13 research outputs found

    Using the Semantic Grid to Build Bridges between Museums and Indigenous Communities

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    In this paper we describe a Semantic Grid application designed to enable museums and indigenous communities in distributed locations, to collaboratively discuss, describe, annotate and define the rights associated with objects in museums that originally belonged to or are of cultural or historical significance to indigenous groups. By extending and refining an existing application, Vannotea, we enable users on access grid nodes to collaboratively attach descriptive, rights and tribal care metadata and annotations to digital images, video or 3D representations. The aim is to deploy the software within museums to enable the traditional owners to describe and contextualize museum content in their own words and from their own perspectives. This sharing and exchange of knowledge will hopefully revitalize cultures eroded through colonization and globalization and repair and strengthen relationships between museums and indigenous communities

    Evaluating the application of semantic inferencing rules to image annotation

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    Semantic annotation of digital objects within large multimedia collections is a difficult and challenging task. We describe a method for semi-automatic annotation of images and apply it to and evaluate it on images of pancreatic cells. By comparing the performance of this approach in the pancreatic cell domain with previous results in the fuel cell domain, we aim to determine characteristics of a domain which indicate that the method will or will not work in that domain. We conclude by describing the types of images and domains in which we can expect satisfactory results with this approach. Copyright 2005 ACM

    VSE-ens: Visual-Semantic Embeddings with Efficient Negative Sampling

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    Jointing visual-semantic embeddings (VSE) have become a research hotpot for the task of image annotation, which suffers from the issue of semantic gap, i.e., the gap between images' visual features (low-level) and labels' semantic features (high-level). This issue will be even more challenging if visual features cannot be retrieved from images, that is, when images are only denoted by numerical IDs as given in some real datasets. The typical way of existing VSE methods is to perform a uniform sampling method for negative examples that violate the ranking order against positive examples, which requires a time-consuming search in the whole label space. In this paper, we propose a fast adaptive negative sampler that can work well in the settings of no figure pixels available. Our sampling strategy is to choose the negative examples that are most likely to meet the requirements of violation according to the latent factors of images. In this way, our approach can linearly scale up to large datasets. The experiments demonstrate that our approach converges 5.02x faster than the state-of-the-art approaches on OpenImages, 2.5x on IAPR-TCI2 and 2.06x on NUS-WIDE datasets, as well as better ranking accuracy across datasets.Comment: Published by The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18

    VSE-ens: Visual-Semantic Embeddings with Efficient Negative Sampling

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    Jointing visual-semantic embeddings (VSE) have become a research hotpot for the task of image annotation, which suffers from the issue of semantic gap, i.e., the gap between images' visual features (low-level) and labels' semantic features (high-level). This issue will be even more challenging if visual features cannot be retrieved from images, that is, when images are only denoted by numerical IDs as given in some real datasets. The typical way of existing VSE methods is to perform a uniform sampling method for negative examples that violate the ranking order against positive examples, which requires a time-consuming search in the whole label space. In this paper, we propose a fast adaptive negative sampler that can work well in the settings of no figure pixels available. Our sampling strategy is to choose the negative examples that are most likely to meet the requirements of violation according to the latent factors of images. In this way, our approach can linearly scale up to large datasets. The experiments demonstrate that our approach converges 5.02x faster than the state-of-the-art approaches on OpenImages, 2.5x on IAPR-TCI2 and 2.06x on NUS-WIDE datasets, as well as better ranking accuracy across datasets.Comment: Published by The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18

    A Framework to Enable the Semantic Inferencing and Querying of Multimedia Content

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    Cultural institutions, broadcasting companies, academic, scientific and defence organisations are producing vast quantities of digital multimedia content. With this growth in audiovisual material comes the need for standardised representations encapsulating the rich semantic meaning required to enable the automatic filtering, machine processing, interpretation and assimilation of multimedia resources. Additionally generating high-level descriptions is difficult and manual creation is expensive although significant progress has been made in recent years on automatic segmentation and low-level feature recognition for multimedia. Within this paper we describe the application of semantic web technologies to enable the generation of high-level, domain-specific, semantic descriptions of multimedia content from low-level, automatically-extracted features. By applying the knowledge reasoning capabilities provided by ontologies and inferencing rules to large, multimedia data sets generated by scientific research communities, we hope to expedite solutions to the complex scientific problems they face

