Grid

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    Reducing our reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources is vital for reducing the carbon footprint of the electric grid. Although the grid is seeing increasing deployments of clean, renewable sources of energy, a significant portion of the grid demand is still met using traditional carbon-intensive energy sources. In this paper, we study the problem of using energy storage deployed in the grid to reduce the grid's carbon emissions. While energy storage has previously been used for grid optimizations such as peak shaving and smoothing intermittent sources, our insight is to use distributed storage to enable utilities to reduce their reliance on their less efficient and most carbon-intensive power plants and thereby reduce their overall emission footprint. We formulate the problem of emission-aware scheduling of distributed energy storage as an optimization problem, and use a robust optimization approach that is well-suited for handling the uncertainty in load predictions, especially in the presence of intermittent renewables such as solar and wind. We evaluate our approach using a state of the art neural network load forecasting technique and real load traces from a distribution grid with 1,341 homes. Our results show a reduction of >0.5 million kg in annual carbon emissions -- equivalent to a drop of 23.3% in our electric grid emissions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure, This paper will appear in the Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy 20) June 2020, Australi

    A Case for Time Slotted Channel Hopping for ICN in the IoT

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    Recent proposals to simplify the operation of the IoT include the use of Information Centric Networking (ICN) paradigms. While this is promising, several challenges remain. In this paper, our core contributions (a) leverage ICN communication patterns to dynamically optimize the use of TSCH (Time Slotted Channel Hopping), a wireless link layer technology increasingly popular in the IoT, and (b) make IoT-style routing adaptive to names, resources, and traffic patterns throughout the network--both without cross-layering. Through a series of experiments on the FIT IoT-LAB interconnecting typical IoT hardware, we find that our approach is fully robust against wireless interference, and almost halves the energy consumed for transmission when compared to CSMA. Most importantly, our adaptive scheduling prevents the time-slotted MAC layer from sacrificing throughput and delay

    Faster Algorithms for Semi-Matching Problems

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    We consider the problem of finding \textit{semi-matching} in bipartite graphs which is also extensively studied under various names in the scheduling literature. We give faster algorithms for both weighted and unweighted case. For the weighted case, we give an O(nmlogn)O(nm\log n)-time algorithm, where nn is the number of vertices and mm is the number of edges, by exploiting the geometric structure of the problem. This improves the classical O(n3)O(n^3) algorithms by Horn [Operations Research 1973] and Bruno, Coffman and Sethi [Communications of the ACM 1974]. For the unweighted case, the bound could be improved even further. We give a simple divide-and-conquer algorithm which runs in O(nmlogn)O(\sqrt{n}m\log n) time, improving two previous O(nm)O(nm)-time algorithms by Abraham [MSc thesis, University of Glasgow 2003] and Harvey, Ladner, Lov\'asz and Tamir [WADS 2003 and Journal of Algorithms 2006]. We also extend this algorithm to solve the \textit{Balance Edge Cover} problem in O(nmlogn)O(\sqrt{n}m\log n) time, improving the previous O(nm)O(nm)-time algorithm by Harada, Ono, Sadakane and Yamashita [ISAAC 2008].Comment: ICALP 201