2,559 research outputs found

    Teaching robots parametrized executable plans through spoken interaction

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    While operating in domestic environments, robots will necessarily face difficulties not envisioned by their developers at programming time. Moreover, the tasks to be performed by a robot will often have to be specialized and/or adapted to the needs of specific users and specific environments. Hence, learning how to operate by interacting with the user seems a key enabling feature to support the introduction of robots in everyday environments. In this paper we contribute a novel approach for learning, through the interaction with the user, task descriptions that are defined as a combination of primitive actions. The proposed approach makes a significant step forward by making task descriptions parametric with respect to domain specific semantic categories. Moreover, by mapping the task representation into a task representation language, we are able to express complex execution paradigms and to revise the learned tasks in a high-level fashion. The approach is evaluated in multiple practical applications with a service robot

    From Verbs to Tasks: An Integrated Account of Learning Tasks from Situated Interactive Instruction.

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    Intelligent collaborative agents are becoming common in the human society. From virtual assistants such as Siri and Google Now to assistive robots, they contribute to human activities in a variety of ways. As they become more pervasive, the challenge of customizing them to a variety of environments and tasks becomes critical. It is infeasible for engineers to program them for each individual use. Our research aims at building interactive robots and agents that adapt to new environments autonomously by interacting with human users using natural modalities. This dissertation studies the problem of learning novel tasks from human-agent dialog. We propose a novel approach for interactive task learning, situated interactive instruction (SII), and investigate approaches to three computational challenges that arise in designing SII agents: situated comprehension, mixed-initiative interaction, and interactive task learning. We propose a novel mixed-modality grounded representation for task verbs which encompasses their lexical, semantic, and task-oriented aspects. This representation is useful in situated comprehension and can be learned through human-agent interactions. We introduce the Indexical Model of comprehension that can exploit extra-linguistic contexts for resolving semantic ambiguities in situated comprehension of task commands. The Indexical model is integrated with a mixed-initiative interaction model that facilitates a flexible task-oriented human-agent dialog. This dialog serves as the basis of interactive task learning. We propose an interactive variation of explanation-based learning that can acquire the proposed representation. We demonstrate that our learning paradigm is efficient, can transfer knowledge between structurally similar tasks, integrates agent-driven exploration with instructional learning, and can acquire several tasks. The methods proposed in this thesis are integrated in Rosie - a generally instructable agent developed in the Soar cognitive architecture and embodied on a table-top robot.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111573/1/shiwali_1.pd

    The development of lexis and critical thinking through movies and task-based descriptive writing

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    159 páginas incluye diagramas.Esta investigación cualitativa pretende mejorar el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y la escritura en tres grupos de estudiantes del Colegio Cundinamarca a través de la implementación del enfoque basado en tareas y la utilización de videos cortos de películas. La población seleccionada para éste estudio incluye tres cursos con tres diferentes niveles de lengua: tercero, sexto y onceavo grado. Sin embargo, todos ellos pertenecen al nivel A1 de acuerdo al Marco Común Europeo de referencia para las lenguas (MCE). Como estudiantes de una institución bilingüe los estudiantes han adquirido ciertas habilidades para comunicar sus ideas, expresar sus sentimientos y entender instrucciones en la lengua inglesa. Sin embargo, se han identificado dificultades en el proceso de escritura de los estudiantes y en las habilidades del pensamiento crítico, particularmente en la construcción de oraciones y su significado evidenciadas durante la etapa de análisis de necesidades. En consecuencia, en la implementación pedagógica se usaron cortos de películas para el diseño de clases basadas en tareas, con el fin de desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico a través de la escritura y así lograr un proceso de comunicación efectiva. Los instrumentos empleados para la recolección de datos fueron: talleres, rúbricas y artefactos (muestras escritas)

    Recolha e conceptualização de experiências de atividades robóticas baseadas em planos para melhoria de competências no longo prazo

