44 research outputs found

    SECRET: a secure and efficient certificate revocation scheme for mobile ad hoc networks

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    The intent of this paper is to propose an enhanced certificate revocation scheme for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Our approach is built on mainly two previously proposed mechanisms. A combination of the schemes and optimization of certain steps with intelligent choices of parameters could significantly reduce the overhead associated with such mechanism. We prove the efficiency of our approach by performance analysis. Also, we present the security analysis that shows clear gains than the previously proposed schemes

    Trust model for certificate revocation in Ad hoc networks

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    In this paper we propose a distributed trust model for certificate revocation in Adhoc networks. The proposed model allows trust to be built over time as the number of interactions between nodes increase. Furthermore, trust in a node is defined not only in terms of its potential for maliciousness, but also in terms of the quality of the service it provides. Trust in nodes where there is little or no history of interactions is determined by recommendations from other nodes. If the nodes in the network are selfish, trust is obtained by an exchange of portfolios. Bayesian networks form the underlying basis for this model

    Modified Autonomous Key Management Scheme with Reduced Communication/Computation Costs in MANET

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    The growing applications of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have made related security issues much more important. B. Zhu et al. proposed a key management scheme using Shamir's secret sharing scheme to construct an Autonomous Key Management (AKM) hierarchy structure. However, Shamir's secret sharing in AKM to control key hierarchy incurs high message transmission costs. This paper modifies the secret sharing scheme and applies it to AKM to reduce communication and computation costs

    ResoluciĂłn de escenarios en control de acceso a grupo en entornos distribuidos

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    Optimized image processing and clustering to mitigate security threats in mobile ad hoc network

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    Since there are provisions of many attributes that are not possible or difficult to follow by networks conventionally, mobile ad-hoc networks are extensively deployed. This application starts through the defense sectors, the sensory node presents in the hostile territories down to the gadgets for congestion communication in traffic by general transportation when travelling for adequate provision of infrastructure during disaster recovery. As a lot of importance related to (mobile ad hoc network) MANET application, one important factor in ad-hoc networks is security. Using image processing for securing MANET is the area of focus of this research. Therefore, in this article, the security threats are assessed and representative proposals are summarized in ad-hoc network’s context. The study reviewed the current situation of the art for original to security provision called mobile ad hoc network for wireless networking. The threats to security are recognized while the present solution is observed. The study additionally summarized education erudite, talks on general issues and future instructions are recognized. Also, in this study, the forecast weighted clustering algorithm (FWCA) is employed as a cluster head over weighted clustering algorithm (WCA) is examined as quality in cluster-based routing, service is highly significant with MANET

    Predictive preemptive certificate transfer in Cluster-Based Certificate Chain

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    Mobile ad hoc networks are a set of nodes that cooperate and communicate wirelessly. This kind of networks in easy to deploy because there is no need of any pre-existing infrastructure. Security in Manets is a very important issue and it is hard to use conventional security techniques. Many approaches have been proposed to secure communication in Manets; most of them are based of public-key certifications which create a multitude of trust communication model.In this paper, we propose an amelioration of a distributed certificate chain that relies on the cluster based routing protocol. In our scheme, after forming clusters, the cluster-head node issue certificates for other nodes within its cluster. When a member node want migrates to an adjacent cluster, the cluster-head sends the node’s certificate to surrounding cluster-heads via gateway nodes. The protocol was doted by a preemptive predictive module to predict migration intention of member nodes. This approach has been evaluated by detailed simulation study. Simulation results show that this approach is scalable and generate lower certification overhead