13 research outputs found

    Vertical Semi-Federated Learning for Efficient Online Advertising

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    As an emerging secure learning paradigm in leveraging cross-silo private data, vertical federated learning (VFL) is expected to improve advertising models by enabling the joint learning of complementary user attributes privately owned by the advertiser and the publisher. However, the 1) restricted applicable scope to overlapped samples and 2) high system challenge of real-time federated serving have limited its application to advertising systems. In this paper, we advocate new learning setting Semi-VFL (Vertical Semi-Federated Learning) as a lightweight solution to utilize all available data (both the overlapped and non-overlapped data) that is free from federated serving. Semi-VFL is expected to perform better than single-party models and maintain a low inference cost. It's notably important to i) alleviate the absence of the passive party's feature and ii) adapt to the whole sample space to implement a good solution for Semi-VFL. Thus, we propose a carefully designed joint privileged learning framework (JPL) as an efficient implementation of Semi-VFL. Specifically, we build an inference-efficient single-party student model applicable to the whole sample space and meanwhile maintain the advantage of the federated feature extension. Novel feature imitation and ranking consistency restriction methods are proposed to extract cross-party feature correlations and maintain cross-sample-space consistency for both the overlapped and non-overlapped data. We conducted extensive experiments on real-world advertising datasets. The results show that our method achieves the best performance over baseline methods and validate its effectiveness in maintaining cross-view feature correlation

    Semi-Federated Learning of an Embedding Space Across Multiple Machine Clusters

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    Provided are systems and methods for privacy-preserving learning of a shared embedding space for data split across multiple separate clusters of computing machines. In one example, the multiple separate clusters of computing machines can correspond to multiple separate data silos

    Semi-federated learning: convergence analysis and optimization of a hybrid learning framework

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    Under the organization of the base station (BS), wireless federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training among multiple devices. However, the BS is merely responsible for aggregating local updates during the training process, which incurs a waste of the computational resource at the BS. To tackle this issue, we propose a semi-federated learning (SemiFL) paradigm to leverage the computing capabilities of both the BS and devices for a hybrid implementation of centralized learning (CL) and FL. Specifically, each device sends both local gradients and data samples to the BS for training a shared global model. To improve communication efficiency over the same time-frequency resources, we integrate over-the-air computation for aggregation and non-orthogonal multiple access for transmission by designing a novel transceiver structure. To gain deep insights, we conduct convergence analysis by deriving a closed-form optimality gap for SemiFL and extend the result to two extra cases. In the first case, the BS uses all accumulated data samples to calculate the CL gradient, while a decreasing learning rate is adopted in the second case. Our analytical results capture the destructive effect of wireless communication and show that both FL and CL are special cases of SemiFL. Then, we formulate a non-convex problem to reduce the optimality gap by jointly optimizing the transmit power and receive beamformers. Accordingly, we propose a two-stage algorithm to solve this intractable problem, in which we provide the closed-form solutions to the beamformers. Extensive simulation results on two real-world datasets corroborate our theoretical analysis, and show that the proposed SemiFL outperforms conventional FL and achieves 3.2% accuracy gain on the MNIST dataset compared to state-of-the-art benchmarks

    Byzantines can also Learn from History: Fall of Centered Clipping in Federated Learning

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    The increasing popularity of the federated learning (FL) framework due to its success in a wide range of collaborative learning tasks also induces certain security concerns. Among many vulnerabilities, the risk of Byzantine attacks is of particular concern, which refers to the possibility of malicious clients participating in the learning process. Hence, a crucial objective in FL is to neutralize the potential impact of Byzantine attacks and to ensure that the final model is trustable. It has been observed that the higher the variance among the clients' models/updates, the more space there is for Byzantine attacks to be hidden. As a consequence, by utilizing momentum, and thus, reducing the variance, it is possible to weaken the strength of known Byzantine attacks. The centered clipping (CC) framework has further shown that the momentum term from the previous iteration, besides reducing the variance, can be used as a reference point to neutralize Byzantine attacks better. In this work, we first expose vulnerabilities of the CC framework, and introduce a novel attack strategy that can circumvent the defences of CC and other robust aggregators and reduce their test accuracy up to %33 on best-case scenarios in image classification tasks. Then, we propose a new robust and fast defence mechanism that is effective against the proposed and other existing Byzantine attacks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 202