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    Robot learning is a prominent research direction in intelligent robotics. Robotics involves dealing with the issue of integration of multiple technologies, such as sensing, planning, acting, and learning. In robot learning, the long term goal is to develop robots that learn to perform tasks and continuously improve their knowledge and skills through observation and exploration of the environment and interaction with users. While significant research has been performed in the area of learning motor behavior primitives, the topic of learning high-level representations of activities and classes of activities that, decompose into sequences of actions, has not been sufficiently addressed. Learning at the task level is key to increase the robots’ autonomy and flexibility. High-level task knowledge is essential for intelligent robotics since it makes robot programs less dependent on the platform and eases knowledge exchange between robots with different kinematics. The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the development of cognitive robotic capabilities, including supervised experience acquisition through human-robot interaction, high-level task learning from the acquired experiences, and task planning using the acquired task knowledge. A framework containing the required cognitive functions for learning and reproduction of high-level aspects of experiences is proposed. In particular, we propose and formalize the notion of Experience-Based Planning Domains (EBPDs) for long-term learning and planning. A human-robot interaction interface is used to provide a robot with step-by-step instructions on how to perform tasks. Approaches to recording plan-based robot activity experiences including relevant perceptions of the environment and actions taken by the robot are presented. A conceptualization methodology is presented for acquiring task knowledge in the form of activity schemata from experiences. The conceptualization approach is a combination of different techniques including deductive generalization, different forms of abstraction and feature extraction. Conceptualization includes loop detection, scope inference and goal inference. Problem solving in EBPDs is achieved using a two-layer problem solver comprising an abstract planner, to derive an abstract solution for a given task problem by applying a learned activity schema, and a concrete planner, to refine the abstract solution towards a concrete solution. The architecture and the learning and planning methods are applied and evaluated in several real and simulated world scenarios. Finally, the developed learning methods are compared, and conditions where each of them has better applicability are discussed.Aprendizagem de robôs é uma direção de pesquisa proeminente em robótica inteligente. Em robótica, é necessário lidar com a questão da integração de várias tecnologias, como percepção, planeamento, atuação e aprendizagem. Na aprendizagem de robôs, o objetivo a longo prazo é desenvolver robôs que aprendem a executar tarefas e melhoram continuamente os seus conhecimentos e habilidades através da observação e exploração do ambiente e interação com os utilizadores. A investigação tem-se centrado na aprendizagem de comportamentos básicos, ao passo que a aprendizagem de representações de atividades de alto nível, que se decompõem em sequências de ações, e de classes de actividades, não tem sido suficientemente abordada. A aprendizagem ao nível da tarefa é fundamental para aumentar a autonomia e a flexibilidade dos robôs. O conhecimento de alto nível permite tornar o software dos robôs menos dependente da plataforma e facilita a troca de conhecimento entre robôs diferentes. O objetivo desta tese é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de capacidades cognitivas para robôs, incluindo aquisição supervisionada de experiência através da interação humano-robô, aprendizagem de tarefas de alto nível com base nas experiências acumuladas e planeamento de tarefas usando o conhecimento adquirido. Propõe-se uma abordagem que integra diversas funcionalidades cognitivas para aprendizagem e reprodução de aspetos de alto nível detetados nas experiências acumuladas. Em particular, nós propomos e formalizamos a noção de Domínio de Planeamento Baseado na Experiência (Experience-Based Planning Domain, or EBPD) para aprendizagem e planeamento num âmbito temporal alargado. Uma interface para interação humano-robô é usada para fornecer ao robô instruções passo-a-passo sobre como realizar tarefas. Propõe-se uma abordagem para extrair experiências de atividades baseadas em planos, incluindo as percepções relevantes e as ações executadas pelo robô. Uma metodologia de conceitualização é apresentada para a aquisição de conhecimento de tarefa na forma de schemata a partir de experiências. São utilizadas diferentes técnicas, incluindo generalização dedutiva, diferentes formas de abstracção e extração de características. A metodologia inclui detecção de ciclos, inferência de âmbito de aplicação e inferência de objetivos. A resolução de problemas em EBPDs é alcançada usando um sistema de planeamento com duas camadas, uma para planeamento abstrato, aplicando um schema aprendido, e outra para planeamento detalhado. A arquitetura e os métodos de aprendizagem e planeamento são aplicados e avaliados em vários cenários reais e simulados. Finalmente, os métodos de aprendizagem desenvolvidos são comparados e as condições onde cada um deles tem melhor aplicabilidade são discutidos.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    What is Robotics: Why Do We Need It and How Can We Get It?

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    Robotics is an emerging synthetic science concerned with programming work. Robot technologies are quickly advancing beyond the insights of the existing science. More secure intellectual foundations will be required to achieve better, more reliable and safer capabilities as their penetration into society deepens. Presently missing foundations include the identification of fundamental physical limits, the development of new dynamical systems theory and the invention of physically grounded programming languages. The new discipline needs a departmental home in the universities which it can justify both intellectually and by its capacity to attract new diverse populations inspired by the age old human fascination with robots. For more information: Kod*la

    Learning Hierarchical Compositional Task Definitions through Online Situated Interactive Language Instruction

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    Artificial agents, from robots to personal assistants, have become competent workers in many settings and embodiments, but for the most part, they are limited to performing the capabilities and tasks with which they were initially programmed. Learning in these settings has predominately focused on learning to improve the agent’s performance on a task, and not on learning the actual definition of a task. The primary method for imbuing an agent with the task definition has been through programming by humans, who have detailed knowledge of the task, domain, and agent architecture. In contrast, humans quickly learn new tasks from scratch, often from instruction by another human. If we desire AI agents to be flexible and dynamically extendable, they will need to emulate these learning capabilities, and not be stuck with the limitation that task definitions must be acquired through programming. This dissertation explores the problem of how an Interactive Task Learning agent can learn the complete definition or formulation of novel tasks rapidly through online natural language instruction from a human instructor. Recent advances in natural language processing, memory systems, computer vision, spatial reasoning, robotics, and cognitive architectures make the time ripe to study how knowledge can be automatically acquired, represented, transferred, and operationalized. We present a learning approach embodied in an ITL agent that interactively learns the meaning of task concepts, the goals, actions, failure conditions, and task-specific terms, for 60 games and puzzles. In our approach, the agent learns hierarchical symbolic representations of task knowledge that enable it to transfer and compose knowledge, analyze and debug multiple interpretations, and communicate with the teacher to resolve ambiguity. Our results show that the agent can correctly generalize, disambiguate, and transfer concepts across variations of language descriptions and world representations, even with distractors present.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153434/1/jrkirk_1.pd
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