5 research outputs found

    Ontología para Transferir Conocimiento en la Etapa de Pruebas de Software

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    The processes and activities in quality management of software engineering generate a large volume of knowledge, which is considered a critical factor for the quality of the software product. Therefore, a significant improvement of the effectiveness and fulfillment of the tasks that encompass this process, is required. It is there where the use of knowledge management methods and principles becomes the basis for managing the process. Following this argument, it was studied how ontologies can be used in knowledge management in the testing phase of software engineering. An ontology-based model was developed for this domain that covers the identification, formalization, distribution, and retention of knowledge, defining the indicators for each of these dimensions.Los procesos y actividades en la gestión de calidad de la ingeniería de software generan un gran volumen de conocimiento, considerado como un factor crítico para la calidad de producto software. En consecuencia, es necesario una mejora significativa de la efectividad y cumplimiento de las tareas que componen este proceso. Es ahí donde el uso de métodos y principios de gestión de conocimiento se convierten en la base para gestionar este proceso. Siguiendo este argumento, se estudió cómo las ontologías pueden utilizarse en la gestión de conocimiento en la fase de pruebas de la ingeniería del software. Se desarrolló un modelo basado en ontologías para ese dominio que abarca la identificación, formalización, distribución, y retención de conocimiento definiendo los indicadores para cada una de estas dimensiones

    Glossary visualisation

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    Gatis Jermacāns 2012. gada bakalaura darbā „Glosārija vizualizācija” izveidoja ISTQB testēšanas glosārija vizualizācijas daļēji automātisku ģenerēšanu 40 aspektiem, pēc kuriem var atlasīt gandrīz visus glosārija terminus, kas izvēlēti balstoties uz G. Arnicāna, D. Romāna un U. Straujuma metodoloģiju „Semi-automatic Generation of a Software Testing Lightweight Ontology from a Glossary Based on the ONTO6 Methodology”. Izveides procesā tika risināti šķēršļi, kas atklājās darba izstrādes laikā, kas stipri ietekmēja vizualizācijas izstrādes laiku. Darba izstrādes laikā tika izpētītas Graphviz iespējas glosārija automātiskas vizualizācijas ģenerēšanā. Bakalaura darba izvirzītais mērķis tika sasniegts. Jaunā vizualizācija ļauj interaktīvi apgūt terminu kopu pēc noteiktiem aspektiem un to varēs izmantot plašāka auditorija tīmeklī.In his 2012 bachelor thesis „Glosary visualisation” Gatis Jermacans developed ISTQB testing glossary visualisation for semi-automatic generation of 40 aspects, by which almost all terms of the glossary can be selected. The terms are chosen on a basis of G.Arnicans, D.Romāns and U.Straujums used methodology: „Semi-automatic Generation of a Software Testing Lightweight Ontology from a Glossary Based on the ONTO6 Methodology”. In the development process, several obstacles which serously affected development time of the thesis were adressed. During the thesis development, possibilities of automatic provision of visualisations, provided by Graphviz, were analyzed. The main goal of the thesis was achieved. The new visualisation allows interactive adoption of term group, according to defined aspects. It could be used by a broader audience in network

    Ontology-Driven Semantic Annotations for Multiple Engineering Viewpoints in Computer Aided Design

