8,441 research outputs found

    Semantic Embedding Space for Zero-Shot Action Recognition

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    The number of categories for action recognition is growing rapidly. It is thus becoming increasingly hard to collect sufficient training data to learn conventional models for each category. This issue may be ameliorated by the increasingly popular 'zero-shot learning' (ZSL) paradigm. In this framework a mapping is constructed between visual features and a human interpretable semantic description of each category, allowing categories to be recognised in the absence of any training data. Existing ZSL studies focus primarily on image data, and attribute-based semantic representations. In this paper, we address zero-shot recognition in contemporary video action recognition tasks, using semantic word vector space as the common space to embed videos and category labels. This is more challenging because the mapping between the semantic space and space-time features of videos containing complex actions is more complex and harder to learn. We demonstrate that a simple self-training and data augmentation strategy can significantly improve the efficacy of this mapping. Experiments on human action datasets including HMDB51 and UCF101 demonstrate that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art zero-shot action recognition performance.Comment: 5 page

    Multi-Task Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Prioritised Data Augmentation

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    Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) promises to scale visual recognition by bypassing the conventional model training requirement of annotated examples for every category. This is achieved by establishing a mapping connecting low-level features and a semantic description of the label space, referred as visual-semantic mapping, on auxiliary data. Reusing the learned mapping to project target videos into an embedding space thus allows novel-classes to be recognised by nearest neighbour inference. However, existing ZSL methods suffer from auxiliary-target domain shift intrinsically induced by assuming the same mapping for the disjoint auxiliary and target classes. This compromises the generalisation accuracy of ZSL recognition on the target data. In this work, we improve the ability of ZSL to generalise across this domain shift in both model- and data-centric ways by formulating a visual-semantic mapping with better generalisation properties and a dynamic data re-weighting method to prioritise auxiliary data that are relevant to the target classes. Specifically: (1) We introduce a multi-task visual-semantic mapping to improve generalisation by constraining the semantic mapping parameters to lie on a low-dimensional manifold, (2) We explore prioritised data augmentation by expanding the pool of auxiliary data with additional instances weighted by relevance to the target domain. The proposed new model is applied to the challenging zero-shot action recognition problem to demonstrate its advantages over existing ZSL models.Comment: Published in ECCV 201

    Multi-Label Zero-Shot Human Action Recognition via Joint Latent Ranking Embedding

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    Human action recognition refers to automatic recognizing human actions from a video clip. In reality, there often exist multiple human actions in a video stream. Such a video stream is often weakly-annotated with a set of relevant human action labels at a global level rather than assigning each label to a specific video episode corresponding to a single action, which leads to a multi-label learning problem. Furthermore, there are many meaningful human actions in reality but it would be extremely difficult to collect/annotate video clips regarding all of various human actions, which leads to a zero-shot learning scenario. To the best of our knowledge, there is no work that has addressed all the above issues together in human action recognition. In this paper, we formulate a real-world human action recognition task as a multi-label zero-shot learning problem and propose a framework to tackle this problem in a holistic way. Our framework holistically tackles the issue of unknown temporal boundaries between different actions for multi-label learning and exploits the side information regarding the semantic relationship between different human actions for knowledge transfer. Consequently, our framework leads to a joint latent ranking embedding for multi-label zero-shot human action recognition. A novel neural architecture of two component models and an alternate learning algorithm are proposed to carry out the joint latent ranking embedding learning. Thus, multi-label zero-shot recognition is done by measuring relatedness scores of action labels to a test video clip in the joint latent visual and semantic embedding spaces. We evaluate our framework with different settings, including a novel data split scheme designed especially for evaluating multi-label zero-shot learning, on two datasets: Breakfast and Charades. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures and 7 tables. Technical report submitted to a journal. More experimental results/references were added and typos were correcte

    Objects2action: Classifying and localizing actions without any video example

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    The goal of this paper is to recognize actions in video without the need for examples. Different from traditional zero-shot approaches we do not demand the design and specification of attribute classifiers and class-to-attribute mappings to allow for transfer from seen classes to unseen classes. Our key contribution is objects2action, a semantic word embedding that is spanned by a skip-gram model of thousands of object categories. Action labels are assigned to an object encoding of unseen video based on a convex combination of action and object affinities. Our semantic embedding has three main characteristics to accommodate for the specifics of actions. First, we propose a mechanism to exploit multiple-word descriptions of actions and objects. Second, we incorporate the automated selection of the most responsive objects per action. And finally, we demonstrate how to extend our zero-shot approach to the spatio-temporal localization of actions in video. Experiments on four action datasets demonstrate the potential of our approach

    Zero-Shot Event Detection by Multimodal Distributional Semantic Embedding of Videos

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    We propose a new zero-shot Event Detection method by Multi-modal Distributional Semantic embedding of videos. Our model embeds object and action concepts as well as other available modalities from videos into a distributional semantic space. To our knowledge, this is the first Zero-Shot event detection model that is built on top of distributional semantics and extends it in the following directions: (a) semantic embedding of multimodal information in videos (with focus on the visual modalities), (b) automatically determining relevance of concepts/attributes to a free text query, which could be useful for other applications, and (c) retrieving videos by free text event query (e.g., "changing a vehicle tire") based on their content. We embed videos into a distributional semantic space and then measure the similarity between videos and the event query in a free text form. We validated our method on the large TRECVID MED (Multimedia Event Detection) challenge. Using only the event title as a query, our method outperformed the state-of-the-art that uses big descriptions from 12.6% to 13.5% with MAP metric and 0.73 to 0.83 with ROC-AUC metric. It is also an order of magnitude faster.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201

    Rethinking Zero-shot Video Classification: End-to-end Training for Realistic Applications

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    Trained on large datasets, deep learning (DL) can accurately classify videos into hundreds of diverse classes. However, video data is expensive to annotate. Zero-shot learning (ZSL) proposes one solution to this problem. ZSL trains a model once, and generalizes to new tasks whose classes are not present in the training dataset. We propose the first end-to-end algorithm for ZSL in video classification. Our training procedure builds on insights from recent video classification literature and uses a trainable 3D CNN to learn the visual features. This is in contrast to previous video ZSL methods, which use pretrained feature extractors. We also extend the current benchmarking paradigm: Previous techniques aim to make the test task unknown at training time but fall short of this goal. We encourage domain shift across training and test data and disallow tailoring a ZSL model to a specific test dataset. We outperform the state-of-the-art by a wide margin. Our code, evaluation procedure and model weights are available at this http URL
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