9 research outputs found

    Self-stabilizing byzantine agreement

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    Today, there is a tendency to reduce the dependence on local computation in favor of cloud computing. However, this inadvertently increases the reliance upon distributed fault-tolerant systems. In a condition that forced to work together, these systems often need to reach an agreement on some state or task, and possibly even in the presence of some misbehaving Byzantine nodes. Although non-trivial, Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocols now exist that are resilient to these types of faults. However, there is still a risk for inconsistencies in the application state in practice, even if a BA protocol is used. A single transient fault may put a node into an illegal state, creating a need for new self-stabilizing BA protocols to recover from illegal states. As self-stabilization often comes with a cost, primarily in the form of communication overhead, a potential lowering of latency - the cost of each message - could significantly impact how fast the protocol behaves overall. Thereby, there is a need for new network protocols such as QUIC, which, among other things, aims to reduce latency. In this paper, we survey current state-of-the-art agreement protocols. Based on previous work, some researchers try to implement pseudocode like QUIC protocol for Ethereum blockchain to have a secure network, resulting in slightly slower performance than the IP-based blockchain. We focus on consensus in the context of blockchain as it has prompted the development and usage of new open-source BA solutions that are related to proof of stake. We also discuss extensions to some of these protocols, specifically the possibility of achieving self-stabilization and the potential integration of the QUIC protocol, such as PoS and PBFT. Finally, further challenges faced in the field and how they might be overcome are discussed

    Near-optimal self-stabilising counting and firing squads

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    Consider a fully-connected synchronous distributed system consisting of n nodes, where up to f nodes may be faulty and every node starts in an arbitrary initial state. In the synchronous C-counting problem, all nodes need to eventually agree on a counter that is increased by one modulo C in each round for given C>1. In the self-stabilising firing squad problem, the task is to eventually guarantee that all non-faulty nodes have simultaneous responses to external inputs: if a subset of the correct nodes receive an external “go” signal as input, then all correct nodes should agree on a round (in the not-too-distant future) in which to jointly output a “fire” signal. Moreover, no node should generate a “fire” signal without some correct node having previously received a “go” signal as input. We present a framework reducing both tasks to binary consensus at very small cost. For example, we obtain a deterministic algorithm for self-stabilising Byzantine firing squads with optimal resilience f<n/3, asymptotically optimal stabilisation and response time O(f), and message size O(log f). As our framework does not restrict the type of consensus routines used, we also obtain efficient randomised solutions


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    Consider a fully-connected synchronous distributed system consisting of n nodes, where up to f nodes may be faulty and every node starts in an arbitrary initial state. In the synchronous C-counting problem, all nodes need to eventually agree on a counter that is increased by one modulo C in each round for given C>1. In the self-stabilising firing squad problem, the task is to eventually guarantee that all non-faulty nodes have simultaneous responses to external inputs: if a subset of the correct nodes receive an external “go” signal as input, then all correct nodes should agree on a round (in the not-too-distant future) in which to jointly output a “fire” signal. Moreover, no node should generate a “fire” signal without some correct node having previously received a “go” signal as input. We present a framework reducing both tasks to binary consensus at very small cost. For example, we obtain a deterministic algorithm for self-stabilising Byzantine firing squads with optimal resilience f<n/3, asymptotically optimal stabilisation and response time O(f), and message size O(log f). As our framework does not restrict the type of consensus routines used, we also obtain efficient randomised solutions

    Self-stabilizing byzantine agreement

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    Byzantine agreement algorithms typically assume implicit initial state consistency and synchronization among the correct nodes and then operate in coordinated rounds of information exchange to reach agreement based on the input values. The implicit initial assumptions enable correct nodes to infer about the progression of the algorithm at other nodes from their local state. This paper considers a more severe fault model than permanent Byzantine failures, one in which the system can in addition be subject to severe transient failures that can temporarily throw the system out of its assumption boundaries. When the system eventually returns to behave according to the presumed assumptions it may be in an arbitrary state in which any synchronization among the nodes might be lost, and each node may be at an arbitrary state. We present a self-stabilizing Byzantine agreement algorithm that reaches agreement among the correct nodes in optimal time, by using only the assumption of bounded message transmission delay. In the process of solving the problem, two additional important and challenging building blocks were developed: a unique self-stabilizing protocol for assigning consistent relative times to protocol initialization and a Reliable Broadcast primitive that progresses at the speed of actual message delivery time