8 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Identifying Group Trajectory Outliers

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    Prior works on the trajectory outlier detection problem solely consider individual outliers. However, in real-world scenarios, trajectory outliers can often appear in groups, e.g., a group of bikes that deviates to the usual trajectory due to the maintenance of streets in the context of intelligent transportation. The current paper considers the Group Trajectory Outlier (GTO) problem and proposes three algorithms. The first and the second algorithms are extensions of the well-known DBSCAN and kNN algorithms, while the third one models the GTO problem as a feature selection problem. Furthermore, two different enhancements for the proposed algorithms are proposed. The first one is based on ensemble learning and computational intelligence, which allows for merging algorithms’ outputs to possibly improve the final result. The second is a general high-performance computing framework that deals with big trajectory databases, which we used for a GPU-based implementation. Experimental results on different real trajectory databases show the scalability of the proposed approaches.acceptedVersio

    Trajectory outlier detection: New problems and solutions for smart cities

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    This article introduces two new problems related to trajectory outlier detection: (1) group trajectory outlier (GTO) detection and (2) deviation point detection for both individual and group of trajectory outliers. Five algorithms are proposed for the first problem by adapting DBSCAN, k nearest neighbors (kNN), and feature selection (FS). DBSCAN-GTO first applies DBSCAN to derive the micro clusters, which are considered as potential candidates. A pruning strategy based on density computation measure is then suggested to find the group of trajectory outliers. kNN-GTO recursively derives the trajectory candidates from the individual trajectory outliers and prunes them based on their density. The overall process is repeated for all individual trajectory outliers. FS-GTO considers the set of individual trajectory outliers as the set of all features, while the FS process is used to retrieve the group of trajectory outliers. The proposed algorithms are improved by incorporating ensemble learning and high-performance computing during the detection process. Moreover, we propose a general two-phase-based algorithm for detecting the deviation points, as well as a version for graphic processing units implementation using sliding windows. Experiments on a real trajectory dataset have been carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approaches. The results show that they can efficiently identify useful patterns represented by group of trajectory outliers, deviation points, and that they outperform the baseline group detection algorithms

    Semi-supervised dimension reduction using trace ratio criterion

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    In this brief, we address the trace ratio (TR) problem for semi-supervised dimension reduction. We first reformulate the objective function of the recent work semi-supervised discriminant analysis (SDA) in a TR form. We also observe that in SDA the low-dimensional data representation F is constrained to be in the linear subspace spanned by the training data matrix X (i.e., F = XT W). In order to relax this hard constraint, we introduce a flexible regularizer ||F - XT W||2 which models the regression residual into the reformulated objective function. With such relaxation, our method referred to as TR based flexible SDA (TR-FSDA) can better cope with data sampled from a certain type of nonlinear manifold that is somewhat close to a linear subspace. In order to address the non-trivial optimization problem in TR-FSDA, we further develop an iterative algorithm to simultaneously solve for the low-dimensional data representation F and the projection matrix W. Moreover, we theoretically prove that our iterative algorithm converges to the optimum based on the Newton-Raphson method. The experiments on two face databases, one shape image database and one webpage database demonstrate that TR-FSDA outperforms the existing semi-supervised dimension reduction methods