38 research outputs found

    Latent Semantic Indexing Menggunakan Singular Value Decomposition dan Semi Discrete Decomposition

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    ABSTRAKSI: Dewasa ini teknik Information Retrieval telah berkembang luas dengan dikembangkannya banyak model untuk menghasilkan tingkat relevansi yang lebih baik. Sistem Information Retrieval yang baik memiliki tingkat relevansi yang bisa diterima oleh pengguna. Untuk dapat menghasilkan nilai relevansi yang tinggi, maka salah satu caranya, sistem ini perlu menerapkan metode perangkingan yang baik dan teruji. Pada Tugas Akhir ini perangkingan ditentukan oleh relevansi yang diukur dengan parameter precision dan recall yang diimplementasikan pada Latent Semantic Indexing menggunakan dua metoda dekomposisi yaitu Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) dan Semi Discrete Decomposition (SDD), sehingga untuk mengukur kinerjanya perlu diimplementasikan ke dalam perangkat lunak untuk kemudian diuji parameternya. LSI mempunyai kemampuan untuk menemukan dokumen yang relevan walau tidak mengandung term dari query yang diinputkan akan tetap terambil. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan uji coba terhadap koleksi dokumen untuk mengetahui kemampuan LSI tersebut dan untuk mengetahui perbandingan akurasi dua metode dekomposisi matriks SVD dan SDD. Parameter yang digunakan untuk mengukur akurasi yaitu storage, waktu, recall, precision, Mean Average Precision (MAP.) Hasil pengujian dari tugas akhir ini menunjukkan bahwa LSI terbukti bisa menemukan dokumen yang relevan walau tidak mengandung term dari query yang diinputkan akan tetap terambil. Sementara itu, SVD memiliki precision dan recall yang lebih baik dari SDD. SDD memiliki keunggulan dalam ruang penyimpanan matrix yang jauh lebih kecil dan waktu eksekusi query yang lebih cepat dari SVD.Kata Kunci : Information Retrieval, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Singular Value Decomposition(SVD), dan Semi Discrete Decomposition(SDD).ABSTRACT: Now a days Information retrieval has been developed widely along with the development of the model of getting a better result in relevancy. An information retrieval system is said to be better when it has a high relevancy level that is acceptable by a user. One of the way to reach that is to implement a better and tested rangking method. In this final project the rangking is measured by a parameter called precision and recall as a result of Latent Semantic Indexing using two methods which are Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Semi Discrete Decomposition (SDD). LSI has the ability to find relevant documents even if the word of the query are not in written in the document.we analyzed the ability of LSI by testing a document collection and we also compared the accuration of the matrices decomposition of the two method used. We used storage, time, recall, and precision, and Mean average Precision (MAP) as the parameter to measure the accuracy of the system. The tested result of this final project proved that LSI can find relevant document even if the words in the query did not exist in the document. Beside that SVD has a better precision and recall from SDD. SDD has a better performance in terms of smaller size used to save the matrices and time query execution faster from SVD.Keyword: Information Retrieval, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Semi Discrete Decomposition (SDD)

    Analisis dan Implementasi Latent Semantic Analysis dengan metode Semi Discrete Decomposition dan Algoritma O’Leary-Peleg untuk Deteksi Keunikan Proposal Tugas Akhir

