16 research outputs found

    Non-Uniform Stochastic Average Gradient Method for Training Conditional Random Fields

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    We apply stochastic average gradient (SAG) algorithms for training conditional random fields (CRFs). We describe a practical implementation that uses structure in the CRF gradient to reduce the memory requirement of this linearly-convergent stochastic gradient method, propose a non-uniform sampling scheme that substantially improves practical performance, and analyze the rate of convergence of the SAGA variant under non-uniform sampling. Our experimental results reveal that our method often significantly outperforms existing methods in terms of the training objective, and performs as well or better than optimally-tuned stochastic gradient methods in terms of test error.Comment: AI/Stats 2015, 24 page

    Separate Training for Conditional Random Fields Using Co-occurrence Rate Factorization

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    The standard training method of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) is very slow for large-scale applications. As an alternative, piecewise training divides the full graph into pieces, trains them independently, and combines the learned weights at test time. In this paper, we present \emph{separate} training for undirected models based on the novel Co-occurrence Rate Factorization (CR-F). Separate training is a local training method. In contrast to MEMMs, separate training is unaffected by the label bias problem. Experiments show that separate training (i) is unaffected by the label bias problem; (ii) reduces the training time from weeks to seconds; and (iii) obtains competitive results to the standard and piecewise training on linear-chain CRFs.Comment: 10page

    Word Sense Disambiguation: A Structured Learning Perspective

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    This paper explores the application of structured learning methods (SLMs) to word sense disambiguation (WSD). On one hand, the semantic dependencies between polysemous words in the sentence can be encoded in SLMs. On the other hand, SLMs obtained significant achievements in natural language processing, and so it is a natural idea to apply them to WSD. However, there are many theoretical and practical problems when SLMs are applied to WSD, due to characteristics of WSD. Beginning with the method based on hidden Markov model, this paper proposes for the first time a comprehensive and unified solution for WSD based on maximum entropy Markov model, conditional random field and tree-structured conditional random field, and reduces the time complexity and running time of the proposed methods to a reasonable level by beam search, approximate training, and parallel training. The update of models brings performance improvement, the introduction of one step dependency improves performance by 1--5 percent, the adoption of non-independent features improves performance by 2--3 percent, and the extension of underlying structure to dependency parsing tree improves performance by about 1 percent. On the English all-words WSD dataset of Senseval-2004, the method based on tree-structured conditional random field outperforms the best attendee system significantly. Nevertheless, almost all machine learning methods suffer from data sparseness due to the scarcity of sense tagged data, and so do SLMs. Besides improving structured learning methods according to the characteristics of WSD, another approach to improve disambiguation performance is to mine disambiguation knowledge from all kinds of sources, such as Wikipedia, parallel corpus, and to alleviate knowledge acquisition bottleneck of WSD

    Semantic role labelling with tree conditional random fields

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    In this paper we apply conditional random fields (CRFs) to the semantic role labelling task. We define a random field over the structure of each sentence's syntactic parse tree. For each node of the tree, the model must predict a semantic role label, which is interpreted as the labelling for the corresponding syntactic constituent. We show how modelling the task as a tree labelling problem allows for the use of efficient CRF inference algorithms, while also increasing generalisation performance when compared to the equivalent maximum entropy classifier. We have participated in the CoNLL-2005 shared task closed challenge with full syntactic information.June, 200

    Natural Language Processing (Almost) from Scratch

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    We propose a unified neural network architecture and learning algorithm that can be applied to various natural language processing tasks including part-of-speech tagging, chunking, named entity recognition, and semantic role labeling. This versatility is achieved by trying to avoid task-specific engineering and therefore disregarding a lot of prior knowledge. Instead of exploiting man-made input features carefully optimized for each task, our system learns internal representations on the basis of vast amounts of mostly unlabeled training data. This work is then used as a basis for building a freely available tagging system with good performance and minimal computational requirements