1,162,887 research outputs found

    Determinan Perilaku SADARI Remaja Putri dalam Upaya Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara di SMK Negeri 8 Medan Tahun 2014

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    Breast cancer is a disease that occurs due to abnormal growth of cells in the breast tissue if not sooner in the handle will cause death. According to Riskesdas (2009), the highest cancer afflicting Indonesia women\u27s breast cancer incidence by number 26 per 100,000 women. While according to SIRS (2011), breast cancer ranks first on the inpatient cancer patients throughout the hospital in Indonesia (16,85%). The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the determinants of behavior breast self-examination (BSE) young women in SMK Negeri 8 Medan by 2014. Factors which affect, among others, age, family disease history, knowledge, attitude, and the nearest source of information. Type of this research is quantitative research is deskritif. The population in this research is the young women who attend school in SMK Negeri 8 Medan and samples taken as many as 89 people. Sampling techniques that used for stratified random sampling. Data obtained through interviews with a questionnaire and analyzed using Independent Test Sample Test and Chi-square. Based on the research found that there was an association ( p < 0,05 ) between the ages of with the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of between the acts of family sickness with the act of breast self - examination (BSE) , would be aware of between knowledge by the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of bet breast self - examination (BSE), ween attitude with the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of between a source of information with the act of breast self - examination (BSE) and between persons nearest to the act of breast self - examination (BSE). According to research above and suggested to dept. of health and puskesmas to increase promotion of health on the dangers of breast cancer and important realize to women especially teenage girls

    Psychoeducational Group Counseling to Enhance Self-Control in Middle School Students

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    This study evaluated self-control of middle school students (6th-8th graders) in a psychoeducational group. The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not students are learning and becoming more aware of their own self-control during situations they may encounter. Students attending a Lunch Bunch group have focused on aspects of learning and enhancing their self-control. A pre-test/post-test was used to evaluate students’ self-control using a 10-item self-reporting survey. Data analysis in the study included a comparison between students’ responses on the pre and post self-control survey. Moreover, conclusions were also drawn regarding differences in group experiences between students with an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) and those without

    Self-regulation as Correlates to Students' Voices and Achievement in TOEFL Score

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    Students' engagement and persistence in test preparation require their use of self-regulated learning strategies to negate distraction and facilitate good preparation. This research aimed to investigate students' self-regulation strategies when taking a TOEFL preparation course, by measuring their attitudes towards the course and analyzing the correlation between their pre-test and progress test scores. The data collected comprised self-reported answers from a Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and the scores of a pre-test and progress test taken by the students during the course. The students were cognizant that hard work affected learning performance, valuing in particular overcoming difficult tasks or continuing to learn even when performance lagged. A strong positive correlation was also found between pre-test and progress test scores (r = 0.8422), indicating high academic performance in the students. These findings emphasize the importance of developing students' methods of learning and practice. Students should be empowered to become regulated-learners, and should be made more aware of different self-regulated learning strategies to better evaluate, regulate, and improve their own performance

    Self-esteem and mood in obese children and their mothers: A pilot study

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    Objective: A test-retest pilot study was conducted to examine the relationship between overweight/obesity, self-esteem and mood in a group of school-age children, and the degree to which they changed after a tailored psycho-educational intervention. Before and after administering the psycho-educational training, the following aspects were assessed: the child's weight (BMI); the child's and mother's levels of self-esteem and mood; the mother's perception of their child; and the child's general quality of life. Method: Subject to their prior informed consent, 12 overweight/obese children aged between 8 and 13 years, and their mothers were involved in a psycho-educational intervention, which consisted in four meetings with both the children and their mothers. The study consisted in measuring anthropometric parameters and administering specific psychological tests (the CDI, TMA, BDI, B-SE, and CBCL) to both the children and their mothers before and after the psycho-educational intervention. Results: The results showed that a high BMI was associated with depressive symptoms (anhedonia, negative mood) and low self-esteem (family life, body experience). Low levels of self-esteem were also found in 50% of the mothers, with no correlations between the mother's and child's self-esteem. On analyzing the mothers' clinically significant depressive symptoms (cognitive-affective sphere), it emerged that they included the perception of more problems in their child. After the psycho-educational intervention, there were improvements in: the children's BMI; the children's depressive symptoms and self-esteem; the mothers' depressive symptoms and self-esteem; and the mothers' perceptions of their child's problems. Conclusions: Our case series confirmed the association between overweight/obesity and psychological issues. Overweight/obese children need to be also addressed regarding the psychological fallout of their physical condition. Any intervention must also include the parents, to make them more aware, more committed, and better able to help their child change

