209 research outputs found

    Extracting ontological structures from collaborative tagging systems

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    Changing Higher Education Learning with Web 2.0 and Open Education Citation, Annotation, and Thematic Coding Appendices

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    Appendices of citations, annotations and themes for research conducted on four websites: Delicious, Wikipedia, YouTube, and Facebook

    Semantic Interaction in Web-based Retrieval Systems : Adopting Semantic Web Technologies and Social Networking Paradigms for Interacting with Semi-structured Web Data

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    Existing web retrieval models for exploration and interaction with web data do not take into account semantic information, nor do they allow for new forms of interaction by employing meaningful interaction and navigation metaphors in 2D/3D. This thesis researches means for introducing a semantic dimension into the search and exploration process of web content to enable a significantly positive user experience. Therefore, an inherently dynamic view beyond single concepts and models from semantic information processing, information extraction and human-machine interaction is adopted. Essential tasks for semantic interaction such as semantic annotation, semantic mediation and semantic human-computer interaction were identified and elaborated for two general application scenarios in web retrieval: Web-based Question Answering in a knowledge-based dialogue system and semantic exploration of information spaces in 2D/3D

    Mapping Knowledge Hierarchy on Digital Library from 2007-2017: A comparative study of India, China and United States

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    Purpose: This study aims to provide a comparative analysis on knowledge hierarchy taking into account countries such as India, China and United States of America on digital library perspective research from 2007 to 2017. Methodology: This study covers articles published in the Web of Science database where 242 articles were taken into consideration and further analysis was done for the stipulated time period. Findings: The research trend of digital library in India consists of 15 core topics and other specific areas, China with 15 core areas as well for the same time period and U.S.A showed 17 core topics for research in digital library topic. The countries most researchable areas as well as related researchable areas has been analysed here. The growth of digital libraries in these countries are highlighted with appropriate diagram. Originality: Here the articles were extracted from Web of Science database for obtaining necessary findings. Major highlighted topics of India were digital library architecture/infrastructure (20.58%), whereas digital library services (11.76%) was the most researchable area of China and USA emphasised more on digital library collections (19.74%)

    Community-driven & Work-integrated Creation, Use and Evolution of Ontological Knowledge Structures

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    Suchbasierte automatische Bildannotation anhand geokodierter Community-Fotos

