93 research outputs found

    Towards Synthesizing Datasets for IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking

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    IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking (TSN) protocols have recently been proposed to replace legacy networking technologies across different mission-critical systems (MCSs). Design, configuration, and maintenance of TSN within MCSs require advanced methods to tackle the highly complex and interconnected nature of those systems. Accordingly, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models are the most prominent enablers to develop such methods. However, they usually require a significant amount of data for model training, which is not easily accessible. This short paper aims to recapitulate the need for TSN datasets to flourish research on AI/ML-based techniques for TSN systems. Moreover, it analyzes the main requirements and alternative designs to build a TSN platform to synthesize realistic datasets

    Time-Sensitive Networking for Industrial Automation: Challenges, Opportunities, and Directions

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    With the introduction of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) into industrial applications, industrial automation is undergoing tremendous change, especially with regard to improving efficiency and reducing the cost of products. Industrial automation applications are often required to transmit time- and safety-critical data to monitor and control industrial processes, especially for critical control systems. There are a number of solutions to meet these requirements (e.g., priority-based real-time schedules and closed-loop feedback control systems). However, due to their different processing capabilities (e.g., in the end devices and network switches), different vendors may come out with distinct solutions, and this makes the large-scale integration of devices from different vendors difficult or impossible. IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a standardization group formed to enhance and optimize the IEEE 802.1 network standards, especially for Ethernet-based networks. These solutions can be evolved and adapted into a cross-industry scenario, such as a large-scale distributed industrial plant, which requires multiple industrial entities working collaboratively. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the current advances in TSN standards for industrial automation. We present the state-of-the-art IEEE TSN standards and discuss the opportunities and challenges when integrating each protocol into the industry domains. Finally, we discuss some promising research about applying the TSN technology to industrial automation applications

    A Comprehensive Review on Time Sensitive Networks with a Special Focus on Its Applicability to Industrial Smart and Distributed Measurement Systems

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    The groundbreaking transformations triggered by the Industry 4.0 paradigm have dramati-cally reshaped the requirements for control and communication systems within the factory systems of the future. The aforementioned technological revolution strongly affects industrial smart and distributed measurement systems as well, pointing to ever more integrated and intelligent equipment devoted to derive accurate measurements. Moreover, as factory automation uses ever wider and complex smart distributed measurement systems, the well-known Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm finds its viability also in the industrial context, namely Industrial IoT (IIoT). In this context, communication networks and protocols play a key role, directly impacting on the measurement accuracy, causality, reliability and safety. The requirements coming both from Industry 4.0 and the IIoT, such as the coexistence of time-sensitive and best effort traffic, the need for enhanced horizontal and vertical integration, and interoperability between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT), fostered the development of enhanced communication subsystems. Indeed, established tech-nologies, such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi, widespread in the consumer and office fields, are intrinsically non-deterministic and unable to support critical traffic. In the last years, the IEEE 802.1 Working Group defined an extensive set of standards, comprehensively known as Time Sensitive Networking (TSN), aiming at reshaping the Ethernet standard to support for time-, mission-and safety-critical traffic. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of the TSN Working Group standardization activity is provided, while contextualizing TSN within the complex existing industrial technological panorama, particularly focusing on industrial distributed measurement systems. In particular, this paper has to be considered a technical review of the most important features of TSN, while underlining its applicability to the measurement field. Furthermore, the adoption of TSN within the Wi-Fi technology is addressed in the last part of the survey, since wireless communication represents an appealing opportunity in the industrial measurement context. In this respect, a test case is presented, to point out the need for wirelessly connected sensors networks. In particular, by reviewing some literature contributions it has been possible to show how wireless technologies offer the flexibility necessary to support advanced mobile IIoT applications

    Evaluation of IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking Performance for Microgrid and Smart Grid Power System Applications

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    Proliferation of distributed energy resources and the importance of smart energy management has led to increased interest in microgrids. A microgrid is an area of the grid that can be disconnected and operated independently from the main grid when required and can generate some or all of its own energy needs with distributed energy resources and battery storage. This allows for the microgrid area to continue operating even when the main grid is unavailable. In addition, often a microgrid can utilize waste heat from energy generation to drive thermal loads, further improving energy utilization. This leads to increased reliability and overall efficiency in the microgrid area.As microgrids (and by extension the smart grid) become more widespread, new methods of communication and control are required to aid in management of many different distributed entities. One such communication architecture that may prove useful is the set of IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards. These standards specify improvements and new capabilities for LAN based communication networks that previously made them unsuitable for widespread deployment in a power system setting. These standards include specifications for low latency guarantees, clock synchronization, data frame redundancy, and centralized system administration. These capabilities were previously available on proprietary or application specific solutions. However, they will now be available as part of the Ethernet standard, enabling backwards compatibility with existing network architecture and support with future advances.Two of the featured standards, IEEE 802.1AS (governing time-synchronization) and IEEE 802.1Qbv (governing time aware traffic shaping), will be tested and evaluated for their potential utility in power systems and microgrid applications. These tests will measure the latency achievable using TSN over a network at various levels of congestion and compare these results with UDP and TCP protocols. In addition, the ability to use synchronized clocks to generate waveforms for microgrid inverter synchronization will be explored

    Rede sensível ao tempo: um estudo do mapeamento sistemático

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    The time sensitive network (TSN) is a technology that aims to provide a whole new level of determinism. It is made up of a set of standards, which are still being developed by the IEEE 802.1 working group. Its goal is to provide a network with extremely small packet loss in addition to calculable latencies and jitter. Because it is fairly recent, there is a certain di culty nding relevant materials for conducting research or developing it. Based on this problem this problem, the objective of this work is to perform a survey, gathering the important information about this new technology. The TSN is a set of several mechanisms. Each of them belongs to the 802.1 standard group. The work done here, talks about eight of the main mechanisms. In this way, a reader who has some level of information about networks, is able to understand the most relevant mechanisms and therefore can understand how the time sensitive network works, and its full potential.A rede sensível ao tempo (TSN) é uma tecnologia que visa fornecer um nível de determinismo totalmente novo. Ela é formada por um conjunto de padrões, os quais ainda estão sendo desenvolvidos pelo grupo de trabalho IEEE 802.1. Eles visam fornecer uma rede com perda de pacotes extremamente pequena alem de latências calculáveis e jitter limitado. Por ser razoavelmente recente, ha uma certa dificuldade de encontrar materiais relevantes para a realização uma pesquisa ou para o desenvolvimento da mesma. Visando essa problemática, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um mapeamento sistemático reunindo as informações importantes sobre esta nova tecnologia. A TSN é um conjunto de vários mecanismos. Cada um deles pertence a um padrão do grupo 802.1. O trabalho realizado aqui, fala sobre oito dos principais mecanismos. Deste modo o leitor, que possua algum nível de informação sobre redes, é capaz de compreender os mecanismos mais relevantes e por conseguinte entender como a rede sensível ao tempo funciona e todo o seu potencial