    Semi-Supervised Federated Adaptive Label Learning with Disambiguation Prototype

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    Traditional federated learning depends on having data that is categorized or labeled for its training processes. However, obtaining such specific labeled data can be a complex task due to concerns about privacy, the expensive nature of labeling, or a shortage of specialized knowledge for categorizing data in certain fields. To overcome these obstacles, researchers have introduced Federated Semi-Supervised Learning (FSSL). This approach merges a limited quantity of categorized data with a vast amount of uncategorized data, thereby improving the effectiveness of models while maintaining the privacy and security of the data. Despite its advantages, FSSL encounters challenges such as gradual progress in learning and diminished precision, especially in situations where the distribution of data categories is uneven. To mitigate these problems, we have introduced an innovative framework named Federated Adaptive Label Learning (FedALL). FedALL integrates strategies from transfer learning, partial label learning, and prototype learning. It constructs an Adaptive Label List through transfer learning and devises a Label Disambiguation Prototype via representation learning. These strategies significantly reduce the adverse impacts caused by incorrect one-hot-label predictions for unlabeled data on the client's model. Additionally, incorporating pre-trained weights substantially accelerates the convergence speed of FedALL. In the experimental section of our paper, we compared FedALL against other baseline models in both Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) and Non-Independent and Identically Distributed (Non-IID) settings across three distinct datasets. The results demonstrate that FedALL outperforms all baselines in all scenarios, especially in Non-IID environments. Moreover, we utilized the Banach Fixed Point Theorem to prove the convergence of the Label Disambiguation Prototype

    Vertical Federated Learning:A Structured Literature Review

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    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm with an added advantage of data privacy. With the growing interest in having collaboration among data owners, FL has gained significant attention of organizations. The idea of FL is to enable collaborating participants train machine learning (ML) models on decentralized data without breaching privacy. In simpler words, federated learning is the approach of ``bringing the model to the data, instead of bringing the data to the mode''. Federated learning, when applied to data which is partitioned vertically across participants, is able to build a complete ML model by combining local models trained only using the data with distinct features at the local sites. This architecture of FL is referred to as vertical federated learning (VFL), which differs from the conventional FL on horizontally partitioned data. As VFL is different from conventional FL, it comes with its own issues and challenges. In this paper, we present a structured literature review discussing the state-of-the-art approaches in VFL. Additionally, the literature review highlights the existing solutions to challenges in VFL and provides potential research directions in this domain

    How to Collaborate: Towards Maximizing the Generalization Performance in Cross-Silo Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) has attracted vivid attention as a privacy-preserving distributed learning framework. In this work, we focus on cross-silo FL, where clients become the model owners after training and are only concerned about the model's generalization performance on their local data. Due to the data heterogeneity issue, asking all the clients to join a single FL training process may result in model performance degradation. To investigate the effectiveness of collaboration, we first derive a generalization bound for each client when collaborating with others or when training independently. We show that the generalization performance of a client can be improved only by collaborating with other clients that have more training data and similar data distribution. Our analysis allows us to formulate a client utility maximization problem by partitioning clients into multiple collaborating groups. A hierarchical clustering-based collaborative training (HCCT) scheme is then proposed, which does not need to fix in advance the number of groups. We further analyze the convergence of HCCT for general non-convex loss functions which unveils the effect of data similarity among clients. Extensive simulations show that HCCT achieves better generalization performance than baseline schemes, whereas it degenerates to independent training and conventional FL in specific scenarios

    Vertical Federated Learning: A Structured Literature Review

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    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm with an added advantage of data privacy. With the growing interest in having collaboration among data owners, FL has gained significant attention of organizations. The idea of FL is to enable collaborating participants train machine learning (ML) models on decentralized data without breaching privacy. In simpler words, federated learning is the approach of ``bringing the model to the data, instead of bringing the data to the mode''. Federated learning, when applied to data which is partitioned vertically across participants, is able to build a complete ML model by combining local models trained only using the data with distinct features at the local sites. This architecture of FL is referred to as vertical federated learning (VFL), which differs from the conventional FL on horizontally partitioned data. As VFL is different from conventional FL, it comes with its own issues and challenges. In this paper, we present a structured literature review discussing the state-of-the-art approaches in VFL. Additionally, the literature review highlights the existing solutions to challenges in VFL and provides potential research directions in this domain

    Vertical Federated Learning

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    Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) is a federated learning setting where multiple parties with different features about the same set of users jointly train machine learning models without exposing their raw data or model parameters. Motivated by the rapid growth in VFL research and real-world applications, we provide a comprehensive review of the concept and algorithms of VFL, as well as current advances and challenges in various aspects, including effectiveness, efficiency, and privacy. We provide an exhaustive categorization for VFL settings and privacy-preserving protocols and comprehensively analyze the privacy attacks and defense strategies for each protocol. In the end, we propose a unified framework, termed VFLow, which considers the VFL problem under communication, computation, privacy, and effectiveness constraints. Finally, we review the most recent advances in industrial applications, highlighting open challenges and future directions for VFL