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    ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan teknologi informasi membuat Tugas Akhir saat ini banyak disalahgunakan oleh mahasiswa yang sedang melakukan Tugas Akhir seperti menjiplak karya Tugas Akhir yang lain (plagiarisme). Dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, diperlukan sebuah keluaran nilai keunikan sebuah proposal Tugas Akhir berdasarkan judul dan abstraknya sehingga mahasiswa bisa memperkirakan TA yang diajukan belum memiliki relevansi dan belum pernah ada yang menggunakan sebelumnya dengan nilai keunikannya yang mengacu pada nilai kesamaan (similarity) rangking pertama dari hasil pencarian. Nilai keunikan yang tinggi membuat semakin besar peluang Tugas Akhir yang diajukan berbeda dengan Tugas Akhir sebelumnya dan pencegahan terhadap tindakan plagiarisme. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem untuk mendeteksi keunikan proposal Tugas Akhir berdasarkan judul dan abstrak. Pengujian keunikan proposal Tugas Akhir ini menerapkan Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) melalui metode Semi Discrete Decomposition (SDD) dan algoritma O’Leary-Peleg dengan berbagai skenario pengujian data. Kemudian di dalam algoritma O’Leary Peleg akan digunakan tiga tipe inisialisasi proses penguraian matriks, yaitu CYC, ONE, PER dimana ketiga tipe tersebut akan menghasilkan matriks dekomposisi yang berbeda-beda. Kemudian tipe CYC, ONE, dan PER ini menjadi acuan untuk perbandingan pengujian terhadap parameter R-Precision, waktu pencarian query, dan nilai keunikan. Kemudian setelah pengujian bisa disimpulkan bahwa tipe CYC dan ONE mampu menghasilkan R-Precision yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tipe PER dalam menemukan dokumen yang relevan. Kemudian untuk uji keunikan, tipe ONE merupakan yang paling baik dalam menghasilkan nilai keunikan dibandingkan CYC dan PER.Kata Kunci : Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Semi Discrete Decomposition (SDD), algoritma O’Leary-Peleg, R-Precision, KeunikanABSTRACT: Today, The development of information technology makes Final Project widely abused by students who are doing such Final Project plagiarized other work ( plagiarism ) . Therefore , it needs an output value of uniqueness from a Final Project proposal based on title and abstract so that students can estimate the proposed TA is not relevant and no one has ever used before with the unique value that refers to the value of similarity from the first rank search results . Uniqueness high value makes more likely the proposed Final Project unlike previous Final Project and the prevention of acts of plagiarism. Therefore , it takes the system to detect value of uniqueness from the final project proposal based on title and abstract . Testing the uniqueness of this final proposal applying Latent Semantic Analysis ( LSA ) through the method of Semi Discrete Decomposition ( SDD ) and the O\u27Leary Peleg algorithm with data testing scenarios . O\u27Leary Peleg algorithm will use three types of initial matrix decomposition , that is CYC , ONE , PER which will produce different three types of matrix decomposition. Then type CYC , ONE , and the PER is a reference for comparison testing against parameter R - Precision , query search time , and the value of uniqueness . Then after testing it can be concluded that the type of CYC and ONE is able to produce R - Precision better than the type of PER in finding relevant documents . Then to test uniqueness , type ONE is the most good at producing unique value compared to CYC and PER .Keyword: Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Semi Discrete Decomposition (SDD), O’Leary-Peleg algorithm, R-Precision, uniquenes

    A scoring rubric for automatic short answer grading system

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    During the past decades, researches about automatic grading have become an interesting issue. These studies focuses on how to make machines are able to help human on assessing students’ learning outcomes. Automatic grading enables teachers to assess student's answers with more objective, consistent, and faster. Especially for essay model, it has two different types, i.e. long essay and short answer. Almost of the previous researches merely developed automatic essay grading (AEG) instead of automatic short answer grading (ASAG). This study aims to assess the sentence similarity of short answer to the questions and answers in Indonesian without any language semantic's tool. This research uses pre-processing steps consisting of case folding, tokenization, stemming, and stopword removal. The proposed approach is a scoring rubric obtained by measuring the similarity of sentences using the string-based similarity methods and the keyword matching process. The dataset used in this study consists of 7 questions, 34 alternative reference answers and 224 student’s answers. The experiment results show that the proposed approach is able to achieve a correlation value between 0.65419 up to 0.66383 at Pearson's correlation, with Mean Absolute Error () value about 0.94994 until 1.24295. The proposed approach also leverages the correlation value and decreases the error value in each method


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    Basically, every individual would want comfort, particularly in the use of public facilities. For example, in using the facilities where four-wheeled vehicle parking, facility users often feel uncomfortable in a parked vehicle, because visitors do not know where the parking lot is empty, and the total capacity of the parking area. Media information is parking car parking information system is designed based on microcontroller. This tool wore Microcontroller ATMegga8535 which already contains the assembler language program, the microcontroller will receive input from sensors that are used to enter and then run the program. At the time of the sensor (photodiode and infra red) sensor is obstructed then tell an empty parking space on the LCD. While 7'segments to know the number of vehicles parked. Marker that is a full parking location on the LCD reads "FULL PARKING", but as long as there are empty parking area, the LCD will show an empty parking space, making it easier and save time visitors in finding an empty parking lot following parking locations. Keywords : Information, LCD, Microcontroller, Parking, Senso