32,625 research outputs found

    Anomal-E: A Self-Supervised Network Intrusion Detection System based on Graph Neural Networks

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    This paper investigates Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) application for self-supervised network intrusion and anomaly detection. GNNs are a deep learning approach for graph-based data that incorporate graph structures into learning to generalise graph representations and output embeddings. As network flows are naturally graph-based, GNNs are a suitable fit for analysing and learning network behaviour. The majority of current implementations of GNN-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) rely heavily on labelled network traffic which can not only restrict the amount and structure of input traffic, but also the NIDSs potential to adapt to unseen attacks. To overcome these restrictions, we present Anomal-E, a GNN approach to intrusion and anomaly detection that leverages edge features and graph topological structure in a self-supervised process. This approach is, to the best our knowledge, the first successful and practical approach to network intrusion detection that utilises network flows in a self-supervised, edge leveraging GNN. Experimental results on two modern benchmark NIDS datasets not only clearly display the improvement of using Anomal-E embeddings rather than raw features, but also the potential Anomal-E has for detection on wild network traffic

    Lightweight Deep Learning Framework to Detect Botnets in IoT Sensor Networks by using Hybrid Self-Organizing Map

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    In recent years, we have witnessed a massive growth of intrusion attacks targeted at the internet of things (IoT) devices. Due to inherent security vulnerabilities, it has become an easy target for hackers to target these devices. Recent studies have been focusing on deploying intrusion detection systems at the edge of the network within these devices to localize threat mitigation to avoid computational expenses. Intrusion detection systems based on machine learning and deep learning algorithm have demonstrated the potential capability to detect zero-day attacks where traditional signature-based detection falls short. The paper aims to propose a lightweight and robust deep learning framework for intrusion detection that has computational potential to be deployed within IoT devices. The research builds upon previous researches showing the demonstrated efficiency of anomaly detection rates of self-organizing map-based intrusion. The paper will contribute to the existing body of knowledge by creating a hybrid self-organizing map (SOM) for the purpose of detecting botnet attacks and analyzing its accuracy compared with a traditional supervised artificial neural network (ANN). The paper also aims to answer questions regarding the computational efficiency of our hybrid self-organizing map by measuring the CPU consumption based on time to train model. The deep learning prototypes will be trained on the NSL-KDD dataset and Detection of IoT botnet Attacks dataset. The study will evaluate the performance of a self-organizing map based k-nearest neighbor prototype with the performance of a supervised artificial neural network based on validation metrics such as confusion matrix, f1, recall, precision, and accuracy score

    Deep Learning Algorithms Used in Intrusion Detection Systems -- A Review

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    The increase in network attacks has necessitated the development of robust and efficient intrusion detection systems (IDS) capable of identifying malicious activities in real-time. In the last five years, deep learning algorithms have emerged as powerful tools in this domain, offering enhanced detection capabilities compared to traditional methods. This review paper studies recent advancements in the application of deep learning techniques, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Deep Belief Networks (DBN), Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), autoencoders (AE), Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP), Self-Normalizing Networks (SNN) and hybrid models, within network intrusion detection systems. we delve into the unique architectures, training models, and classification methodologies tailored for network traffic analysis and anomaly detection. Furthermore, we analyze the strengths and limitations of each deep learning approach in terms of detection accuracy, computational efficiency, scalability, and adaptability to evolving threats. Additionally, this paper highlights prominent datasets and benchmarking frameworks commonly utilized for evaluating the performance of deep learning-based IDS. This review will provide researchers and industry practitioners with valuable insights into the state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms for enhancing the security framework of network environments through intrusion detection

    Network intrusion detection with Naïve Bayes Classification and Self Organizing Maps

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.In this digital period, internet has turned into an indispensable wellspring of correspondence in just about every calling. With the expanded use of system engineering, its security has developed to be exceptionally discriminating issue as the workstations in distinctive association hold very private data and touchy information. The system used to screen the system security is known as Network detection. Intrusion detection is to get ambushes against a machine structure. It is a discriminating enhancement great to go part and additionally an element extent of examination. In Information Security, Intrusion recognizable proof is the showing of placing exercises that attempt to deal the protection, respectability or availability of a benefit. It accepts an astoundingly key part in waylay area, security check and framework inspect. One of the vital tests to Intrusion Detection is the issue of misjudgement, misdetection and unsuccessful deficiency of steady response to the strike. In the past years, as the second line of boundary after firewall, the Intrusion Detection strategy has got speedy progression. This research work prepares two diverse Machine Learning techniques, both supervised and unsupervised, for Network Intrusion Detection. These techniques are Naïve Bayes (supervised learning) and Self Organizing Maps (unsupervised learning). The KDD Cup 99 dataset is utilized for Intrusion Detection Problem. As KDD Cup 99 dataset holds some symbolic attribute and also numeric attributes, two sorts of transformation technique have been utilized for these properties. These are conditional probabilities conversion technique and indicator variables transformation. The two machine learning procedures are prepared on both kind of transformed dataset and afterward their outcomes are looked at with respect to the correctness of intrusion detection