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    Engineering design involves a series of activities to handle data, including capturing and storing data, retrieval and manipulation of data. This also applies throughout the entire product lifecycle (PLC). Unfortunately, a closed loop of knowledge and information management system has not been implemented for the PLC. As part of product lifecycle management (PLM) approaches, computer-aided design (CAD) systems are extensively used from embodiment and detail design stages in mechanical engineering. However, current CAD systems lack the ability to handle semantically-rich information, thus to represent, manage and use knowledge among multidisciplinary engineers, and to integrate various tools/services with distributed data and knowledge. To address these challenges, a general-purpose semantic annotation approach based on CAD systems in the mechanical engineering domain is proposed, which contributes to knowledge management and reuse, data interoperability and tool integration. In present-day PLM systems, annotation approaches are currently embedded in software applications and use diverse data and anchor representations, making them static, inflexible and difficult to incorporate with external systems. This research will argue that it is possible to take a generalised approach to annotation with formal annotation content structures and anchoring mechanisms described using general-purpose ontologies. In this way viewpoint-oriented annotation may readily be captured, represented and incorporated into PLM systems together with existing annotations in a common framework, and the knowledge collected or generated from multiple engineering viewpoints may be reasoned with to derive additional knowledge to enable downstream processes. Therefore, knowledge can be propagated and evolved through the PLC. Within this framework, a knowledge modelling methodology has also been proposed for developing knowledge models in various situations. In addition, a prototype system has been designed and developed in order to evaluate the core contributions of this proposed concept. According to an evaluation plan, cost estimation and finite element analysis as case studies have been used to validate the usefulness, feasibility and generality of the proposed framework. Discussion has been carried out based on this evaluation. As a conclusion, the presented research work has met the original aim and objectives, and can be improved further. At the end, some research directions have been suggested.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Mobilo lietotņu testēšana.

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    Darbā ir sniegts pārskats par programmatūras testēšanu metalīmenī. Autors ir izpētījis aspektus, kas ietekmē funkcionālo testēšanu jo īpaši iOS lietotnēm, kā arī mobilajām lietotnēm kopumā. Darbā ir izpētītas arī drošības iespējas un izstrādes/testēšanas “pārpalikumi”, kas bieži tiek atstāti bez ievērības un nesakārtoti lietotņu ātrākai pieejamībai tirgū. Atsevišķa nodaļa ir veltīta mobilo lietotāju saskarņu automātisko testēšanas rīku pētīšanai un klasterizācijai. “Ārā no kastes” Apple UIAutomation rīka ierobežojumu pārvarēšana ir apvienota tTap ietvarā, kuru izstrādāja autors. Analizējot paveikto, tika izveidots “ideāla” starpplatformu mobilo lietotāja saskarnes testēšanas automatizācijas rīka priekšlikums. Promocijas darbam piemīt praktiskais raksturs. Visa ar mobilo lietotņu testēšanas saistītā informācija tika savākta vai pārbaudīta reālo mobilo lietotņu projektu izstrādes laikā.The thesis gives an overview of software testing on the meta-level. Aspects that influence functional testing of iOS apps in particular, and mobile – in general, were investigated by the author. The thesis also exposes the security capabilities and development/ testing leftovers that often are neglected and not cleaned up in favor of time to market rush. A separate chapter of the thesis deals with mobile UI test automation tools investigation and clustering. Solutions aimed at overcoming the limitations of out of the box Apple UIAutomation are united in tTap framework developed by the author. The analysis performed on mobile UI test automation tools united with the solutions used in tTap framework resulted in the ideal cross-platform mobile UI test automation tool proposal. The whole thesis has a practical flavor. All mobile testing related information has been verified or gathered during the real mobile software development projects executio

    Latvijas Universitātes 2013.gada publiskais pārskats

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    Šajā pārskatā ir apvienoti: 1. Gada publiskais pārskats (LR Likuma par budžetu un finanšu vadību 14.panta 3.punkts; 05.05.2010. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.413 „Noteikumi par gada publiskajiem pārskatiem”); 2. Zinātniskās institūcijas gada publiskais pārskats (LR Zinātniskās darbības likuma 40.pants; 16.05.2006. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.397 „Noteikumi par zinātnisko institūciju reģistrā reģistrētā zinātniskā institūta gada publisko pārskatu”); 3. Gadagrāmata (LR Augstskolu likuma 75.pants). Pārskats ir sagatavots, izmantojot datus no LU fakultāšu, zinātnisko institūtu, studiju centru un LU aģentūru iesniegtajiem pārskatiem, LUIS datus, kā arī LU administratīvo un patstāvīgo akadēmisko struktūrvienību sagatavotos materiālus