    ODESeW. Automatic Generation of Knowledge Portals for Intranets and Extranets

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    This paper presents ODESeW (Semantic Web Portal based on WebODE platform [1]) as an ontology-based application that automatically generates and manages a knowledge portal for Intranets and Extranets. ODESeW is designed on the top of WebODE ontology engineering platform. This paper shows the service architecture that allows configuring the visualization of ontology-based information for different kinds of users, establishing reading and updating access policies to its content, and performing consistency checking between the portal information and the ontologies underlying it

    Automatic extraction of regions of interest from images based on visual attention models

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    This thesis presents a method for the extraction of regions of interest (ROIs) from images. By ROIs we mean the most prominent semantic objects in the images, of any size and located at any position in the image. The novel method is based on computational models of visual attention (VA), operates under a completely bottom-up and unsupervised way and does not present con-straints in the category of the input images. At the core of the architecture is de model VA proposed by Itti, Koch and Niebur and the one proposed by Stentiford. The first model takes into account color, intensity, and orientation features and provides coordinates corresponding to the points of attention (POAs) in the image. The second model considers color features and provides rough areas of attention (AOAs) in the image. In the proposed architecture, the POAs and AOAs are combined to establish the contours of the ROIs. Two implementations of this architecture are presented, namely 'first version' and 'improved version'. The first version mainly on traditional morphological operations and was applied in two novel region-based image retrieval systems. In the first one, images are clustered on the basis of the ROIs, instead of the global characteristics of the image. This provides a meaningful organization of the database images, since the output clusters tend to contain objects belonging to the same category. In the second system, we present a combination of the traditional global-based with region-based image retrieval under a multiple-example query scheme. In the improved version of the architecture, the main stages are a spatial coherence analysis between both VA models and a multiscale representation of the AOAs. Comparing to the first one, the improved version presents more versatility, mainly in terms of the size of the extracted ROIs. The improved version was directly evaluated for a wide variety of images from different publicly available databases, with ground truth in the form of bounding boxes and true object contours. The performance measures used were precision, recall, F1 and area overlap. Experimental results are of very high quality, particularly if one takes into account the bottom-up and unsupervised nature of the approach.UOL; CAPESEsta tese apresenta um método para a extração de regiões de interesse (ROIs) de imagens. No contexto deste trabalho, ROIs são definidas como os objetos semânticos que se destacam em uma imagem, podendo apresentar qualquer tamanho ou localização. O novo método baseia-se em modelos computacionais de atenção visual (VA), opera de forma completamente bottom-up, não supervisionada e não apresenta restrições com relação à categoria da imagem de entrada. Os elementos centrais da arquitetura são os modelos de VA propostos por Itti-Koch-Niebur e Stentiford. O modelo de Itti-Koch-Niebur considera as características de cor, intensidade e orientação da imagem e apresenta uma resposta na forma de coordenadas, correspondentes aos pontos de atenção (POAs) da imagem. O modelo Stentiford considera apenas as características de cor e apresenta a resposta na forma de áreas de atenção na imagem (AOAs). Na arquitetura proposta, a combinação de POAs e AOAs permite a obtenção dos contornos das ROIs. Duas implementações desta arquitetura, denominadas 'primeira versão' e 'versão melhorada' são apresentadas. A primeira versão utiliza principalmente operações tradicionais de morfologia matemática. Esta versão foi aplicada em dois sistemas de recuperação de imagens com base em regiões. No primeiro, as imagens são agrupadas de acordo com as ROIs, ao invés das características globais da imagem. O resultado são grupos de imagens mais significativos semanticamente, uma vez que o critério utilizado são os objetos da mesma categoria contidos nas imagens. No segundo sistema, á apresentada uma combinação da busca de imagens tradicional, baseada nas características globais da imagem, com a busca de imagens baseada em regiões. Ainda neste sistema, as buscas são especificadas através de mais de uma imagem exemplo. Na versão melhorada da arquitetura, os estágios principais são uma análise de coerência espacial entre as representações de ambos modelos de VA e uma representação multi-escala das AOAs. Se comparada à primeira versão, esta apresenta maior versatilidade, especialmente com relação aos tamanhos das ROIs presentes nas imagens. A versão melhorada foi avaliada diretamente, com uma ampla variedade de imagens diferentes bancos de imagens públicos, com padrões-ouro na forma de bounding boxes e de contornos reais dos objetos. As métricas utilizadas na avaliação foram presision, recall, F1 e area of overlap. Os resultados finais são excelentes, considerando-se a abordagem exclusivamente bottom-up e não-supervisionada do método