56 research outputs found

    The Differences in Body Image in terms of Gender, Cultural Background, and Students Admission Path

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    As a part of physiological needs, human physical appearance is considered an essential part of people's lives. That integral part determines the formation of body image in the community. Body image is a mental picture of the body state. The development of student body image is not well-formed, so that it affects their life. In the lecture process, students tend to be inactive and have low self-esteem, which impact student life. Some factors that affect the body image are gender, cultural background, and the admission way. This study aims to describe the body image in terms of gender, cultural background, student's admission way, and the group's interaction. This study used a descriptive comparative method with 600 samples—the data collection using Yuca Puji Body-Image Inventory (YPBI) and ANOVA as an analyzing tool. The result shows significant differences in body image in terms of gender, cultural background, and admission. The results of this research can prove that student can develop body image in a positive direction. This result of the study will be used as a basic concept to determine a body image module

    Social netword: viaggio nei luoghi digitali

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    I Social Network non sono altro che luoghi digitali che tutti noi abitiamo e frequentiamo con maggiore o minore intensità a seconda dell’età, degli interessi e delle fasi della vita. Ogni luogo ha le sue regole, scritte e non scritte. “Social NetWorld” vuole essere un viaggio in esplorazione di questi luoghi digitali e dei loro abitanti. In questa prima tappa ci concentriamo in particolare sulle relazioni all’interno di tre diverse piattaforme: Facebook, Instagram e TikTok. Il modo in cui gli utenti sono collegati e interagiscono tra di loro varia infatti moltissimi in questi tre mondi differenti. Ci sono, all’interno degli spazi digitali, tipi di relazione più o meno deboli, che possiamo definire come amicizia, following e spettatore occasionale. A partire dall’analisi di questi diversi tipi di relazione social, presentiamo inoltre il metodo partecipativo Social Challenge, un role playing ambientato su Instagram e indirizzato agli adolescenti, che propone loro di entrare da protagonisti, attraverso il gioco, all’interno del sistema relazionale del Social Network

    Instagram Use and Self-Esteem among Adolescents

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    Photo-based social media like Instagram is popular in young people. But despite its fame, Instagram proved to be a social media that has the worst impact on adolescent’s mental health. One of the negative impact that may result from using social media is a decrease in self-esteem, which is an individual’s evaluation or judgement about himself. In addition, self-esteem has also proven to be a predictor of excessive use of Instagram in adolescents. This study aims to examine the relationship between the intensity of Instagram usage and self-esteem on adolescents. This study was conducted with quantitative methods,  correlational analysis. The number of participants is 410 teenagers aged 12 to 21 years (M = 15.38, SD = 1.71), obtained using convenience sampling techniques. The result showed negative correlation between Instagram use and self-esteem. This indicates that the higher the intensity of using Instagram, the lower the self-esteem. Moreover, further analysis indicates different gender and activities in Instagram may have different relation to self-esteem. Implications of this study in adolescent use of Instagram were discussed.Media sosial berbasis foto seperti Instagram tengah populer di kalangan anak muda. Namun terlepas dari ketenarannya, Instagram terbukti menjadi media sosial yang paling berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan mental remaja. Salah satu dampak negatif yang mungkin ditimbulkan dari penggunaan media sosial adalah menurunnya self-esteem, yaitu evaluasi atau penilaian individu mengenai dirinya sendiri. Penggunaan Instagram yang dilakukan terus meneruspun mungkin berdampak pada self-esteem seseorang. Di samping itu, self-esteem juga terbukti menjadi prediktor dari penggunaan Instagram yang berlebihan pada remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara intensitas penggunaan Instagram dan self-esteem remaja. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yaitu analisis korelasional. Responden penelitian berjumlah 410 orang remaja berusia 12 hingga 21 tahun (M=15.38, SD=1.71), yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ho ditolak, intensitas penggunaan Instagram terbukti berkorelasi negatif secara signifikan dengan self-esteem, Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa semakin tinggi intensitas penggunaan Instagram maka akan semakin rendah self-esteem remaja. Analisis tambahan menunjukkan gender dan kegiatan yang dilakukan di Instagram turut berhubungan dengan self-esteem. Implikasi dari temuan ini dipaparkan dalam bagian diskusi

