6 research outputs found

    Digitalizaci贸n masiva en 3D: un hito para la documentaci贸n arqueol贸gica

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    [EN] In the heritage field, the demand for fast and efficient 3D digitization technologies for historic remains is increasing. Besides, 3D digitization has proved to be a promising approach to enable precise reconstructions of objects. Yet, unlike the digital acquisition of cultural goods in 2D widely used today, 3D digitization often still requires a significant investment of time and money. To make it more widely available to heritage institutions, the Competence Center for Cultural Heritage Digitization at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD has developed CultLab3D, the world鈥檚 first 3D mass digitization facility for collections of three-dimensional objects. CultLab3D is specifically designed to automate the entire 3D digitization process thus allowing to scan and archive objects on a large-scale. Moreover, scanning and lighting technologies are combined to capture the exact geometry, texture, and optical material properties of artefacts to produce highly accurate photo-realistic representations. The unique setup allows to shorten the time needed for digitization to several minutes per artefact instead of hours, as required by conventional 3D scanning methods.[ES] La demanda de tecnolog铆as r谩pidas y eficientes en el 谩rea de digitalizaci贸n en tercera dimensi贸n para el legado cultural, se encuentra en constante crecimiento. La digitalizaci贸n en tercera dimensi贸n ha mostrado ser una aproximaci贸n prometedora que garantiza una precisa reconstrucci贸n de objetos. Sin embargo, en comparaci贸n con la adquisici贸n de objetos culturales en 2D, ampliamente utilizados en la actualidad, la digitalizaci贸n en tercera dimensi贸n a煤n requiere de una inversi贸n significativa de tiempo y dinero. Para facilitar su acceso a instituciones enfocadas a salvaguardar el legado cultural, el Centro de Competencia para la Digitalizaci贸n del Legado Cultural (Competence Center for Cultural Heritage Digitization) del Instituto Fraunhofer, Computer Graphics Research IGD, desarroll贸 CultLab3D. CultLab3D es la primerainstancia a nivel mundial que cuenta con un sistema totalmente automatizado para la digitalizaci贸n masiva de colecciones de objetos tridimensionales. CultLab3D se dise帽贸 espec铆ficamente para automatizar los procesos de digitalizaci贸n en tercera dimension, permitendo escanear y archivar objetos a larga escala. Adem谩s, tecnolog铆as de escaneado e iluminaci贸n han sido igualmente combinadas para la captura de geometr铆as exactas, textura y propiedades 贸pticas del material que constituyen los artefactos en cuesti贸n, con el objetivo de producir representaciones foto-real铆sticas altamente precisas. Esta construcci贸n 煤nica permite la reducci贸n del tiempo requerido por m茅todos convencionales para la digitalizaci贸n en tercera dimensi贸n, siendo necesario solamente algunos minutos en lugar de varias horas.CultLab3D was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy under grant agreement 01MT12022E and Fraunhofer strategic funds.Santos, P.; Ritz, M.; Fuhrmann, C.; Fellner, D. (2017). 3D mass digitization: a milestone for archeological documentation. Virtual Archaeology Review. 8(16):1-11. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2017.6321SWORD11181

    Analysing the Decorative Style of 3D Heritage Collections based on Shape Saliency

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    As technologies for 3D acquisition become widely available, it is expected that 3D content documenting heritage artifacts will become increasingly popular. Nevertheless, to provide access to and enable the creative use of this content, it is necessary to address the challenges to its access. These include the automatic enrichment of 3D content with suitable metadata so that content does not get lost. To address these challenges, this article presents research on developing technologies to support the organization and discoverability of 3D content in the Cultural Heritage (CH) domain. This research takes advantage of the fact that heritage artifacts have been designed throughout the centuries with distinctive design styles. Hence, the shape and the decoration of an artifact can provide significant information on the history of the artifact. The main contributions of this article include an ontology for documenting 3D representations of heritage artifacts decorated with ornaments such as architectural mouldings. In addition, the article presents a complementary shape retrieval method based on shape saliency to improve the automatic classification of the artifact鈥檚 semantic information based on its 3D shape. This method is tested on a collection of Regency ornament mouldings found in domestic interiors. This content provides a rich dataset on which to base the exploration of issues common to many CH artifacts, such as design styles and decorative ornament.</jats:p

    Semantically rich 3D documentation for the preservation of tangible heritage

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    Traditionally, 3D acquisition technologies have been used to record heritage artefacts and to support specific tasks such as conservation or provenance verification. These exercises are usually a one-off as the technology and resources required are cost intensive. However, there is a recent impetus on the creation of 3D collections to document heritage artefacts which are semantically enriched by using annotations. A requirement of these solutions is the ability to support several representations of a heritage artefact recorded through time. This paper will propose an infrastructure to systematically enrich 3D shapes in a collection by using propagated annotations. In addition, it will describe the mechanisms for annotating, propagating and structuring the annotations using the CIDOC-CRM ontology. The results of this research have the potential to support heritage organisations in making their semantically rich 3D content available to a wider audience of professionals

    Semantic annotation services for 3D models of cultural heritage artefacts

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    Il rilievo dell鈥橝rchitettura tra identificazione tipologica e strutturazione semantica. La Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula nella rappresentazione digitale per il Cultural Heritage.

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    La digitalizzazione delle testimonianze del patrimonio costruito ha animato una nuova sfida dell鈥檈poca contemporanea: la creazione di sistemi intelligenti, efficienti e scalabili per l鈥檌ndicizzazione, l鈥檃rchiviazione, la ricerca e la gestione delle collezioni digitali e della relativa documentazione. La strutturazione delle informazioni, spazializzate in ragione di attributi semantici, risponde efficacemente alle esigenze di documentazione e interoperabilit脿, proprie degli studi interdisciplinari, potenziando la condivisione delle risorse e la creazione collaborativa di conoscenza. L鈥檃nalisi degli approcci formalizzati finora, mostra diverse questioni aperte e spunti di riflessione connessi con le implicazioni teoriche di una segmentazione architettonica guidata dalla semantica, con le potenzialit脿 espressive e applicative di una interazione pi霉 immediata con la rappresentazione digitale nonch茅 con le modalit脿 di accesso e recupero della documentazione spazializzata. Un primo scopo della ricerca 猫 la definizione di una metodologia di annotazione semantica che risolva l鈥檃mbiguit脿 e codifichi l鈥檌ncertezza della etichettatura, affinando la qualit脿 dell鈥檌nformazione. Una seconda finalit脿 猫 l鈥檌ndagine di approcci che razionalizzino e ottimizzino il processo di annotazione, migliorando l鈥檌nteroperabilit脿 e l鈥檌nterpretabilit脿 da parte di Intelligenze Artificiali