    Anomaly detection using prior knowledge: application to TCP/IP traffic

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    This article introduces an approach to anomaly intrusion detection based on a combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms. The main objective of this work is an effective modeling of the TCP/IP network traffic of an organization that allows the detection of anomalies with an efficient percentage of false positives for a production environment. The architecture proposed uses a hierarchy of Self-Organizing Maps for traffic modeling combined with Learning Vector Quantization techniques to ultimately classify network packets. The architecture is developed using the known SNORT intrusion detection system to preprocess network traffic. In comparison to other techniques, results obtained in this work show that acceptable levels of compromise between attack detection and false positive rates can be achieved.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Neural NetsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    With the explosive development of the critical services network systems and Internet, the need for networks security systems have become even critical with the enlargement of information technology in everyday life. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) provides an in-line mechanism focus on identifying and blocking malicious network activity in real time. This thesis presents new intrusion prevention and self-healing system (SH) for critical services network security. The design features of the proposed system are inspired by the human immune system, integrated with pattern recognition nonlinear classification algorithm and machine learning. Firstly, the current intrusions preventions systems, biological innate and adaptive immune systems, autonomic computing and self-healing mechanisms are studied and analyzed. The importance of intrusion prevention system recommends that artificial immune systems (AIS) should incorporate abstraction models from innate, adaptive immune system, pattern recognition, machine learning and self-healing mechanisms to present autonomous IPS system with fast and high accurate detection and prevention performance and survivability for critical services network system. Secondly, specification language, system design, mathematical and computational models for IPS and SH system are established, which are based upon nonlinear classification, prevention predictability trust, analysis, self-adaptation and self-healing algorithms. Finally, the validation of the system carried out by simulation tests, measuring, benchmarking and comparative studies. New benchmarking metrics for detection capabilities, prevention predictability trust and self-healing reliability are introduced as contributions for the IPS and SH system measuring and validation. Using the software system, design theories, AIS features, new nonlinear classification algorithm, and self-healing system show how the use of presented systems can ensure safety for critical services networks and heal the damage caused by intrusion. This autonomous system improves the performance of the current intrusion prevention system and carries on system continuity by using self-healing mechanism

    Intrusion Detection Using Self-Training Support Vector Machines

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    Intrusion is broadly defined as a successful attack on a network. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a software tool used to detect unauthorized access to a computer system or network. It is a dynamic monitoring entity that complements the static monitoring abilities of a firewall. Data Mining techniques provide efficient methods for the development of IDS. The idea behind using data mining techniques is that they can automate the process of creating traffic models from some reference data and thereby eliminate the need of laborious manual intervention. Such systems are capable of detecting not only known attacks but also their variations.Existing IDS technologies, on the basis of detection methodology are broadly classified as Misuse or Signature Based Detection and Anomaly Detection Based System. The idea behind misuse detection consists of comparing network traffic against a Model describing known intrusion. The anomaly detection method is based on the analysis of the profiles that represent normal traffic behavior. Semi-Supervised systems for anomaly detection would reduce the demands of the training process by reducing the requirement of training labeled data. A Self Training Support Vector Machine based detection algorithm is presented in this thesis. In the past, Self-Training of SVM has been successfully used for reducing the size of labeled training set in other domains. A similar method was implemented and results of the simulation performed on the KDD Cup 99 dataset for intrusion detection show a reduction of upto 90% in the size of labeled training set required as compared to the supervised learning techniques

    Experiments with Applying Artificial Immune System in Network Attack Detection

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    The assurance of security within a network is difficult due to the variations of attacks. This research conducts various experiments to implement an Artificial Immune System based Intrusion Detection System to identify intrusions using the Negative Selection Algorithm. This research explores the implementation of an Artificial Immune System opposed to the industry standard of machine learning. Various experiments were conducted to identify a method to separate data to avoid false-positive results. The use of an Artificial Immune System requires a self and nonself classification to determine if an intrusion is present within the network. The results of an Artificial Immune System based Intrusion Detection System achieved high accuracy when the data records were separated by service. The Negative Selection Algorithm created a range and it provided detectors to determine if an intrusion was present based off of the threshold. The threshold is the number of detectors that must be triggered for the system to identify an intrusion. Many services were unusable as they did contain the requirement of both self and nonself data records, that did not overlap. The results were high accuracies in general for the remaining tested services