    Self-regulation as Correlates to Students’ Voices and Achievement in TOEFL Score

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    Students’ engagement and persistence in test preparation require their use of self-regulated learning strategies to negate distraction and facilitate good preparation. This research aimed to investigate students’ self-regulation strategies when taking a TOEFL preparation course, by measuring their attitudes towards the course and analyzing the correlation between their pre-test and progress test scores. The data collected comprised self-reported answers from a Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and the scores of a pre-test and progress test taken by the students during the course. The students were cognizant that hard work affected learning performance, valuing in particular overcoming difficult tasks or continuing to learn even when performance lagged. A strong positive correlation was also found between pre-test and progress test scores (r = 0.8422), indicating high academic performance in the students. These findings emphasize the importance of developing students’ methods of learning and practice. Students should be empowered to become regulated-learners, and should be made more aware of different self-regulated learning strategies to better evaluate, regulate, and improve their own performance

    K-State Libraries Usability Team report: self-checkout machine mini test

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    K-State Libraries employs a patron-centered approach to information finding and resource sharing that makes our online and physical presence easy to navigate, sought out by patrons, valid in content, and reliable in currency of information. The primary outcome of this usability test was to determine the optimal placement of two self-checkout machines on the main floor of Hale Library, the campus’ largest library. This test was conducted during the summer of 2014 and, again at mid-fall of the same year when checkout totals were the greatest. We found that the majority of patrons who participated in the test had used the self-checkout machines before, or were at least aware of their availability in Hale Library. Heat maps were created from survey feedback to identify the preferred locations for the two self-check machines

    Recent Trends and Perspectives on Defect-Oriented Testing

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    Electronics employed in modern safety-critical systems require severe qualification during the manufacturing process and in the field, to prevent fault effects from manifesting themselves as critical failures during mission operations. Traditional fault models are not sufficient anymore to guarantee the required quality levels for chips utilized in mission-critical applications. The research community and industry have been investigating new test approaches such as device-aware test, cell-aware test, path-delay test, and even test methodologies based on the analysis of manufacturing data to move the scope from OPPM to OPPB. This special session presents four contributions, from academic researchers and industry professionals, to enable better chip quality. We present results on various activities towards this objective, including device-aware test, software-based self-test, and memory test

    Relationship Between Self-Esteem And Personal Development Of Prison Inmates In Jalingo, Taraba State Nigeria

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    This research highlights the relationship between self-esteem and personal development of prison inmates in the Jalingo prison in Taraba state. Additionally, it aimed to identify whether there are differences in self esteem between male and female inmates. The objectives of this study were achieved by sampling two hundred and fifty inmates from the Jalingo prison drawn for the study. The research instruments developed were a twenty- item questionnaire used for the pre-test and post-test. The instruments were tagged Self-Esteem Questionnaire (SEQ) and Personal Development Inventory (PDI). Inmates were randomly selected. The Pearson’s correlation formula and t-test were used for data analyses. The results of the study showed that Self-Esteem and Personal Development of Inmates are positively correlated (0.417). There is a significant difference in the level of personal development between male and female inmates and, no significant difference exists between self-esteem among male and female inmates. The study however, concluded that self esteem of inmates has a direct relationship with inmates’ personal development. Also, personal development of inmates differs according to gender but self esteem among inmates do not differ in terms of gender differential. It was recommended that government and especially, counsellors and prison officers should be aware of the link between self-esteem and personal development in inmates and should employ self esteem strategy as a rehabilitative technique among inmates. Key words: Development, Counseling, inmates, Prison, Self-Estee
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