9 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence to enhance clinical value across the spectrum of cardiovascular healthcare

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being utilized in healthcare. This article provides clinicians and researchers with a step-wise foundation for high-value AI that can be applied to a variety of different data modalities. The aim is to improve the transparency and application of AI methods, with the potential to benefit patients in routine cardiovascular care. Following a clear research hypothesis, an AI-based workflow begins with data selection and pre-processing prior to analysis, with the type of data (structured, semi-structured, or unstructured) determining what type of pre-processing steps and machine-learning algorithms are required. Algorithmic and data validation should be performed to ensure the robustness of the chosen methodology, followed by an objective evaluation of performance. Seven case studies are provided to highlight the wide variety of data modalities and clinical questions that can benefit from modern AI techniques, with a focus on applying them to cardiovascular disease management. Despite the growing use of AI, further education for healthcare workers, researchers, and the public are needed to aid understanding of how AI works and to close the existing gap in knowledge. In addition, issues regarding data access, sharing, and security must be addressed to ensure full engagement by patients and the public. The application of AI within healthcare provides an opportunity for clinicians to deliver a more personalized approach to medical care by accounting for confounders, interactions, and the rising prevalence of multi-morbidity

    Case series of breast fillers and how things may go wrong: radiology point of view

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast augmentation is a procedure opted by women to overcome sagging breast due to breastfeeding or aging as well as small breast size. Recent years have shown the emergence of a variety of injectable materials on market as breast fillers. These injectable breast fillers have swiftly gained popularity among women, considering the minimal invasiveness of the procedure, nullifying the need for terrifying surgery. Little do they know that the procedure may pose detrimental complications, while visualization of breast parenchyma infiltrated by these fillers is also deemed substandard; posing diagnostic challenges. We present a case series of three patients with prior history of hyaluronic acid and collagen breast injections. REPORT: The first patient is a 37-year-old lady who presented to casualty with worsening shortness of breath, non-productive cough, central chest pain; associated with fever and chills for 2-weeks duration. The second patient is a 34-year-old lady who complained of cough, fever and haemoptysis; associated with shortness of breath for 1-week duration. CT in these cases revealed non thrombotic wedge-shaped peripheral air-space densities. The third patient is a 37‐year‐old female with right breast pain, swelling and redness for 2- weeks duration. Previous collagen breast injection performed 1 year ago had impeded sonographic visualization of the breast parenchyma. MRI breasts showed multiple non- enhancing round and oval shaped lesions exhibiting fat intensity. CONCLUSION: Radiologists should be familiar with the potential risks and hazards as well as limitations of imaging posed by breast fillers such that MRI is required as problem-solving tool

    Characterization of alar ligament on 3.0T MRI: a cross-sectional study in IIUM Medical Centre, Kuantan

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    INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of the study is to compare the normal anatomy of alar ligament on MRI between male and female. The specific objectives are to assess the prevalence of alar ligament visualized on MRI, to describe its characteristics in term of its course, shape and signal homogeneity and to find differences in alar ligament signal intensity between male and female. This study also aims to determine the association between the heights of respondents with alar ligament signal intensity and dimensions. MATERIALS & METHODS: 50 healthy volunteers were studied on 3.0T MR scanner Siemens Magnetom Spectra using 2-mm proton density, T2 and fat-suppression sequences. Alar ligament is depicted in 3 planes and the visualization and variability of the ligament courses, shapes and signal intensity characteristics were determined. The alar ligament dimensions were also measured. RESULTS: Alar ligament was best depicted in coronal plane, followed by sagittal and axial planes. The orientations were laterally ascending in most of the subjects (60%), predominantly oval in shaped (54%) and 67% showed inhomogenous signal. No significant difference of alar ligament signal intensity between male and female respondents. No significant association was found between the heights of the respondents with alar ligament signal intensity and dimensions. CONCLUSION: Employing a 3.0T MR scanner, the alar ligament is best portrayed on coronal plane, followed by sagittal and axial planes. However, tremendous variability of alar ligament as depicted in our data shows that caution needs to be exercised when evaluating alar ligament, especially during circumstances of injury

    XXIV congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB2016)

