6 research outputs found

    Circuit-ABE from LWE: Unbounded Attributes and Semi-adaptive Security

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    We construct an LWE-based key-policy attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme that supports attributes of unbounded polynomial length. Namely, the size of the public parameters is a fixed polynomial in the security parameter and a depth bound, and with these fixed length parameters, one can encrypt attributes of arbitrary length. Similarly, any polynomial size circuit that adheres to the depth bound can be used as the policy circuit regardless of its input length (recall that a depth d circuit can have as many as 2d inputs). This is in contrast to previous LWE-based schemes where the length of the public parameters has to grow linearly with the maximal attribute length. We prove that our scheme is semi-adaptively secure, namely, the adversary can choose the challenge attribute after seeing the public parameters (but before any decryption keys). Previous LWE-based constructions were only able to achieve selective security. (We stress that the “complexity leveraging” technique is not applicable for unbounded attributes). We believe that our techniques are of interest at least as much as our end result. Fundamentally, selective security and bounded attributes are both shortcomings that arise out of the current LWE proof techniques that program the challenge attributes into the public parameters. The LWE toolbox we develop in this work allows us to delay this programming. In a nutshell, the new tools include a way to generate an a-priori unbounded sequence of LWE matrices, and have fine-grained control over which trapdoor is embedded in each and every one of them, all with succinct representation.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1350619)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1413964)United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (Grant 712307

    Functional Encryption for Quadratic Functions from k-Lin, Revisited

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    We present simple and improved constructions of public-key functional encryption (FE) schemes for quadratic functions. Our main results are: - an FE scheme for quadratic functions with constant-size keys as well as shorter ciphertexts than all prior schemes based on static assumptions; – a public-key partially-hiding FE that supports NC1 computation on public attributes and quadratic computation on the private message, with ciphertext size independent of the length of the public attribute. Both constructions achieve selective, simulation-based security against unbounded collusions, and rely on the (bi-lateral) k-linear assumption in prime-order bilinear groups. At the core of these constructions is a new reduction from FE for quadratic functions to FE for linear functions

    Semi-Adaptive Attribute-Based Encryption and Improved Delegation for Boolean Formula ⋆

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    Abstract. We consider semi-adaptive security for attribute-based encryption, where the adversary specifies the challenge attribute vector after it sees the public parameters but before it makes any secret key queries. We present two constructions of semi-adaptive attribute-based encryption under static assumptions with short ciphertexts. Previous constructions with short ciphertexts either achieve the weaker notion of selective security, or require parameterized assumptions. As an application, we obtain improved delegation schemes for Boolean formula with semi-adaptive soundness, where correctness of the computation is guaranteed even if the client’s input is chosen adaptively depending on its public key. Previous delegation schemes for formula achieve one of adaptive soundness, constant communication complexity, or security under static assumptions; we show how to achieve semi-adaptive soundness and the last two simultaneously

    Functional Encryption for Attribute-Weighted Sums from k-Lin

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    International audienceWe present functional encryption schemes for attribute-weighted sums, where encryption takes as input N attribute-value pairs (x i , z i) where x i is public and z i is private; secret keys are associated with arithmetic branching programs f , and decryption returns the weighted sum N i =1 f (x i)z i while leaking no additional information about the z i 's. Our main construction achieves (1) compact public parameters and key sizes that are independent of N and the secret key can decrypt a ciphertext for any a-priori unbounded N ; (2) short ciphertexts that grow with N and the size of z i but not x i ; (3) simulation-based security against unbounded collusions; (4) relies on the standard k-linear assumption in prime-order bilinear groups

    A Framework for Identity-Based Encryption with Almost Tight Security

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    We show a framework for constructing identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes that are (almost) tightly secure in the multi-challenge and multi-instance setting. In particular, we formalize a new notion called broadcast encoding, analogously to encoding notions by Attrapadung (Eurocrypt \u2714) and Wee (TCC \u2714). We then show that it can be converted into such an IBE. By instantiating the framework using several encoding schemes (new or known ones), we obtain the following: - We obtain (almost) tightly secure IBE in the multi-challenge, multi-instance setting, both in composite and prime-order groups. The latter resolves the open problem posed by Hofheinz et al (PKC \u2715). - We obtain the first (almost) tightly secure IBE with sub-linear size public parameters (master public keys). In particular, we can set the size of the public parameters to constant at the cost of longer ciphertexts. This gives a partial solution to the open problem posed by Chen and Wee (Crypto \u2713). By applying (a variant of) the Canetti-Halevi-Katz transformation to our schemes, we obtain several CCA-secure PKE schemes with tight security in the multi-challenge, multi-instance setting. One of our schemes achieves very small ciphertext overhead, consisting of less than 12 group elements. This significantly improves the state-of-the-art construction by Libert et al.~(in ePrint Archive) which requires 47 group elements. Furthermore, by modifying one of our IBE schemes obtained above, we can make it anonymous. This gives the first anonymous IBE whose security is almost tightly shown in the multi-challenge setting

    Advances in Functional Encryption

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    Functional encryption is a novel paradigm for public-key encryption that enables both fine-grained access control and selective computation on encrypted data, as is necessary to protect big, complex data in the cloud. In this thesis, I provide a brief introduction to functional encryption, and an overview of my contributions to the area