    The influence of social media use on body image concerns

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    Internet-based media and especially social networking sites differ from traditional media in that they al- low individuals to interact with their friends in their networks. Moreover, Internet-based media are easi- ly available on devices such as smartphones or tablets. Previous research has demonstrated that mass media contribute powerfully to an individual’s body dissatisfaction. To date, research on the effects re- lated to exposure to ‘newer’ forms of media, in particular social media on the Internet, is scarce. The purpose of the current study is to review the extant body of research dealing with the influence of social media on body image concerns, especially among adolescents. Adolescents, via the Internet, get access to different kinds of Internet-based media, such as social media (including social networking sites). Our results document the importance of idealized social media models—especially thin-ideal models for girls and muscular-ideal models for boys—in shaping the body perceptions of adolescents. However, the effects of pressure from social media on body image concerns in men need to be further investigated both in clinical and community samples

    Gender Differences in Links between Daily Use of Instagram and Body Dissatisfaction in a Sample of Young Adults in Lithuania

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    In the last decade, the fast growth of Instagram and its tendency to replace traditional media as a source of glamour images stimulated research into the effects of Instagram on body image of its users. The purpose of the present research was to investigate gender differences in Instagram use and its links to body dissatisfaction in a sample of young adult daily users of Instagram in Lithuania. The sample included 346 participants (100 male and 246 female) aged 18 to 34 years. Along with age and body mass index, measures included self-reported daily Instagram checking frequency, daily duration of Instagram use, Instagram engagement, and appearance-related comparisons which all were used to predict body dissatisfaction. Results revealed that among young adult daily users of Instagram in Lithuania women spent more time on Instagram, were more engaged with Instagram and were more prone to appearance-related comparisons on Instagram than men, but did not differ from men in Instagram checking frequency. For both men and women, higher body dissatisfaction was predicted by more frequent appearance-related comparisons on Instagram and higher body mass index. Higher daily Instagram checking frequency made a small, but statistically significant contribution towards predicting higher body dissatisfaction for women, but not for men

    Beauty is in the Eye of the Controller: Designing Avatars for the Actual and Ideal Self

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    As metaverses are growing users need self-avatars to complete more and more tasks, such as virtual clothing-try-on or virtual work-meetings. To design these self-avatars the application of self-congruity theory suggests that avatars\u27 appearance should ei-her be congruent with users’ actual view of themselves or ideal view of themselves. Past research has focused on comparing outcomes of using idealised avatars versus realistic avatars. Yet, it remains unclear what constitutes the ideal versus the actual self in avatar design. This short paper represents ongoing research to develop a theoretical avatar design framework to evoke either users\u27 ideal or actual self. Building on evolutionary and computational approaches to facial beauty, we identify three groups of design factors that stimulate the ideal self: skin-homogeneity, face-symmetry, and balanced face-ratios. This work advances our understanding of the antecedents of the ideal versus actual self and makes self-congruity theory applicable to avatar design

    A Critical Analysis of the Body Positive Movement on Instagram: How Does it Really Impact Body Image?

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    Instagram, a photo based social networking site, is one of the most popular forms of social media. The Body Positive Movement campaign surfaced on Instagram in 2012 and aimed to confront the unrealistic expectations and unrepresentative portrayals of women in popular media and advertising. The present study aimed to analyze whether posts that were tagged #bodypositive or #bodypositivity upheld the initial goals of the movement by taking note of the characteristics (including race, sex, gender, and body type) of people that were featured in the top posts of the #bodypositive or #bodypositivity tags. Resultant fieldnotes were coded into the following themes: 1) Hegemonic views of beauty, 2) Homogenous properties of popular posters and posts, 3) Body image centered posting, 4) Crossposting, and 5) Achieving fame and gaining publicity and exposure. It was found that top #bodypositive or #bodypositivity posts often upheld hegemonic beauty standards that are common in popular media. These findings suggest that the Body Positive Movement strayed from its initial goals, thereby failing to provide an outlet for bodies that diverge from the ideals set by popular media. The present study suggests two alternative hashtags-- #effyourbeautystandards and #bodycompassion--that both represent diverse body types and identities while empowering women to be accepting and loving of their bodies. These tags have created a space where the hegemonic views of beauty are questioned and opposed, therefore succeeding in the ways that the Body Positive Movement is failing

    Gender Differences in Links between Daily Use of Instagram and Body Dissatisfaction in a Sample of Young Adults in Lithuania