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    En la presente edición, más de 150 trabajos de alto nivel científico van a ser presentados en 18 sesiones paralelas y 3 sesiones de póster, que se centrarán en áreas relevantes de la Ingeniería Biomédica. Entre las sesiones paralelas se pueden destacar la sesión plenaria Premio José María Ferrero Corral y la sesión de Competición de alumnos de Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica, con la participación de 16 alumnos de los Grados en Ingeniería Biomédica a nivel nacional. El programa científico se complementa con dos ponencias invitadas de científicos reconocidos internacionalmente, dos mesas redondas con una importante participación de sociedades científicas médicas y de profesionales de la industria de tecnología médica, y dos actos sociales que permitirán a los participantes acercarse a la historia y cultura valenciana. Por primera vez, en colaboración con FENIN, seJane Campos, R. (2017). XXIV congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB2016). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/79277EDITORIA

    Creatine Supplementation for Health and Clinical Diseases

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    Creatine plays a critical role in cellular metabolism, primarily by binding with phosphate to form phosphocreatine (PCr) as well as shuttling high-energy phosphate compounds in and out of the mitochondria for metabolism. Increasing the dietary availability of creatine increases the tissue and cellular availability of PCr, and thereby enhances the ability to maintain high-energy states during intense exercise. For this reason, creatine monohydrate has been extensively studied as an ergogenic aid for exercise, training, and sport. Limitations in the ability to synthesize creatine and transport and/or store dietary creatine can impair metabolism and is a contributor to several disease states. Additionally, creatine provides an important source of energy during metabolically stressed states, particularly when oxygen availability is limited. Thus, researchers have assessed the role of creatine supplementation on health throughout the lifespan, as well as whether creatine availability may improve disease management and/or therapeutic outcomes. This book provides a comprehensive overview of scientific and medical evidence related to creatine's role in metabolism, health throughout the lifespan, and our current understanding of how creatine can promote brain, heart, vascular and immune health; reduce the severity of musculoskeletal and brain injury; and may provide therapeutic benefits in glucose management and diabetes, cancer therapy, inflammatory bowel disease, and post-viral fatigue

    Using spontaneously generated online patient experiences to improve healthcare : A case study using Modafinil

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    Background Acknowledged issues with the RCT focus of EBM and recognition of the value of patient input have created a need for new methods of knowledge generation that can give the depth of qualitative studies but on a much larger scale. Almost half of the global population uses social media regularly, with increasing numbers of people using online spaces as either a first- or second-line health information and exchange resource. Estimates suggest the volume of online health related data grew by 300% between 2017 and 2020. As a data source, this unstructured freeform textual data is a form of patient generated health data, containing a mass of patient centred, contextually grounded detail about the perceptions and health concerns of those who post online. Methods for analysing it are at an early stage of development, but it is seen as having potential to add to clinical understanding, either by augmenting existing knowledge, or in aiding understanding of real-world usage of healthcare interventions and services. Objectives To explore how large-scale analysis of SGOPE can help with understanding patient perspectives of their conditions, symptoms, and self-management behaviours, assess the effectiveness of interventions, contribute to the process of knowledge and evidence creation, and consequently help healthcare systems improve outcomes in the most efficient manner. A secondary aim is to contribute to the development of methods that can be generalised across other interventions or services. Methods Using Modafinil as a case study, a multistage approach was taken. First, an exploratory study, comparing both qualitative and basic NLP techniques was undertaken on a small sample of 260 posts to identify topics, evaluate effectiveness and identify perceived causal text. An umbrella scoping review was then undertaken exploring how and for what purposes SGOPE data is currently being used within healthcare research. Findings from both then guided the main study, which used a variety of unsupervised NLP tools to explore the main dataset of over 69k posts. Individual methods were compared against each other. Results from both studies were compared and for evaluation. Results In contrast to the existing inconclusive systematic review evidence for Modafinil for anything other than narcolepsy, both studies found that Modafinil is seen as by posters as effective in treating fatigue and cognition symptoms in a wide range of conditions. Both identified the topics mentioned in the data, although more work needs to be done to develop the NLP methods to achieve a greater depth of understanding. The first study identified eight themes within the posts: reason for taking, impact of symptoms, acquisition, dosage, side-effects, comparison with other interventions, effectiveness, and quality of life outcomes. Effectiveness of Modafinil was found to be 68% positive, 12% mixed and 18% negative. Expressions of causal belief were identified. In the main study, effectiveness was measured with sentiment analysis, with all methods showing strong positive sentiment. Topic modelling identified groups of themes. Linguistic techniques extracted phrases indicating causality. Various analysis methods were compared to develop a method that could be generalised across other health topics