207 research outputs found

    Equilibrium Initialization and Stability of Three-Dimensional Gas Disks

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    We present a new systematic way of setting up galactic gas disks based on the assumption of detailed hydrodynamic equilibrium. To do this, we need to specify the density distribution and the velocity field which supports the disk. We first show that the required circular velocity has no dependence on the height above or below the midplane so long as the gas pressure is a function of density only. The assumption of disks being very thin enables us to decouple the vertical structure from the radial direction. Based on that, the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium together with the reduced Poisson equation leads to two sets of second-order non-linear differential equation, which are easily integrated to set-up a stable disk. We call one approach `density method' and the other one `potential method'. Gas disks in detailed balance are especially suitable for investigating the onset of the gravitational instability. We revisit the question of global, axisymmetric instability using fully three-dimensional disk simulations. The impact of disk thickness on the disk instability and the formation of spontaneously induced spirals is studied systematically with or without the presence of the stellar potential. In our models, the numerical results show that the threshold value for disk instability is shifted from unity to 0.69 for self-gravitating thick disks and to 0.75 for combined stellar and gas thick disks. The simulations also show that self-induced spirals occur in the correct regions and with the right numbers as predicted by the analytic theory.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Stability of Magnetized Disks and Implications for Planet Formation

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    This paper considers gravitational perturbations in geometrically thin disks with rotation curves dominated by a central object, but with substantial contributions from magnetic pressure and tension. The treatment is general, but the application is to the circumstellar disks that arise during the gravitational collapse phase of star formation. We find the dispersion relation for spiral density waves in these generalized disks and derive the stability criterion for axisymmetric (m=0)(m=0) disturbances (the analog of the Toomre parameter QTQ_T) for any radial distribution of the mass-to-flux ratio λ\lambda. The magnetic effects work in two opposing directions: on one hand, magnetic tension and pressure stabilize the disk against gravitational collapse and fragmentation; on the other hand, they also lower the rotation rate making the disk more unstable. For disks around young stars the first effect generally dominates, so that magnetic fields allow disks to be stable for higher surface densities and larger total masses. These results indicate that magnetic fields act to suppress the formation of giant planets through gravitational instability. Finally, even if gravitational instability can form a secondary body, it must lose an enormous amount of magnetic flux in order to become a planet; this latter requirement represents an additional constraint for planet formation via gravitational instability and places a lower limit on the electrical resistivity.Comment: accepted in Ap
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