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    In the last decade, the fast growth of Instagram and its tendency to replace traditional media as a source of glamour images stimulated research into the effects of Instagram on body image of its users. The purpose of the present research was to investigate gender differences in Instagram use and its links to body dissatisfaction in a sample of young adult daily users of Instagram in Lithuania. The sample included 346 participants (100 male and 246 female) aged 18 to 34 years. Along with age and body mass index, measures included self-reported daily Instagram checking frequency, daily duration of Instagram use, Instagram engagement, and appearance-related comparisons which all were used to predict body dissatisfaction. Results revealed that among young adult daily users of Instagram in Lithuania women spent more time on Instagram, were more engaged with Instagram and were more prone to appearance-related comparisons on Instagram than men, but did not differ from men in Instagram checking frequency. For both men and women, higher body dissatisfaction was predicted by more frequent appearance-related comparisons on Instagram and higher body mass index. Higher daily Instagram checking frequency made a small, but statistically significant contribution towards predicting higher body dissatisfaction for women, but not for men

    Spolne razlike u povezanosti između svakodnevnoga korištenja Instagrama i nezadovoljstva tijelom na uzorku mladih odraslih osoba u Litvi

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    In the last decade, the fast growth of Instagram and its tendency to replace traditional media as a source of glamour images stimulated research into the effects of Instagram on body image of its users. The purpose of the present research was to investigate gender differences in Instagram use and its links to body dissatisfaction in a sample of young adult daily users of Instagram in Lithuania. The sample included 346 participants (100 male and 246 female) aged 18 to 34 years. Along with age and body mass index, measures included self-reported daily Instagram checking frequency, daily duration of Instagram use, Instagram engagement, and appearance-related comparisons which all were used to predict body dissatisfaction. Results revealed that among young adult daily users of Instagram in Lithuania women spent more time on Instagram, were more engaged with Instagram and were more prone to appearance-related comparisons on Instagram than men, but did not differ from men in Instagram checking frequency. For both men and women, higher body dissatisfaction was predicted by more frequent appearance-related comparisons on Instagram and higher body mass index. Higher daily Instagram checking frequency made a small, but statistically significant contribution towards predicting higher body dissatisfaction for women, but not for men.U posljednjemu desetljeću brzi rast Instagrama i njegova tendencija da zamijeni tradicionalne medije kao glavni izvor glamuroznih slika potaknuli su istraživanje učinaka Instagrama na percepciju izgleda tijela kod njegovih korisnika. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio istražiti spolne razlike u korištenju Instagrama te povezanost s nezadovoljstvom tijelom na uzorku mladih odraslih osoba iz Litve koje svakodnevno koriste Instagram. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 346 ispitanika (100 muškaraca i 246 žena) u dobi od 18 do 34 godine. Uz dob i indeks tjelesne mase ispitana je učestalost svakodnevnoga provjeravanja Instagrama, dnevno korištenje Instagrama, angažman na Instagramu i učestalost uspoređivanja fizičkoga izgleda sa slikama objavljenima na Instagramu. Sve su te mjere bile prediktori nezadovoljstva tijelom. Prema dobivenim rezultatima u uzorku mladih odraslih osoba iz Litve koje svakodnevno koriste Instagram žene provode više vremena na Instagramu, više su uključene u Instagram i sklonije su uspoređivati svoj izgled nego muškarci. Nije dobivena razlika između muškaraca i žena u učestalosti provjeravanja Instagrama. I kod muškaraca i kod žena veće nezadovoljstvo tijelom može se objasniti češćim usporedbama izgleda na Instagramu i višim indeksom tjelesne mase. Češće dnevno provjeravanje Instagrama imalo je nizak, ali statistički značajan doprinos predviđanju većega nezadovoljstva tijelom kod žena, ali ne i kod muškaraca

    Imagen Corporal y Felicidad

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    El artículo muestra la relación que tienen los niveles de felicidad con la discrepancia entre cómo se ven los individuos corporalmente y el ideal que han construido de la imagen del cuerpo deseado. Los datos utilizados en este estudio provienen de una encuesta de corte transversal sobre hábitos de alimentación de individuos mayores de 18 años de la ciudad de Montevideo y área metropolitana llevada a cabo por la Universidad de la República, Uruguay. En general se encontró que la discrepancia entre la imagen real e ideal tiene una relación significativa y negativa con los nivele de felicidad. This article shows the relationship that happiness levels have with the discrepancy between how individuals see themselves corporately and the ideal they have constructed of the desired body image. The data used in this study comes from a cross-sectional survey on eating habits of individuals over 18 years of age in the city of Montevideo and metropolitan area carried out by the Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. In general it was found that the discrepancy between the real and ideal image has a significant and negative relationship with the level of happiness