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    In the Web 2.0 era, platforms for sharing and collaboratively annotating images with keywords, called tags, became very popular. Tags are a powerful means for organizing and retrieving photos. However, manual tagging is time consuming. Recently, the sheer amount of user-tagged photos available on the Web encouraged researchers to explore new techniques for automatic image annotation. The idea is to annotate an unlabeled image by propagating the labels of community photos that are visually similar to it. Most recently, an ever increasing amount of community photos is also associated with location information, i.e., geotagged. In this thesis, we aim at exploiting the location context and propose an approach for automatically annotating geotagged photos. Our objective is to address the main limitations of state-of-the-art approaches in terms of the quality of the produced tags and the speed of the complete annotation process. To achieve these goals, we, first, deal with the problem of collecting images with the associated metadata from online repositories. Accordingly, we introduce a strategy for data crawling that takes advantage of location information and the social relationships among the contributors of the photos. To improve the quality of the collected user-tags, we present a method for resolving their ambiguity based on tag relatedness information. In this respect, we propose an approach for representing tags as probability distributions based on the algorithm of Laplacian score feature selection. Furthermore, we propose a new metric for calculating the distance between tag probability distributions by extending Jensen-Shannon Divergence to account for statistical fluctuations. To efficiently identify the visual neighbors, the thesis introduces two extensions to the state-of-the-art image matching algorithm, known as Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). To speed up the matching, we present a solution for reducing the number of compared SURF descriptors based on classification techniques, while the accuracy of SURF is improved through an efficient method for iterative image matching. Furthermore, we propose a statistical model for ranking the mined annotations according to their relevance to the target image. This is achieved by combining multi-modal information in a statistical framework based on Bayes' rule. Finally, the effectiveness of each of mentioned contributions as well as the complete automatic annotation process are evaluated experimentally.Seit der EinfĂŒhrung von Web 2.0 steigt die PopularitĂ€t von Plattformen, auf denen Bilder geteilt und durch die Gemeinschaft mit Schlagwörtern, sogenannten Tags, annotiert werden. Mit Tags lassen sich Fotos leichter organisieren und auffinden. Manuelles Taggen ist allerdings sehr zeitintensiv. Animiert von der schieren Menge an im Web zugĂ€nglichen, von Usern getaggten Fotos, erforschen Wissenschaftler derzeit neue Techniken der automatischen Bildannotation. Dahinter steht die Idee, ein noch nicht beschriftetes Bild auf der Grundlage visuell Ă€hnlicher, bereits beschrifteter Community-Fotos zu annotieren. UnlĂ€ngst wurde eine immer grĂ¶ĂŸere Menge an Community-Fotos mit geographischen Koordinaten versehen (geottagged). Die Arbeit macht sich diesen geographischen Kontext zunutze und prĂ€sentiert einen Ansatz zur automatischen Annotation geogetaggter Fotos. Ziel ist es, die wesentlichen Grenzen der bisher bekannten AnsĂ€tze in Hinsicht auf die QualitĂ€t der produzierten Tags und die Geschwindigkeit des gesamten Annotationsprozesses aufzuzeigen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden zunĂ€chst Bilder mit entsprechenden Metadaten aus den Online-Quellen gesammelt. Darauf basierend, wird eine Strategie zur Datensammlung eingefĂŒhrt, die sich sowohl der geographischen Informationen als auch der sozialen Verbindungen zwischen denjenigen, die die Fotos zur VerfĂŒgung stellen, bedient. Um die QualitĂ€t der gesammelten User-Tags zu verbessern, wird eine Methode zur Auflösung ihrer AmbiguitĂ€t vorgestellt, die auf der Information der Tag-Ähnlichkeiten basiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein Ansatz zur Darstellung von Tags als Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen vorgeschlagen, der auf den Algorithmus der sogenannten Laplacian Score (LS) aufbaut. Des Weiteren wird eine Erweiterung der Jensen-Shannon-Divergence (JSD) vorgestellt, die statistische Fluktuationen berĂŒcksichtigt. Zur effizienten Identifikation der visuellen Nachbarn werden in der Arbeit zwei Erweiterungen des Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF)-Algorithmus vorgestellt. Zur Beschleunigung des Abgleichs wird eine Lösung auf der Basis von Klassifikationstechniken prĂ€sentiert, die die Anzahl der miteinander verglichenen SURF-Deskriptoren minimiert, wĂ€hrend die SURF-Genauigkeit durch eine effiziente Methode des schrittweisen Bildabgleichs verbessert wird. Des Weiteren wird ein statistisches Modell basierend auf der Baye'schen Regel vorgeschlagen, um die erlangten Annotationen entsprechend ihrer Relevanz in Bezug auf das Zielbild zu ranken. Schließlich wird die Effizienz jedes einzelnen, erwĂ€hnten Beitrags experimentell evaluiert. DarĂŒber hinaus wird die Performanz des vorgeschlagenen automatischen Annotationsansatzes durch umfassende experimentelle Studien als Ganzes demonstriert

    AXMEDIS 2008

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    The AXMEDIS International Conference series aims to explore all subjects and topics related to cross-media and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards, representation, sharing, protection and rights management, to address the latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their applications, impacts and exploitation. The AXMEDIS events offer venues for exchanging concepts, requirements, prototypes, research ideas, and findings which could contribute to academic research and also benefit business and industrial communities. In the Internet as well as in the digital era, cross-media production and distribution represent key developments and innovations that are fostered by emergent technologies to ensure better value for money while optimising productivity and market coverage
