14 research outputs found

    AC-RDVT: Acyclic Resource Distance Vector Routing Tables for Dynamic Grid Resource Discovery

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    Since the objective of grid is sharing the numerous and heterogeneous resources, resource discovery is a challenging issue. Recently appeared, Ontosum, is a resource discovery method based on semantically linked organizations and a routing algorithm Resource Distance Vector (RDV), has been presented to forward resource discovery queries into the clusters. Although this framework is efficient for large-scale grids and nodes are clustered automatically based on semantic attributes to constitute a semantically linked overlay network, but the dynamic behavior of grid isn’t considered. In this method, deceptive information is stored in RDV tables (RDVT) which cause some problems in routing process. In this paper, a method is proposed to improve the dynamism of RDV routing algorithm, so the consistency with grid environments is increased. The developed algorithm is assessed by investigating the success probability, number of hops and routing time of resource discovery.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i1.183

    SOLAR: Social Link Advanced recommendation system

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    In today’s information society, precise descriptions of the massive volume of online content available are crucial for responding to user needs adequately and efficiently. The Semantic Web Paradigm has recently advanced across many domains for the assignment of metadata to Internet content, in order to define it with explicit, machine-readable meaning. This content has become so extensive that it must be refined according to user preferences to avoid information overload. The current paper proposes a framework for the association of semantic data to webpage links based on a specific domain ontology, additionally permitting the user to express his opinion regarding his emotions about the content of the link. This data is further exploited to suggest additional links to the user, based on the semantic metadata and the level of user satisfaction with previously viewed content. A comprehensive evaluation of the tool has demonstrated a high level of user satisfaction with the features of the system.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the project SONAR (TSI-340000-2007-212), GODO2 (TSI-020100-2008-564) and SONAR2 (TSI-020100-2008-665), under the PIBES project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TEC2006-12365-C02-01) and the MID-CBR project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TIN2006-15140-C03-02)

    Semantic Co-Browsing System Based on Contextual Synchronization on Peer-to-Peer Environment

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    In this paper, we focus on a personalized information retrieval system based on multi-agent platform. Especially, they are capable of sharing information between them, for supporting collaborations between people. Personalization module has to be exploited to be aware of the corresponding user's browsing contexts (e.g., purposes, intention, and goals) at the specific moment. We want to recommend as relevant information to the estimated user context as possible, by analyzing the interaction results (e.g., clickstreams or query results). Thereby, we propose a novel approach to self-organizing agent groups based on contextual synchronization. Synchronization is an important requirement for online collaborations among them. This synchronization method exploits contextual information extracted from a set of personal agents in the same group, for real-time information sharing. Through semantically tracking of the users' information searching behaviors, we model the temporal dynamics of personal and group context. More importantly, in a certain moment, the contextual outliers can be detected, so that the groups can be automatically organized again with the same context. The co-browsing system embedding our proposed method was shown 52.7 % and 11.5 % improvements of communication performance, compared to single browsing system and asynchronous collaborative browsing system, respectively

    Investigation of service selection algorithms for grid services

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    Grid computing has emerged as a global platform to support organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data, applications, and processes. Additionally, Grid computing has also leveraged web services to define standard interfaces for Grid services adopting the service-oriented view. Consequently, there have been significant efforts to enable applications capable of tackling computationally intensive problems as services on the Grid. In order to ensure that the available services are assigned to the high volume of incoming requests efficiently, it is important to have a robust service selection algorithm. The selection algorithm should not only increase access to the distributed services, promoting operational flexibility and collaboration, but should also allow service providers to scale efficiently to meet a variety of demands while adhering to certain current Quality of Service (QoS) standards. In this research, two service selection algorithms, namely the Particle Swarm Intelligence based Service Selection Algorithm (PSI Selection Algorithm) based on the Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using Crowding Distance technique, and the Constraint Satisfaction based Selection (CSS) algorithm, are proposed. The proposed selection algorithms are designed to achieve the following goals: handling large number of incoming requests simultaneously; achieving high match scores in the case of competitive matching of similar types of incoming requests; assigning each services efficiently to all the incoming requests; providing the service requesters the flexibility to provide multiple service selection criteria based on a QoS metric; selecting the appropriate services for the incoming requests within a reasonable time. Next, the two algorithms are verified by a standard assignment problem algorithm called the Munkres algorithm. The feasibility and the accuracy of the proposed algorithms are then tested using various evaluation methods. These evaluations are based on various real world scenarios to check the accuracy of the algorithm, which is primarily based on how closely the requests are being matched to the available services based on the QoS parameters provided by the requesters

    Investigation of service selection algorithms for grid services

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    Grid computing has emerged as a global platform to support organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data, applications, and processes. Additionally, Grid computing has also leveraged web services to define standard interfaces for Grid services adopting the service-oriented view. Consequently, there have been significant efforts to enable applications capable of tackling computationally intensive problems as services on the Grid. In order to ensure that the available services are assigned to the high volume of incoming requests efficiently, it is important to have a robust service selection algorithm. The selection algorithm should not only increase access to the distributed services, promoting operational flexibility and collaboration, but should also allow service providers to scale efficiently to meet a variety of demands while adhering to certain current Quality of Service (QoS) standards. In this research, two service selection algorithms, namely the Particle Swarm Intelligence based Service Selection Algorithm (PSI Selection Algorithm) based on the Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using Crowding Distance technique, and the Constraint Satisfaction based Selection (CSS) algorithm, are proposed. The proposed selection algorithms are designed to achieve the following goals: handling large number of incoming requests simultaneously; achieving high match scores in the case of competitive matching of similar types of incoming requests; assigning each services efficiently to all the incoming requests; providing the service requesters the flexibility to provide multiple service selection criteria based on a QoS metric; selecting the appropriate services for the incoming requests within a reasonable time. Next, the two algorithms are verified by a standard assignment problem algorithm called the Munkres algorithm. The feasibility and the accuracy of the proposed algorithms are then tested using various evaluation methods. These evaluations are based on various real world scenarios to check the accuracy of the algorithm, which is primarily based on how closely the requests are being matched to the available services based on the QoS parameters provided by the requesters